Libertarian Presidential Candidate Polling

Revision as of 10:49, 15 October 2018 by AJPEG (talk | contribs)

2016 Polls


National 3-way polls

vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Google Consumer Surveys 11/1 - 11/7 5%
Angus Reid Institute 11/1 - 11/4 6%
RAND American Life Panel 10/20 - 11/1 8%
Google Consumer Surveys 10/20 - 10/24 6%
Public Policy Polling 10/20 - 10/21 5%
Google Consumer Surveys 10/15 - 10/19 6%
Google Consumer Surveys 10/10 - 10/14 7%
Google Consumer Surveys 9/27 - 10/3 7%
One America News Network/Gravis Marketing 9/27 - 9/27 6%
Google Consumer Surveys 9/14 - 9/20 8%
Gravis 8/15 - 8/15 8%
FOX News 7/31 - 8/2 12%
CBS News 7/29 - 7/31 10%
Morning Consult 7/29 - 7/30 11%
Morning Consult 7/22 - 7/24 12%
CBS News 7/22 - 7/24 12%
Greenberg Quinlan Rosner 7/13 - 7/18 11%
Morning Consult 7/14 - 7/16 11%
CBS News/NY Times 7/8 - 7/12 12%
Morning Consult 7/8 - 7/10 12%
Rasmussen Reports 7/5 - 7/5 9%
Morning Consult 6/30 - 7/4 11%
FOX News 6/26 - 6/28 10%
Greenberg Quinlan Rosner 6/23 - 6/28 8%
Economist/YouGov 6/24 - 6/27 8%
Morning Consult 6/24 - 6/27 11%
Pew Research 6/15 - 6/26 11%
Morning Consult 6/15 - 6/20 10%
Bloomberg 6/10 - 6/13 9%
CBS News 6/9 - 6/13 11%
Morning Consult 6/8 - 6/9 10%
FOX News 6/5 - 6/8 12%
IBD/TIPP 5/31 - 6/5 11%
Rasmussen Reports 5/31 - 6/1 8%
Morning Consult 6/1 - 6/4 10%
Morning Consult 5/19 - 5/23 10%
FOX News 5/14 - 5/17 10%
Monmouth 3/17 - 3/21 11%

