Document:Colorado State Party Bylaws 2017

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[Adopted in Convention May 18th, 2017 with stylistic corrections recommended by Style Committee approved January 2018]


Section 1: Organizations applying for charter as affiliates shall make such applications on a standard petition form as adopted by the Board of Directors. The petition shall include ratification of the Statement of Principles of the national Libertarian Party. The petition and the ratification shall be signed by no fewer than five (5) Party members.

Section 2: Affiliates shall make known to the Party the Affiliate Representative to whose attention all Party business shall be directed. The Affiliate Representative shall be a Party member.

Section 3: Affiliates may choose to accept as “Associate Members,” Libertarians who are members of the national Libertarian Party, even though they have signed an approved voter application form establishing their Party affiliation as “Unaffiliated” rather than “Libertarian.” If adopted, this policy must be included in the affiliate’s Bylaws. “Associate Members” may be allowed to vote at local affiliate meetings and receive newsletters and mailings from the affiliate. "Associate Members" shall not be allowed to vote at the State Convention, serve as an officer of the Party, including at the affiliate level, or seek nomination as a Libertarian Party candidate for any public office.


Section 1: The State Chair shall be the chief executive officer of the Party, holding the powers of administration pertaining to the ordinary business affairs of the Party and such other powers as may be delegated by the Board of Directors. The State Chair may appoint such Party functionaries as a recording and corresponding secretary, an office manager, and an events chair. The State Chair shall compile, maintain and make available to the Board of Directors a publication listing all “Standing Rules” and “Special Rules” adopted by the Board of Directors. The State Chair shall specify the date and time of the next Convention at least 45 (45) days before it is convened. The State Chair, or his or her designee, including other Board members acting within their designated job duties at the direction of the Chair, shall be the person who shall communicate on behalf of the Party. The State Chair shall file any amendments to the Party’s Constitution or Bylaws with the Secretary of State within fifteen (15) days after such amendments are adopted.

Section 2: The Vice Chair shall assist the State Chair in the performance of executive duties, act as Chair in the temporary absence of the State Chair, develop and support affiliate parties and district caucuses, ensure affiliate compliance with requirements in the Party Constitution and Bylaws, communicate with Affiliate Representatives on a monthly basis, and facilitate resource sharing and cooperation among the affiliates.

Section 3: The Regions Director shall be responsible for representing the regions and for coordinating campaigns, media, outreach, and other party functions in those regions. The regions shall be composed of the following counties:

       Pikes Peak: El Paso, Park, Teller
       Upper Arkansas: Chaffee, Custer, Fremont, Lake
       Southeast: Baca, Bent, Crowley, Huerfano, Las Animas, Otero, Prowers, Pueblo
       San Luis: Alamosa, Conejos, Costilla, Rio Grande, Saguache
       San Juan: Archuleta, Dolores, Hinsdale, La Plata, Mineral, Montezuma, San Juan, San Miguel
       Western Slope: Delta, Gunnison, Mesa. Montrose, Ouray
       Central: Clear Creek, Eagle, Garfield, Gilpin, Grand, Pitkin, Summit
       Northwest: Jackson, Moffat, Rio Blanco, Routt
       Metro: Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder, Broomfield, Denver, Douglas, Jefferson
       Northeast: Larimer, Logan, Morgan, Phillips, Sedgwick, Washington, Weld
       Plains: Cheyenne, Elbert, Kiowa, Kit Carson, Lincoln, Yuma

Section 4: The Campaigns Director shall identify political races and coordinate candidate and issue development. The Campaigns Director shall be responsible for and coordinate all political campaigns of the Party.

Section 5: The Outreach Director shall be responsible for recruiting members, having speakers, conducting recruiting events, organizing and supporting student clubs and organizations at high schools, colleges, and universities, and setting up and operating a speakers bureau.

Section 6: The Communications Director shall be responsible for all communications, web sites, multimedia, social media, press releases, media appearances, and media inquiries.

Section 7: The Records Director shall be responsible for maintaining membership records, coordinating membership data with the National LP, providing information (such as mailing labels and precinct walking lists) as needed, and administering the Party’s physical office space (including computer systems, telephone systems, and any paid positions). The Records Director shall act as recording secretary for all legal purposes and shall maintain a Party calendar of all deadlines required by these Bylaws, the Party Constitution, and the Secretary of State.

Section 8: The Legislative Director shall be responsible for monitoring activity in the State Legislature, communicating with that body, developing issue oriented-interest groups, and working with other organizations on areas of mutual concern.

Section 9: The Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining accurate records of all income and expenses associated with the operation of the Party and shall present a summary of all income and expenses incurred at the regular meeting of the Board. The income and expense summary may be limited to activity since the last regular meeting of the Board. The Treasurer shall also prepare budgets for the other board members or assist them in preparing their own budgets.

