Document:Colorado CLiPboard October 1985
CLiPboard October, 1985
2nd Wed. of each month: Informal cocktail party at Bob and Betty
Hurt's, 1456 Fillmore, 7:30PM. See you on November 13th!!
1st & 3rd Weds. of each month: WORKNIGHTS at the CLP office, 2186
So . Holly, #207B (6:00-8:30). Please help us keep the lines of communication open . just an hour of your time can make the difference!
4th Wed . of each month: Board of Directors meets at CLP office, 7 : 30. We ' d like to have your input throughout these discussions . DATE CHANGE : 'i'he Nov. meeting will be Nov.26th. The Dec. meeting will be Dec.18th due to major holidays.
STATE CONVENTION: Spring seems far off, but mark the 1st or 2nd week in May for this convention in Colo. Springs.
NATIONAL CONVENTION -As long as you have a few calendars out, how about a trip to Seattle in Feb. or March, 1988?
As 1 86 campaigns near, we'd like to focus our efforts and resources on TWO local races, one of which is the house seat in District 6.
Our aim is to WIN, not simply make a "good show" at the polls. We need your support: $20,000 is our campaign fund goal . We have a serious candidate for one of these races who is analyzing strategies now. Please call Kate Barriteau (W-778-1404; H-830-1401) if you'd like to serve as a lineholder or candidate, and send your campaign contributions to the CLP office to make this a WINNING effort!
If you're presently a CLP member, you're eligible to serve on a committee to rev iew Constitution, by-laws and platform. We need 10 people (2 committees of 5) to give approx. 12 hrs. of time during Jan., Feb., and March in preparation for the State Convention in May. Please call any board member to sign up or the CLP office, 753-6789.
Word has come to the CLP that the Denver Post is in need of "Letters to the Editor." By responding to this need, you can become our "November Writer of the Month." We'll be glad to assist you in brainstorming, typing, mailing, etc. of a "Letter" or press release.
Call Brenda Nilson at the office (753-6789) or Kate Barriteau.
This can be a major event for Libertarians. Please call any board member with your idea so that we can begin planning.
14 October, 1985
Dear CLP Member and Supporter:
Like you , I believe in the free market . I believe that supply and demand should dictate the production of any commodity. The commodity I would like to talk about here is the Colorado Libertarian Party.
The supply is barely adequate. We have an office and the necessary equipment to produce our excellent newspaper, newsletter, and keep in touch with our members. People interested in the Libertarian Party have a place to get more information.
The demand is the problem. The contributions and membership dues aren't paying the way for the minimum supply of CLP. Our average finances are shown below:
The Supply The Demand
Rent .. ... .. .......... $219 / mo. Membership dues .. ... ... .. $155 / mo.
Telephone ..... ....... 99 / mo. Pledges ....... ....... .... 230 / mo.
Insurance . . ...... . ... 29 / mo. Mi sc. cont ributions ...... 55 / mo.
Postage .............. 69 / mo. Total .. ............ .. .. $440 / mo.
Colorado Liberty ..... 570 / qtr.
Suppli es ..... ...... .. 20 / mo.
Total. ......... . ... $626 / mo.
In a free market, the supply will (in the long term) match the demand . We can ' t really decrease this basic supply without seriously damaging our credibility as a political organization. But that must happen, unless the demand increases.
If you care that the CLP survives, please make a monthly pledge. One-time contributions will help in the short run, but monthly pledges keep us from const antly struggling for existence. We have better things to do.
Hopefully, demand will someday exceed supply. The Libertarian Party will move for ward only when that happens. If you are assuming that someone else will provide the demand, don't be surprised when the supply disappears. It will happen.
Keane Richardson, CLP Finance Chair