National 4-way polls

vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, and Green Jill Stein

Pollster Date Johnson's %
YouGov/The Economist 11/4 - 11/7 5%
Insights West 11/4 - 11/7 4%
Bloomberg News/Selzer 11/4 - 11/6 4%
Gravis Marketing 11/3 - 11/6 3%
ABC News/Washington Post 11/3 - 11/6 4%
Fox News 11/3 - 11/6 3%
IBD/TIPP 11/3 - 11/6 6%
Monmouth University 11/3 - 11/6 4%
Ipsos/Reuters 11/2 - 11/6 6%
CBS News/New York Times 11/2 - 11/6 5%
Rasmussen Reports 11/2 - 11/6 4%
NBC News/SurveyMonkey 10/31 - 11/6 6%
Politico/Morning Consult 11/4 - 11/5 8%
NBC News/Wall Street Journal 11/3 - 11/5 6%
ABC News/Washington Post 11/2 - 11/5 4%
IBD/TIPP 11/2 - 11/5 5%
Franklin Pierce University/Boston Herald 11/1 - 11/5 4%
ABC News/Washington Post 11/1 - 11/4 4%
IBD/TIPP 11/1 - 11/4 5%
Ipsos/Reuters 10/31 - 11/4 6%
Rasmussen Reports 11/1 - 11/3 4%
Fox News 11/1 - 11/3 5%
McClatchy/Marist 11/1 - 11/3 6%
IBD/TIPP 10/30 - 11/3 4%
ABC News/Washington Post 10/31 - 11/3 4%
Ipsos/Reuters 10/30 - 11/3 6%
Gravis Marketing/Breitbart News 11/1 - 11/2 3%
Rasmussen Reports 10/31 - 11/2 4%
ABC News/Washington Post 10/30 - 11/2 3%
IBD/TIPP 10/29 - 11/2 4%
Ipsos/Reuters 10/29 - 11/2 5%
Rasmussen Reports 10/30 - 11/1 5%
YouGov/Economist 10/30 - 11/1 4%
ABC News/Washington Post 10/29 - 11/1 3%
CBS News/New York Times 10/28 - 11/1 5%
Ipsos/Reuters 10/28 - 11/1 5%
IBD/TIPP 10/27 - 11/1 4%
One America News Network/Gravis Marketing 10/31 - 10/31 4%
ABC News/Washington Post 10/28 - 10/31 3%
Rasmussen Reports 10/27 - 10/31 5%
IBD/TIPP 10/26 - 10/31 4%
Politico/Morning Consult 10/29 - 10/30 7%
ABC News/Washington Post 10/27 - 10/30 3%
Ipsos/Reuters 10/26 - 10/30 6%
Rasmussen Reports 10/26 - 10/30 5%
IBD/TIPP 10/25 - 10/30 4%
NBC News/SurveyMonkey 10/24 - 10/30 6%
ABC News/Washington Post 10/26 - 10/29 4%
IBD/TIPP 10/24 - 10/29 6%
Red Oak Strategic/Google Consumer Surveys 10/27 - 10/28 6%
Morning Consult 10/27 - 10/28 8%
ABC News/Washington Post 10/25 - 10/28 4%
IBD/TIPP 10/23 - 10/28 7%
Rasmussen Reports 10/25 - 10/27 3%
ABC News/Washington Post 10/24 - 10/27 4%
IBD/TIPP 10/22 - 10/27 7%
Gravis Marketing/Breitbart 10/25 - 10/26 3%
Rasmussen Reports 10/24 - 10/26 4%
ABC News/Washington Post 10/23 - 10/26 4%
YouGov/Economist 10/22 - 10/26 4%
Saint Leo University 10/22 - 10/26 6%
IBD/TIPP 10/21 - 10/26 8%
Rasmussen Reports 10/23 - 10/25 4%
Fox News 10/22 - 10/25 7%
ABC News/Washington Post 10/22 - 10/25 5%
Pew Research Center 10/20 - 10/25 6%
IBD/TIPP 10/20 - 10/25 8%
CNBC 10/21 - 10/24 7%
ABC News 10/21 - 10/24 5%
Greenberg Quinlan Rosner 10/21 - 10/24 5%
Associated Press/GFK 10/20 - 10/24 6%
USA Today/Suffolk University 10/20 - 10/24 4%
Ipsos/Reuters 10/20 - 10/24 7%
Rasmussen Reports 10/20 - 10/24 5%
IBD/TIPP 10/19 - 10/24 8%
ABC News 10/20 - 10/23 5%
CNN/ORC 10/20 - 10/23 3%
Rasmussen Reports 10/19 - 10/23 5%
IBD/TIPP 10/18 - 10/23 7%
Centre College 10/18 - 10/23 6%
NBC News/SurveyMonkey 10/17 - 10/23 7%
ABC News 10/20 - 10/22 5%
IBD/TIPP 10/17 - 10/22 7%
