Document:LNC Resolution 12-13 March 1983 Regarding National Chair

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Resolved at the March 12-13, 1983 LNC Meeting:

POSITION DESCRIPTION OF NATIONAL CHAIR: BASIC FUNCTIONS: (1) The Chair serves as chief executive officer of the Party and reports to the National Committee. (2) The Chair serves as the presiding officer of the National Committee and, in that capacity, guides the deliberations  and  activities of the National Committee according to Party Bylaws, may convene  a National Committee meeting according to the Party Bylaws, serves as a full voting member of the National Committee and serves as a nonvoting members of all committees appointed by the National Committee. (3) The Chair serves as the presiding officer of all National Conventions and, in that capacity, guides the deliberations and activities of the National Conventions according to the Party Bylaws and adopted Convention Rules, and is automatically entitled to delegate status at National Conventions. (4) As chief executive of the Party, the Chair, along with the National Committee, is responsible for ensuring the direction and management of activities, affairs, properties, and funds of the Party with the objective of achieving the Purposes of the Party according to the Party Bylaws and the policies established by the National Committee. (5) As chief executive of the Party, the Chair, along with the National Committee, is responsible for establishing current and long-range Policies and Plans subject to the approval of the National Committee. (6) As chief executive of the Party, the Chair is responsible for representing the Party with the business community, the news media, and the public. (7)As chief executive of the Party, the Chair is responsible for the direction and accomplishment of Policies, Plans, Programs and Projects as approved or adopted by the National Committee. (8) As chief executive of the Party, the Chair is responsible for the leadership and overall executive support of the structural components of the Party including the National Committee subcommittees and the National Headquarters organization. (9) As chief executive of the Party, the Chair is responsible for formal recommendations of beneficial new Policies,  Plans, Programs, and Projects to the National Committee and its subcommittees. (10) As chief executive of the Party, the Chair is responsible for the interpretation of  Party executives and National Committee subcommittees, for advising and counseling them, and for assisting them to develop and succeed.

AUTHORITY AND RESPONSIBILITIES: (l) The Chair ensures the development of Policies and Plans as needed to accomplish and implement the Purposes of the Party, develops these with the advice of the National Committee and its subcommittees and National Headquarters management, and submits these to the National Committee for their approval. (2) The chair ensures that the Party's Policies and Plans are uniformly understood and properly interpreted and administered by National Headquarters management, and reviews and approves internal policies and plans of the National Headquarters management. (3) The Chair ensures that adequate plans for future development and growth of the Party are prepared, and participates in their preparation and periodic presentation for general review and approval by the National Committee. (4) The Chair ensures the development of proposed operating income and expenditure budgets, and the presentation of these for review and approval by the National Committee. (5) The Chair ensures the development of Programs as needed to implement the Party's plans, delegates their development to the National Committee and its subcommittees and National Headquarters management, and approves their implementation. (6) The Chair ensures the development of Projects at the National Headquarters as needed to implement Programs, delegates their development to National Headquarters management, and approves all National Headquarters' projects before their execution. (7) The Chair provides advice and counsel to National Headquarters management in order to establish procedures to coordinate activities through National Headquarters and to ensure production levels of required activities through the National Headquarters so as to provide implementation of Programs and the execution of Projects. (8) The Chair may initiate, approve, and order the expenditure of up to $l,000 on any project unbudgeted by the National Committee. (9) The Chair, with advance knowledge and approval of the National Committee plans and directs all investigations and negotiations pertaining to cooperative efforts of the National Party with nonlibertarian political organizations, and the acquisition or sale of major assets. (10) The Chair analyzes and evaluates the performance of activities and operating results of the National Headquarters and the Party and its affiliates relative to their consistency with and contribution towards established Purposes, Policies, Plans, Programs, and Projects and ensures the appropriate steps, as possible according to the Party Bylaws, are taken to correct unsatisfactory conditions. (11) The Chair ensures the adequacy and soundness of the Party's financial structure, reviews projections of the working capital requirements, and negotiates and otherwise arranges for any outside financing that may be indicated. (12) The Chair establishes and maintains an effective system of internal communications throughout the Party and external communications with affiliates, the news media, and other similar groups as appropriate. {13) The Chair supervises the National Director and prescribes the specific limitations on the authority of the National Headquarters management regarding Policies, Plans, Programs, Projects, contractual commitments, expenditures, and personnel actions. The appointment, employment, and termination of all National Headquarters personnel must have the advice and consent of the Chair. The Chair appoints and employs the National Director with the advice and consent of the National Committee but the Chair may discharge the Director without such advice or consent. The Chair's authority to appoint and employ the Director is subject to the authority of the National Committee to discharge the Director at any time by a majority vote. (14) The Chair ensures the adequacy of the services provided to the National Committee and its subcommittees and the Party and its campaign committees, its affiliates and their campaign committees by the National Headquarters management by the National Committee and its subcommittees and mediates any conflicts arising between these groups. 115) The Chair plans for the development of personnel resources within the Party and maintains Programs which will encourage successful future management of the National Headquarters and the Party. (16) The Chair takes such steps as are possible according to the Party Bylaws to protect and enhance the Party's investments in affiliate organizations. (17) The Chair represents and serves as the chief spokesperson of the Party as appropriate in its relationships with the financial and business community, major suppliers, government agencies, elected officials, other political organizations, the news media, and other similar groups, and the public. (18) The Chair, along with the National Treasurer, approves all contracts of over $1000 prior to any commitment of the Party to the contracts. (19) The Chair delegates portions of activities, responsibilities, and authorities, as necessary, desirable, and appropriate, and according to the Party Bylaws, to Party Officers, the National Committee and its subcommittees, and the National Headquarters management. However, the Chair does not delegate any portion of overall responsibility or any portion of accountability. The Chair ensures that the responsibilities, authorities and accountability of National Headquarters management is defined and understood. (20) The Chair assumes other special activities, functions, responsibilities, and duties as delegated by the National Committee or as prescribed by changes in the Party Bylaws.

Note: This was indexed in an official Resolution Index and identified as Resolution 239 therein. It is noted that this was amended at the September 2, 1987 meeting. This is the amended language.
