Document:Colorado CLipBoard July 1986

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CO COClip 1985-05 cover.jpg

CLiPboard July, 1986


1986 CLiPboard


2nd Wed of month: Informal cocktail party at Bob & Betty Hurt's, 14~6 Fillmore, 7:30PM.

4th Wed. of month: Board of Directors meeting at CLP office, 7:30PM.

Dwight Filley is having a letter writing get together on the 4th Tues, .July the 25th. Call at 322-2689 for details. This uill be somewhat of a party -brainstor·ming sessic•n BYOB & food.

Freedom is NOT free... Please give time &/or$$$

·-·-·· _________ .,_.___...._______ , ________ --~ • . 3..; -------·--·-·-·--------..... ___________ ·----·-· ­


P~'nn 1-'fiffner, Chair ..... . 427-4357 Davi d Dan i e l s, Campaigns .. b30·-·8125 Duug Ande1·son, Membership . 757-8896 D0u9 NL,sbaum, Communication 480-ov:--;5 Prest:on Adams, Finance ..... . 779-·5715

Editor of Colorado Liberty is: Kate 830--1401

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lhe NCBA is a first amendment (political> organization whose special concerns are hard money, constitutional law and home educa~ion. 1he Aug issue of COLO. LIBERTY will have more information o" the

ftroup. Thei.; will have an open house on the 4th Friday, ,J;Jl'.J 25th. Phone number· is 337-9617. See 1·elated stoT"ies and Rall14 f~d belou.

For some interesting radio talk turn to KLTT radio 800 AM ior the Lary Lopez Alexander show, Monday thru Fri. 6:00 to 8:0 p.~ Though this is Christian radio show, it tends to a libertarisn constitutional orien~ation.

EverLJ Tuesday at 8: 00 p. m. there is a seminar on constit,;ticr;~l 1.;n...: given by John Pleasant at his residence. Call 761-4565

Colorado Tax Limit<=:1tion amendment needs volunteers ·Por iil •...1ell org.anized petit:i.on drive. Sec· $tory below.

---·-.,_·------·--·------------·---·----·~ ----·-----------· -·-····..-·------.. __.._...______--------­

    • 4-ll·**~· U S lJ A L S T U F r

Tr~asury has about $1000. 00

H E: L P '. ! H E L P: ! HELP! ll E L :-'! ! !IELP!!

Can anybody help with clc·rical stuff? Penn needs a pe1•son to -~-,::ilunteer one mDrning a month.

We can help someone. If you would like to us~ an oPfice in ~,change for answering the phone and a nominal monthly fee, contact Dave Daniels about sharing the Party office, and having it almost all to yourself

P,ND OF COURSE.. ~-le can aliuays use yuur money. If 1Jou c~ri a-Fford i+.;

please pledge support and/01· Join the party a~ a paying me~bar. Our fore-fathers, and mothers, pledged their lives, their f-01 r~une·s and their· sacred honor to Qive us the freedoms we take for Rranted. Can you P l e d g e 1 / 2 o ·P ~ o u r we e 1:1 y <p i c k one -t win ke· ~ , c h o c o 1 ate, c i g -::l r e t t e ·s , beer) ration to help maintain tho~e Freedoms? A good way to de this is to hRve a Jar, and everytime you purchase one oF the pledged iteGs, put a matching amount in the Jar.

  • * ·* ·ll· ·ii-* * N E W S & N Cl T E S ~ * -=1-4 -4-~-"*

Besides being the home of the Libertarian Party, Colorado is also the home of the National Commodity and Barter AssDciation, about which more in the next issue of the Liberty. Its Founder, Joh~ <Jrandbush d1 .,.,d of a rH?drt attack jn early June. His su:.c:esso-:-· ,J,.:;i1n Voss has been under criminal investigation by tho IRS for about 5 years.

His t,'ial was the week of the 23rd of June. The charges ~ere willful ·Failure to file·. It took the Jury all of :I hour 15 min to retuT'n a not guilttJ verdict. In the office u,e huve a copy oF the u11tierlyi:1g paperwork which made this verdict possible. He will be sp2aking at a rally on August 2nd and 3rd as described below.