IBD/TIPP 10/16 - 10/21 7%
Politico/Morning Consult 10/19 - 10/20 9%
Rasmussen Reports 10/18 - 10/20 5%
Ipsos/Reuters 10/14 - 10/20 6%
Rasmussen Reports 10/17 - 10/19 6%
IBD/TIPP 10/14 - 10/19 7%
Quinnipiac University 10/17 - 10/18 7%
YouGov/Economist 10/15 - 10/18 6%
IBD/TIPP 10/13 - 10/18 8%
Fox News 10/15 - 10/17 5%
Bloomberg Politics 10/14 - 10/17 8%
Rasmussen Reports 10/13 - 10/17 7%
Ipsos/Reuters 10/13 - 10/17 6%
Monmouth University 10/14 - 10/16 5%
CBS News 10/12 - 10/16 8%
Rasmussen Reports 10/12 - 10/16 5%
NBC News/SurveyMonkey 10/10 - 10/16 8%
Politico/Morning Consult 10/13 - 10/15 10%
SurveyUSA/Boston Globe 10/11 - 10/14 5%
Rasmussen Reports 10/11 - 10/13 6%
NBC News/Wall Street Journal 10/10 - 10/13 7%
ABC News/Washington Post 10/10 - 10/13 5%
Franklin Pierce University/Boston Herald 10/9 - 10/13 6%
George Washington University 10/8 - 10/13 8%
Fox News 10/10 - 10/12 7%
Rasmussen Reports 10/10 - 10/12 6%
Insights West 10/10 - 10/11 7%
Rasmussen Reports 10/9 - 10/11 7%
Politico/Morning Consult 10/10 - 10/10 10%
NBC News/Wall Street Journal 10/8 - 10/10 8%
Rasmussen Reports 10/6 - 10/10 7%
Ipsos/Reuters 10/6 - 10/10 6%
NBC News/Wall Street Journal 10/8 - 10/9 9%
Rasmussen Reports 10/5 - 10/9 7%
Public Religion Research Institute/The Atlantic 10/5 - 10/9 2%
NBC News/SurveyMonkey 10/3 - 10/9 8%
Politico/Morning Consult 10/8 - 10/8 8%
YouGov/Economist 10/7 - 10/8 5%
Morning Consult 10/5 - 10/6 9%
Quinnipiac University 10/5 - 10/6 6%
Rasmussen Reports 10/4 - 10/6 7%
Fox News 10/3 - 10/6 6%
Ipsos/Reuters 9/30 - 10/6 8%
Rasmussen Reports 10/3 - 10/5 8%
Breitbart/Gravis Marketing 10/3 - 10/3 5%
YouGov/Economist 10/1 - 10/3 5%
Ipsos/Reuters 9/29 - 10/3 8%
Rasmussen Reports 9/29 - 10/3 9%
Politico/Morning Consult 9/30 - 10/2 9%
Fairleigh Dickinson University 9/28 - 10/2 11%
CBS News/New York Times 9/28 - 10/2 8%
CNN/ORC 9/28 - 10/2 7%
Rasmussen Reports 9/28 - 10/2 8%
NBC News/SurveyMonkey 9/26 - 10/2 9%
Fox News 9/27 - 9/29 8%
Ipsos/Reuters 9/23 - 9/29 7%
Rasmussen Reports 9/26 - 9/28 7%
Morning Consult 9/26 - 9/27 8%
Ipsos/Reuters 9/22 - 9/26 7%
Quinnipiac University 9/22 - 9/25 8%
Monmouth University 9/22 - 9/25 8%
NBC News/SurveyMonkey 9/19 - 9/25 10%
Morning Consult 9/22 - 9/24 9%
YouGov/Economist 9/22 - 9/24 5%
Bloomberg/Selzer 9/21 - 9/24 8%
ABC News/Washington Post 9/19 - 9/22 5%
Franklin Pierce University/Boston Herald 9/18 - 9/22 6%
Ipsos/Reuters 9/16 - 9/22 7%
Rasmussen Reports 9/20 - 9/21 8%
Breitbart/Gravis Marketing 9/20 - 9/20 5%
McClatchy/Marist 9/15 - 9/20 10%
YouGov/Economist 9/18 - 9/19 7%
NBC News/Wall Street Journal 9/16 - 9/19 9%
iCitizen 9/15 - 9/19 5%
Ipsos/Reuters 9/15 - 9/19 7%
Associated Press/GFK 9/15 - 9/19 9%
Saint Leo University 9/12 - 9/16 9%
NBC News/SM 9/12 - 9/18 10%
Morning Consult 9/15 - 9/16 8%
FOX News 9/11 - 9/14 8%
CBS News/NY Times 9/9 - 9/13 8%
Rasmussen Reports 9/12 - 9/13 7%
Emerson College 9/11 - 9/13 9%
Economist/YouGov 9/10 - 9/13 5%
Quinnipiac 9/8 - 9/13 13%
Reuters/Ipsos 9/8 - 9/12 8%
