International Alliance of Libertarian Parties

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The International Alliance of Libertarian Parties (IALP) is an alliance of libertarian parties from across the globe. Founded in 6 March 2015, the bottom-up organization serves its member parties by facilitating the exchange of knowledge & experiences, and supporting libertarianism in a global scale. It does not seek to compete with the countless other libertarian organizations around the world, but sees them as partners to a common goal. 'The IALP is an association as defined in Art. 60 and related articles of the Swiss Civil Code (ZGB) with legal domicile in Baar, Switzerland.'[1][2] Geoff Neale serves as chairman.[3][4]


 The IALP was formally chartered by its Founding Members on March 6th, 2015, in Bournemouth, UK.

— Our History[5]


 Our vision is:
 • To identify and bring together the participants in this global libertarian political movement into a single and visible body, so that people both    inside and outside of the libertarian spectrum can be more aware of the scope of our movement. We are reaching out to libertarian parties everywhere, and     we welcome all to join with us.
 • To promote this global movement both internally and externally. Internally we are starting the process of sharing and educating each other on what we’ve learned and what has worked for each of us. Externally we will be publishing the activities of this global movement through our website. Come here to find out what’s happening around the libertarian political world.

— Overview of the International Alliance of Libertarian Parties[1]


 Article 2 – Purpose
 The Purposes of the International Alliance of Libertarian Parties (IALP) are:
 1. to establish, maintain and promote a harmonious and collaborative network of independent libertarian political parties from around the globe;
 2. to foster and facilitate the sharing of political strategies, tactics, experiences and best practices among its Members; and
 3. to establish, maintain and promote libertarian political perspective and solutions as a global brand.?

— IALP Charter as Amended April 21, 2018 in Prague, Czechia[6]


Founding member parties

The 10 founding members present (physically & virtually) were the following:

 Jurisdiction | Party name ("Transliteration";'Translation')
  • United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland | 'Libertarian Party'
  • Netherlands | Libertarische Partij ('Libertarian Party')
  • French Republic | Mouvement des Libertariens ('Libertarian Movement') now Parti Libertarien ('Libertarian Party')
  • Federal Republic of Germany | Partei der Vernunft ('Party of Reason')
  • Kingdom of Belgium | Parti Libertarien ('Libertarian Party')
  • Kingdom of Spain | Partido Libertario ('Libertarian Party')
  • Swiss Confederation | Unabhängigskeitpartei Up! ('Independence Party Up!')
  • United States of America | Libertarian Party
  • Russian Federation | ??????????????? ?????? ?????? ("Libertarianskaya partiya Rossii"; 'Libertarian Party of Russia')
  • South Africa | Libertarian Party of South Africa

— Our History[5]

11 Added member parties

 Jurisdiction | Party name ("Transliteration";'Translation')
  • Commonwealth of Australia | Liberal Democratic Party
  • Canada | Libertarian Party of Canada
  • Republic of Colombia | Libertario ('Libertarian')
  • Czech Republic | Strana svobodných ob?an? ('Party of Free Citizens' or 'Free Citizens' Party')
  • Italian Republic | Movimento Libertario ('Libertarian Movement')
  • Republic of Côte d'Ivoire/Ivory Coast | Liberte et Democratie pour la Republique ('Liberty and Democracy for the Republic')
  • Kingdom of Norway | Liberalistene ('Capitalist Party'; lit. 'The Liberals')
  • Republic of Poland | Partia Wolno?? ('Freedom Party')
  • Portuguese Republic | Partido Libertário ('Libertarian Party')
  • Scotland | Scottish Libertarians
  • Kingdom of Sweden | Liberala Partiet ('Liberal Party')



ONLY PARTIES can join the alliance, NOT individuals, NOT member parties' subsidiaries and/or affiliates. Both established & emerging parties attempting to gain recognition may join so long as they engaging in real political activities, are 'essentially libertarian', and do not endorse or promote anything detrimental to individual liberties.

Prospective member parties must formally request for membership and accept the accept the IALP Charter's terms before being admitted by majority vote of existing members.

 What do we mean by essentially libertarian? We recognize that politics is a realm of selective prioritisation of objectives and methods. Each Member chooses which issues, causes and candidates it supports. This leads to differences of strategies, and the emphasising or de-emphasising of various perspectives. We do not impose on our Members, but we expect them to advocate for the increase of personal liberties, and to never advocate for the diminishment of personal liberties.

— Join the IALP[8]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Overview of the International Alliance of Libertarian Parties, International Alliance of Libertarian Parties,, retrieved 25 March 2019 
  2. IALP Charter as Amended April 21, 2018 in Prague, Czechia, International Alliance of Libertarian Parties,, retrieved 25 March 2019 
  3. Founding of the IALP,,, retrieved 26 March 2019 
  4. Join LNC Chair Nicholas Sarwark in Puerto Rico for Liberty International World Conference, Libertarian Party,, retrieved 26 March 2019 
  5. 5.0 5.1 Our History, International Alliance of Libertarian Parties,, retrieved 25 March 2019 
  6. IALP Charter as Amended April 21, 2018 in Prague, Czechia, International Alliance of Libertarian Parties,, retrieved 25 March 2019 
  7. IALP MEMBERS, International Alliance of Libertarian Parties,, retrieved 25 March 2019 
  8. Join the IALP, International Alliance of Libertarian Parties,, retrieved 25 March 2019