Mary Margaret, a Libertar·ian in Ft. Collins, anci a movc->r -:Hld sh-=tker in

the same city has planned a convention to discuss the practical problems

and possible associated solutions of moving 1000 Libertarians to Ft.

Collins within the year. For information Write to 1317 Lake~c~d Drive;

Ft. Collins Colo., 80521, en-call 1-484-8184. $l.. 00 contrib..iUons .::,re

requested to help defer ~xpenses.

_.._____.._··-·--------·--·-------------··-----·..--·----.... ·------------------···----·-_......----·-------"'­ L I M 1 T A T I O N

In the last issue we told you oF a state constitutional amendment which would prohibit the rasising of taxes without the persons affected fl i. v i ng a fav •:i r ·=" b l e v o t P. in the ne xt g·e n era l e l e c t i o n . Tn e p::1 r t i es backing this ammendment, including many libertarians, need 70,000

si!'.)natures, and already have about 407. of that goal, as o·i! ttiis wri·<;inq.

The deadline i·:; the 31st oF ,July, so please help. More in-~OT.":"\,.:.1tion can

be obtained by contacting Steve Shoe. He is the full time co-ordinator

o P t 11 is p r o J e c t an ct can b e rea c hed d LI r ing the d a lJ d t  ;~92-051 4.



Ddve Aitken is running a realistic race for House District #6. So far we have commitments for newspaper ads (Life en Capitol Hill) and for bus benches. Contributions From our Libertarian membership ari:.' ne.ed,?d, and at least another $2500 is n~eded for further advertisina Please send IJucks to: Citizens for David Aitken, P. O. Box 6?J2, Denver Col•:>. 80206

Dave also needs volunteers to make his petition collection effart

into a strong campaign event. One afternoon will probably be set aside during July. This event will take no more then Four hours of your time. Call Uave Daniels for specific information.

The LibertariaD pa~ty will not be represented in front of the public this year 1;nle:1s the membership moves QUICKLY to get on the ballo-!.:: as lineholders. l,,Je need cc:1ndidstes for Lt. (~ovet'nor, s~nator all Congressional districts and mC11·e. Nominating petitions. r.w-;;t b-:: ~;urned in to the Secretary cf State no later then 3:00 p.m. August 5th. Petiti.oiners need 500 ',;jgnattn·es Por CcmgrE•ss·-person or· Sen.;:;b:>r, 10-:JG< si~natures for an,J stah=wide office such as Governor, anti only 300 signatures to run for either branch of the statehouse. Call Dave Daniels for more information (830-8125 daytime).

The fallowing is a paid. political anounc~m.nt

                                                                • ~*********************:·•,·t**t***~~*~~"~*****
  • Champions 6f Freedom Rally *
  • Colorado Springs Colorado *
  • Cl-.:lrion Hoitel, 2886 S . Circle D1 iv~r 303-576-590:) 0;1­-ll· August 2nd and 3rd, 1CJ86 -::i­* Registration begins Saturday 8 a.m. * ·l!· Meeting 9 a. m. to 10 p. m., Sunday 9 a. m. to 3 p. ,-;1_ *
  • *
  • Various Speakers on hard money, Constitutional Law, the Federal * * Het;erve, thia> IRS, and other topics of :inte1' est. *
  • 1wo of the many featured speakers are Marvin Cooley, and Coloradas * * own John Voss <see above). *
  • Registration fee is $35.00 single, each addl Pamily membar is * * $20.00 Call The Justice Times 501-745-2200, or writr P.O. Vo~ 562, *
  • CJ into n A~ . 7;2031. ******************************************************~~}*************** *

Ljbertarians are welcome to have information boths. Write er call for for in Pcn·mation.


Bulk Rate Colo. Libert.;arian f->arttJ IJ. S. Postage 2 J 86 So. Ho 1 l y s tre e t . PAID Denver Colorado, 80?22 p er,,ii 't #675 !Denver Co. 80222!

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One record listed.

CO-COCLip 1986 Mailing-Label.png