NBC News/SM 9/5 - 9/11 11%
Gravis 9/7 - 9/8 7%
Morning Consult 9/6 - 9/8 10%
ABC News/Wash Post 9/5 - 9/8 9%
Rasmussen Reports 9/6 - 9/7 9%
Economist/YouGov 9/4 - 9/6 7%
Reuters/Ipsos 9/1 - 9/5 8%
CNN/ORC 9/1 - 9/4 7%
Franklin Pierce U./Boston Herald 8/31 - 9/4 8%
NBC News/SM 8/29 - 9/4 12%
Morning Consult 9/1 - 9/2 9%
GWU/Battleground 8/28 - 9/1 11%
IBD/TIPP 8/26 - 9/1 12%
FOX News 8/28 - 8/30 9%
Rasmussen Reports 8/29 - 8/30 7%
Economist/YouGov 8/27 - 8/29 7%
Reuters/Ipsos 8/25 - 8/29 6%
Monmouth 8/25 - 8/28 7%
USA Today/Suffolk 8/24 - 8/29 9%
NBC News/SM 8/22 - 8/28 11%
Morning Consult 8/24 - 8/26 8%
Gravis 8/22 - 8/23 4%
Rasmussen Reports 8/23 - 8/24 9%
Reuters/Ipsos 8/20 - 8/24 7%
Economist/YouGov 8/19 - 8/23 6%
Quinnipiac 8/18 - 8/24 10%
NBC News/SM 8/15 - 8/21 11%
Morning Consult 8/16 - 8/20 8%
Pew Research 8/9 - 8/16 10%
Rasmussen Reports 8/15 - 8/16 9%
Reuters/Ipsos 8/13 - 8/17 7%
Economist/YouGov 8/14 - 8/16 7%
Normington, Petts & Associates 8/9 - 8/15 8%
NBC News/SM 8/8 - 8/14 11%
Zogby 8/12 - 8/13 8%
Morning Consult 8/11 - 8/14 9%
Rasmussen Reports 8/9 - 8/10 8%
Gravis/Breitbart 8/9 - 8/9 9%
Bloomberg 8/5 - 8/8 9%
Reuters/Ipsos 8/6 - 8/10 7%
Economist/YouGov 8/6 - 8/9 9%
Princeton Survey 8/4 - 8/7 2%
Monmouth 8/4 - 8/7 7%
NBC News/SM 8/1 - 8/7 10%
Morning Consult 8/4 - 8/5 9%
ABC News/Wash Post 8/1 - 8/4 8%
Reuters/Ipsos 7/31 - 8/4 6%
IBD/TIPP 7/29 - 8/4 12%
McClatchy/Marist 8/1 - 8/3 10%
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 7/31 - 8/3 10%
Rasmussen Reports 8/1 - 8/2 6%
Reuters/Ipsos 7/30 - 8/3 6%
Economist/YouGov 7/30 - 8/1 8%
CNN/ORC 7/29 - 7/31 9%
PPP (D) 7/29 - 7/30 6%
NBC News/SM 7/25 - 7/31 9%
Raba Research 7/29 - 7/29 7%
Reuters/Ipsos 7/25 - 7/29 5%
CNN/ORC 7/22 - 7/24 9%
Economist/YouGov 7/23 - 7/24 5%
University of Delaware 7/21 - 7/24 1%
NBC News/SM 7/18 - 7/24 10%
Raba Research 7/22 - 7/22 8%
Echelon Insights 7/21 - 7/22 3%
Reuters/Ipsos 7/16 - 7/20 7%
Economist/YouGov 7/15 - 7/17 5%
NBC News/SM 7/11 - 7/17 10%
Monmouth 7/14 - 7/16 5%
Franklin Pierce U./Boston Herald 7/13 - 7/16 7%
NBC News/SM 7/11 - 7/17 10%
CNN/ORC 7/13 - 7/16 13%
Icitizen 7/11 - 7/14 9%
ABC News/Wash Post 7/11 - 7/14 8%
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 7/9 - 7/13 11%
Economist/YouGov 7/9 - 7/11 5%
Associated Press-GfK 7/7 - 7/11 6%
NBC News/SM 7/4 - 7/10 11%
Raba Research 7/7 - 7/9 9%
McClatchy/Marist 7/5 - 7/9 10%
Reuters/Ipsos 7/2 - 7/6 6%
Economist/YouGov 7/2 - 7/4 4%
USA Today/Suffolk 6/26 - 6/29 8%
PPP (D) 6/27 - 6/28 5%
IBD/TIPP 6/24 - 6/29 9%
Reuters/Ipsos 6/25 - 6/29 5%
Quinnipiac 6/21 - 6/27 8%
NBC News/SM 6/20 - 6/26 9%
ABC News/Wash Post 6/20 - 6/23 7%
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 6/19 - 6/23 10%
Reuters/Ipsos 6/18 - 6/22 6%
CNN/ORC 6/16 - 6/19 9%
Monmouth 6/15 - 6/19 9%
NBC News/SM 6/13 - 6/19 9%
Reuters/Ipsos 6/11 - 6/15 6%
NBC News/SM 6/6 - 6/12 9%
Guardian/SurveyUSA 6/8 - 6/8 6%
Zogby 5/30 - 6/5 6%
NBC News/SM 5/30 - 6/5 9%
Quinnipiac 5/24 - 5/30 5%
PPP (D) 5/6 - 5/9 4%