Section 10: The Fundraising Director shall be responsible for establishing and operating fundraising activities including, but not limited to, a monthly pledge program, and for reporting all income and expenses related to fundraising at the regular Board meeting.

Section 11: The Membership Director shall be responsible for: developing membership education programs and publications, (including final responsibility for publishing a regular newsletter); recruiting and training activists from the membership; overseeing leadership training and succession planning at all levels within the Party; categorizing and contacting current individual members (registered Libertarian voters) to ask/persuade the members to support the LPCO financially or actively; and for monthly reporting the same to the Board and affiliates.

Section 12: Each Officer will be responsible for maintaining documentation within his or her area and will provide a written report to be passed on to the next Officer. He or she will not incur expenses beyond budget without approval of the Board of Directors.

Section 13: Each Officer shall be an ex-officio member of each Party affiliate Board of Directors for the purposes of (A) upholding the spirit and letter of the Statement of Principles of the national Libertarian Party; (B) enforcing the Party Constitution and Bylaws, and the Rules and Resolutions adopted by the Convention or the State Board, and (C) providing relief in times of distress. Officers shall not be counted in determining the number required for a quorum at an affiliate Annual or Board Meeting but may be counted in determining that a quorum is present. Each Officer shall actively participate in a meeting of at least one (1) Party affiliate or Development Group each calendar year.


Section 1: Any meeting to elect Party Officers, including Delegates, and any assembly to nominate candidates, shall be held at a public place at the time specified by the State Chair, and the time and place of such meeting shall be published once, no later than fifteen (15) days before such meeting in a newspaper of general circulation in each county wherein Members reside.

Section 2: The Board of Directors shall convene in open meeting at such times and places as may be determined by action of the Board, by call of the State Chair, or by written request of one-third (1/3) or more of the Board, with notice to be sent to the official email address of each Board Member at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to such meeting. Such meetings shall be called at least once per calendar month.

Section 3: More than one-half (1/2) of the current membership of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum at all meetings for the transaction of business, except where a larger vote is required by the Constitution. Any member of the Board may participate in a Board meeting or committee meeting by means of telephone conference or similar communications equipment which allows all persons participating in the meeting to hear or otherwise communicate with each other.

Section 4: Boards may transact business by electronic communications, as specified by Standing Rules adopted by the State Board. Committees appointed by the Board may transact business by electronic communications as specified by their own Standing Rules or Special Rules of Order.

Section 5: Any active member of the Party may attend the Board Meetings as an `alternate delegate’ at the request of that Board Member who temporarily cannot attend. No alternate delegate may represent more than one Board Member at any board meeting. The Board Member who is being represented by an alternate must notify at least two other Board Members of the alternate.


Section 1: The fiscal year of the Party shall end March 31st.

Section 2: The Board of Directors shall cause an efficient double-entry system of accounts to be established and maintained.


Section 1: The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Party in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the Party Constitution, Party Bylaws, and any standing rules and any special rules of order the Party or the Board of Directors may adopt. If a new edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised is released six (6) months prior to the next State Party Convention, they shall become the Party's Parliamentary authority following the conclusion of that convention. If they are released less than six (6) months prior to the next State Party Convention, they shall become the Party's Parliamentary authority following the conclusion of the next year's State Convention.


Section 1: The Constitution and Bylaws Committee and the Platform Committee shall each consist of five (5) at-large members selected by the Board of Directors and an additional member selected by each chartered affiliate.

Section 2: The Board shall solicit applications for the members of the Constitution and Bylaws Committee and Platform Committee and set the appointment date for these positions by announcement to all Party members at least six (6) months prior to the Party Convention. The Board shall appoint five (5) at-large members at an open Board meeting held at least one (1) month after the final solicitation, but no later than four (4) months prior to the Party Convention. If any subsequent vacancies occur in the initially appointed at-large positions, the Board of Directors may select Party members to fill the vacancies. The Board shall select the committee Chairs from the members of each committee.

Section 3: Each chartered affiliate may appoint one (1) member to the committees. Should an affiliate not appoint its delegate, the Board of Directors may appoint an additional at-large member at the time of committee formation. The Board shall solicit one (1) delegate from each chartered affiliate on the same schedule implemented by the Board pursuant to Section 2 above, and at its meeting for appointment of the members of the committees it shall confirm such delegates as have been certified by the Affiliate Representatives. If a member appointed by an affiliate resigns from a committee or fails to attend two (2) consecutive committee votes, the affiliate may appoint a replacement.