National 5-way polls

5-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, Green Jill Stein, and Independent Evan McMullin

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Saint Leo University 10/22 - 10/26 6%
Public Policy Polling 9/27 - 9/28 6%
Echelon Insights 9/26 - 9/27 6%
Public Policy Polling 8/26 - 8/28 6%

State Polls



4-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, and Green Jill Stein

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Carciun Research 10/21 - 10/26 7%
Lake Research Partners 10/11 - 10/13 7%
Moore Information 10/5 - 10/6 10%
Alaska Survey Research 9/28 - 10/2 18%
Moore Information 8/27 - 8/29 10%
Ivan Moore Research 6/16 - 6/20 16%


3-way poll vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Data Orbital 10/11 - 10/12 5%
Data Orbital 9/20 - 9/22 9%

4-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, and Green Jill Stein

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Insights West 11/4 - 11/6 5%
Data Orbital 11/1 - 11/2 4%
NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist 10/30 - 11/1 9%
CNN/ORC 10/27 - 11/1 5%
Saguaro Strategies 10/29 - 10/31 7%
Emerson College 10/29 - 10/31 2%
Data Orbital 10/29 - 10/30 3%
CBS News/YouGov 10/26 - 10/28 4%
Data Orbital 10/26 - 10/27 5%
Saguaro Strategies 10/21 - 10/24 5%
Monmouth University 10/21 - 10/24 4%
Data Orbital 10/17 - 10/18 5%
Ipsos/Reuters 10/6 - 10/18 6%
Arizona Republic/Morrison/Cronkite News 10/10 - 10/15 6%
Highground 10/14 - 10/14 8%
Emerson College 10/2 - 10/4 9%
OH Predictive Insights 9/28 - 9/30 5%
Insights West 9/12 - 9/14 9%
NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist 9/6 - 9/8 12%
Arizona Republic/Morrison/Cronkite News 8/17 - 8/31 7%
Gravis Marketing 8/27 - 8/27 8%
OH Predictive Insights 8/25 - 8/27 7%
CNN/ORC 8/18 - 8/23 12%
CBS News/YouGov 8/2 - 8/5 5%
OH Predictive Insights 8/1 - 8/1 4%
Integrated Web Strategy 7/29 - 7/29 3%
Public Policy Polling 5/13 - 5/15 6%


3-way poll vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Talk Business/Hendrix College 6/21 - 6/21 8%

4-way poll vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, and Green Jill Stein

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Talk Business/Hendrix College 10/21 - 10/21 4%
Talk Business/Hendrix College 9/15 - 9/17 3%
Emerson College 9/9 - 9/13 5%


3-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Field Research 6/8 - 7/2 10%
Hoover Institution/YouGov 5/4 - 5/16 4%

4-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, and Green Jill Stein

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Insights West 11/4 - 11/6 3%
KABC/SurveyUSA 10/28 - 10/31 4%
USC Dornsife/Los Angeles Times 10/22 - 10/30 4%
Field Research 10/25 - 10/31 4%
Public Policy Institute of California 10/14 - 10/23 5%
KABC/SurveyUSA 10/13 - 10/15 4%
Hoover Institution/YouGov 10/4 - 10/14 4%
Sacramento State University 10/7 - 10/13 4%
KABC/SurveyUSA 9/27 - 9/28 3%
Public Policy Institute of California 9/9 - 9/18 10%
Insights West 9/12 - 9/14 2%
Field Research 9/7 - 9/13 5%
SurveyUSA 9/8 - 9/11 3%
USC Dornsife/Los Angeles Times 9/1 - 9/8 11%
Public Policy Institute of California 7/10 - 7/19 7%
SurveyMonkey/USC/Los Angeles Times 6/7 - 6/10 7%


3-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Remington Research/Axiom Strategies 11/1 - 11/2 6%
Remington Research/Axiom Strategies 10/23 - 10/30 4%
Remington Research/Axiom Strategies 10/20 - 10/22 5%

4-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, and Green Jill Stein

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Trafalgar Group 10/31 - 11/3 5%
Gravis Marketing/Breitbart News 11/1 - 11/2 7%
Magellan Strategies 11/1 - 11/2 7%
University of Denver 10/29 - 10/31 5%
Emerson College 10/28 - 10/31 8%
Quinnipiac University 10/10 - 10/16 10%
Gravis Marketing/Breitbart News 10/12 - 10/13 6%
Gravis Marketing/Breitbart News 10/3 - 10/4 10%
Monmouth University 9/29 - 10/2 7%
Keating Research 9/27 - 9/29 10%
Public Policy Polling 9/27 - 9/28 6%
CNN/ORC 9/20 - 9/25 13%
Breitbart/Gravis Marketing 9/22 - 9/23 6%
CBS News/YouGov 9/21 - 9/23 7%
Quinnipiac University 9/13 - 9/21 10%
Colorado Mesa University/Rocky Mountain PBS 9/14 - 9/18 12%
Emerson College 9/9 - 9/13 13%
Magellan Strategies 8/29 - 8/31 13%
Quinnipiac University 8/9 - 8/16 16%
NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist 8/4 - 8/10 15%
Fox News 7/9 - 7/12 13%
Monmouth University 7/7 - 7/12 5%
NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist 7/5 - 7/11 13%
Gravis Marketing 7/7 - 7/8 9%
CBS News/YouGov 6/21 - 6/24 4%

5-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, Green Jill Stein and Independent Evan McMullin

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Public Policy Polling 11/3 - 11/4 4%
Keating Research 11/2 - 11/3 7%
CBS News/YouGov 10/26 - 10/28 7%


4-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, and Green Jill Stein

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Emerson College 9/2 - 9/5 9%
Quinnipiac University 6/1 - 6/5 6%


3-way poll vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Fairleigh Dickinson University 7/20 - 7/24 9%

4-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, and Green Jill Stein

Pollster Date Johnson's %
University of Delaware 9/16 - 9/28 7%

District of Columbia

3-way poll vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, and Green Jill Stein

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Echelon Insights 7/12 - 7/18 3%


3-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Remington Research/Axiom Strategies 11 - 11/2 2%
Remington Research/Axiom Strategies 10/23 - 10/30 2%
Remington Research/Axiom Strategies 10/20 - 10/22 2%
Florida Chamber Political Institute 9/15 - 9/20 8%
Florida Chamber Political Institute 8/17 - 8/22 9%
Greenberg Quinlan Rosner 7/6 - 7/10 6%
Greenberg Quinlan Rosner 6/11 - 6/20 9%
Mason-Dixon 5/31 - 6/2 6%