Section 4: Committees shall submit their final reports to the Board for publication to the membership no later than six (6)weeks before the Party Convention. These reports shall be available in their complete form to any Party member upon request, and the Board may charge only the cost of reproduction and mailing. The Party Chair shall ensure that the committees’ reports, and any reports of committee members submitted separately, are presented at the Convention.

Section 5: Chairs of committees shall be responsible for completion and reproduction at Party expense of their final reports, and of interim documents for committee use, and for scheduling of committee meetings. All committee meetings shall be open to Party members, who may request the committees’ schedules from their respective Chairs.

Section 6: The Chair of each committee shall certify and cause to be published at Party expense a report representing each document in its entirety as approved by the Convention.

Section 7: The Style Committee shall consist of the previous chairs of the Constitution and Bylaws, and Platform Committees from the previous Convention year and three (3) at-large Party members selected by the Board of Directors. The Style Committee shall propose stylistic changes to the Platform, Constitution, and Bylaws, non-substantive in nature, to the Board for Ratification by a two-thirds (2/3) vote, rejection, or determination as a substantive change. Substantive changes to be proposed shall be forwarded or referred to the current Platform or Constitution and Bylaws Committees as appropriate.

Section 8: Such other committees, standing or special, shall be appointed by the State Chair as the Board of Directors or State Convention shall from time to time deem necessary to carry on the work of the Party.


Section 1: All delegates must have been members or have been pre-registered to become members of the state Party for at least ninety (90) days immediately prior to the first day of the business in which they are elected and must sign a statement to the effect that they support the Statement of Principles of the national Libertarian Party.

Section 2: The Party Chair shall announce to the Convention body the number of delegates and the number to be selected by the Convention.

Section 3: Nominations for delegate positions shall be received from the floor with no seconding required. Members may nominate themselves.

Each member in attendance at the Convention shall cast a single vote for each delegate candidate of his or her choice. The total votes cast by each member shall not exceed the number of delegates to be selected. Delegates shall be elected by a simple majority of those voting. Subsequent ballots shall be taken as necessary to fill any remaining delegate positions. In the event that there are more candidates receiving a majority vote than there are delegate positions to be filled, those candidates receiving the highest vote totals shall be elected.

Section 4: After the delegates are elected, alternates may be selected by a majority of those voting.

Section 5: The duly-elected delegates shall immediately select a delegation chair and determine their own substitution procedures. Such substitutions shall be made without regard to Congressional District representation. A list of the delegates and alternates, and a description of the substitution procedures, shall be submitted by the delegation chair to the State Chair and the secretary of the national Libertarian Party within seven (7) days after the Convention is adjourned.

Section 6: Representatives and alternates to national Party committees and subcommittees shall be elected by one of the following methods:

If the number of representatives to national Libertarian Party Committees is known at the time of the Party Convention and the committees are to convene after the Convention, the Convention shall elect representatives and alternates in the same manner as and immediately after the election of at-large national convention delegates; otherwise the Board of Directors shall elect the committee representatives and alternates by majority vote.


Section 1: For each county without an affiliate, the Board or a committee it appoints for this purpose may charter one (1) or more Development Groups for the purpose of increasing Party membership, communication, and influence within the county as an interim to establishing a formally organized affiliate. Subject to the provisions below and any rules and instructions issued by the Board, a Development Group shall have the power to select its own name and leadership; adopt rules and agenda; and set times and places of meeting.

Section 2: A Development Group may be assigned to a subset of precincts within a county. Development Groups shall not overlap geographically. Development Groups may negotiate among themselves with respect to merging, splitting, or gaining or releasing one or more precincts, and shall notify the Board within three (3) business days of any such changes made.

Section 3: A Development Group may have as members any residents within its geographical boundary, as well as any residents not living within any other currently chartered Development Group boundary. Development Group leadership shall be limited to Party Members and shall submit a report of activities to the Regions Director at least once per quarter or upon request.

Section 4: Development Groups may, jointly or separately, engage in outreach and voter registration; membership education, support, and training; recruiting activists and potential candidates; raising funds on behalf of the Party; and supporting or opposing local issues, subject to Board approval. A Development Group shall follow applicable law with respect to collecting and recording donations by political parties and shall submit all money collected and records of the donors to the Party Treasurer within three (3) business days of receipt. A Development Group shall not nominate or endorse candidates for office; shall not interact with the media except by the approval and instruction of the State Chair; and shall not spend money except as authorized by the Party Treasurer or the Board.

Section 5: The Board may revoke the charter of any Development Group at any time and without cause.

Upon the formation of an affiliate within a county, all Development Groups therein shall become constituents of and wholly subject to that affiliate.

Certified by:

Michael T. Spalding 2017 Convention Secretary, Libertarian Party of Colorado