4-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, and Green Jill Stein

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Trafalgar Group 11/6 - 11/6 2%
Quinnipiac University 11/3 - 11/6 2%
CBS News/YouGov 11/2 - 11/4 4%
Breitbart News/Gravis Marketing 11/1 - 11/2 4%
Fox 13/Fox 35/Opinion Savvy 11/1 - 11/2 3%
CNN/ORC 10/27 - 11/1 3%
Quinnipiac University 10/27 - 11/1 2%
Gravis Marketing/One America News Network 10/31 - 10/31 2%
Trafalgar Group 10/27 - 10/31 2%
TargetSmart/William & Mary 10/25 - 10/30 3%
Emerson College 10/26 - 10/27 4%
New York Times Upshot/Siena College 10/25 - 10/27 4%
Gravis Marketing/Breitbart News Network 10/25 - 10/26 1%
NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist 10/25 - 10/26 5%
Dixie Strategies 10/25 - 10/26 2%
Saint Leo University 10/22 - 10/26 5%
University of North Florida 10/20 - 10/25 6%
Bloomberg/Selzer 10/21 - 10/24 4%
SurveyUSA/Bay News 9/News 13 10/20 - 10/24 2%
Florida Atlantic University 10/21 - 10/23 3%
CBS News/YouGov 10/20 - 10/21 3%
Opinion Savvy/Fox 13/Fox 35 10/20 - 10/20 3%
Florida Chamber Political Institute 10/16 - 10/19 5%
Quinnipiac University 10/10 - 10/16 4%
Public Policy Polling 10/12 - 10/13 5%
Ipsos/Reuters 10/5 - 10/12 6%
Opinion Savvy 10/10 - 10/11 5%
Florida Atlantic University 10/5 - 10/9 1%
NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist 10/3 - 10/5 5%
Gravis Marketing/Breitbart News 10/4 - 10/4 2%
Emerson College 10/2 - 10/4 4%
University of North Florida 9/27 - 10/4 6%
Quinnipiac University 9/27 - 10/2 5%
Opinion Savvy/Fox 13/Fox 35 9/28 - 9/29 4%
Mason-Dixon 9/27 - 9/29 7%
Public Policy Polling 9/27 - 9/28 3%
Suffolk University 9/19 - 9/21 3%
Monmouth University 9/16 - 9/19 6%
Saint Leo University 9/10 - 9/16 6%
New York Times Upshot/Siena College 9/10 - 9/14 9%
CNN/ORC 9/7 - 9/12 6%
CBS News/YouGov 9/7 - 9/9 5%
JMC Analytics 9/7 - 9/8 3%
Quinnipiac University 8/29 - 9/7 8%
Public Policy Polling 9/4 - 9/6 5%
Mason-Dixon 8/22 - 8/24 6%
ICITIZEN 8/18 - 8/24 8%
Florida Atlantic University 8/19 - 8/22 8%
Saint Leo University Polling Institute 8/14 - 8/18 8%
Monmouth University 8/12 - 8/15 6%
CBS News/YouGov 8/10 - 8/12 5%
Fox 13 Tampa Bay/Opinion Savvy 8/10 - 8/10 6%
NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist 8/4 - 8/10 9%
Quinnipiac University 7/30 - 8/7 7%
Suffolk University 8/1 - 8/3 4%
NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist 7/5 - 7/11 7%
Quinnipiac University 6/30 - 7/11 7%
JMC Analytics 7/9 - 7/10 2%
SurveyUSA/Bay News 9/News 13 6/25 - 6/27 2%
CBS News/YouGov 6/21 - 6/24 3%
Quinnipiac University 6/8 - 6/19 7%
Public Policy Polling 6/2 - 6/5 4%


3-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Landmark Communications/Rosetta Stone 11/6 - 11/6 3%
Landmark Communications/Rosetta Stone 11/2 - 11/3 4%
Opinion Survey/Fox 5 Atlanta 11/2 - 11/3 6%
NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist 10/30 - 11/1 8%
WXIA-TV/SurveyUSA 10/25 - 10/27 3%
Quinnipiac University 10/20 - 10/26 8%
Landmark Communications/Rosetta Stone 10/20 - 10/20 5%
Opinion Savvy/Fox 5 Atlanta 10/20 - 10/20 3%
Atlantic Journal Constitution 10/17 - 10/20 9%
Clout Research 10/15 - 10/18 2%
Landmark Communications/Rosetta Stone 10/11 - 10/12 4%
Landmark Communications/Rosetta Stone 9/21 - 9/22 6%
JMC Analytics 9/20 - 9/22 5%
Quinnipiac University 9/13 - 9/21 9%
Monmouth University 9/15 - 9/18 8%
Opinion Savvy/Fox 5 Atlanta 9/14 - 9/14 10%
NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist 9/6 - 9/8 10%
Opinion Savvy/Fox 5 Atlanta 8/17 - 8/17 11%

4-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, and Green Jill Stein

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Trafalgar Group 11/6 - 11/6 2%
Emerson College 10/29 - 10/31 2%
Emerson College 9/9 - 9/13 6%
CBS News/YouGov 8/10 - 8/12 5%
Breitbart/Gravis Marketing 8/4 - 8/8 8%
JMC Analytics 8/6 - 8/7 7%
Atlanta Journal-Constitution 8/1 - 8/4 11%
Landmark/RosettaStone 8/1 - 8/1 4%
SurveyUSA 7/29 - 7/31 5%
Landmark/RosettaStone 7/24 - 7/24 5%
Public Policy Polling 5/27 - 5/30 6%


4-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, and Green Jill Stein

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Heat Street/Rasmussen Reports 10/23 - 10/24 6%
Emerson College 10/21 - 10/23 4%
Dan Jones & Associates 9/28 - 10/9 10%
Dan Jones & Associates 8/18 - 8/31 13%
Dan Jones & Associates 7/5 - 7/16 5%

4-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, and Independent Evan McMullin

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Heat Street/Rasmussen Reports 10/23 - 10/24 6%
Emerson College 10/21 - 10/23 4%


3-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump

Pollster Date Johnson's %
The Illinois Observer 6/7 - 6/7 6%
Capitol Fax/We Ask America 6/5 - 6/6 7%

4-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, and Green Jill Stein

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Emerson College 10/27 - 10/30 2%
Loras College 10/26 - 10/27 6%
Victory Research 10/16 - 10/18 6%
Illinois Public Opinion Strategies 10/13 - 10/13 6%
Southern Illinois University 9/27 - 10/2 5%
Victory Research 9/21 - 9/24 4%
Emerson College 9/19 - 9/20 6%
Loras College 9/13 - 9/16 8%
We Ask America 9/12 - 9/12 4%
Victory Research 7/14 - 7/16 7%
Basswood Research 7/11 - 7/12 5%


3-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump

Pollster Date Johnson's %
WTHR/Howey Politics Indiana 11/1 - 11/3 9%
Gravis Marketing 10/30 - 11/1 5%
Monmouth University 10/27 - 10/30 4%
Gravis Marketing 10/22 - 10/24 5%
WISH-TV/Ball State University 10/10 - 10/16 9%
Monmouth University 10/11 - 10/13 9%
WTHR/Howey Politics Indiana 10/3 - 10/5 11%
WTHR/Howey Politics Indiana 9/6 - 9/8 11%
Monmouth University 8/13 - 8/16 10%

4-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, and Green Jill Stein

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Lucid/The Times-Picayune 10/7 - 10/10 10%


4-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, and Green Jill Stein

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Des Moines Register/Selzer & Co. 11/1 - 11/4 6%
Emerson College 11/1 - 11/3 5%
Loras College 11/1 - 11/3 3%
Quinnipiac University 10/20 - 10/26 4%
Des Moines Register/Selzer & Co. 10/3 - 10/6 6%
Loras College 9/20 - 9/22 9%
Quinnipiac University 9/13 - 9/21 10%
Monmouth University 9/12 - 9/14 8%
Simpson College/RABA Research 9/6 - 9/8 10%
Emerson College 8/31 - 9/1 8%
CBS News/YouGov 8/17 - 8/19 7%
Quinnipiac University 8/9 - 8/16 12%
Suffolk University 8/8 - 8/10 6%
NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist 8/3 - 8/7 12%
CBS News/YouGov 7/13 - 7/15 3%
Monmouth University 7/8 - 7/11 6%
NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist 7/5 - 7/10 7%
Gravis Marketing 7/7 - 7/8 8%
Loras College 6/24 - 6/28 6%

5-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, Green Jill Stein, and Independent Evan McMullin

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Simpson College/RABA Research 11/1 - 11/2 5%


3-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump

Pollster Date Johnson's %
SurveyUSA/KSN News 8/9 - 8/9 8%
Fort Hays State University 7/11 - 7/21 7%
SurveyUSA/KSN News 7/8 - 7/11 8%

4-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, and Green Jill Stein

Pollster Date Johnson's %
SurveyUSA/KSN News 10/26 - 10/30 7%
SurveyUSA/KSN News 10/11 - 10/15 7%
SurveyUSA/KSN News 9/6 - 9/11 8%
Remington Research Group 8/22 - 8/23 8%


4-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, and Green Jill Stein

Pollster Date Johnson's %
RunSwitch PR/Harper 7/31 - 8/1 5%

5-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, Green Jill Stein, and Independent Evan McMullin

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Western Kentucky University 10/25 - 10/30 1%


3-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Southern Media & Opinion Research 10/19 - 10/21 5%
Southern Media & Opinion Research 9/15 - 9/17 8%

4-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, and Green Jill Stein

Pollster Date Johnson's %
University of New Orleans 10/15 - 10/21 7%
Mason-Dixon 10/17 - 10/19 2%
JMC Analytics 10/11 - 10/15 4%
JMC Analytics 9/22 - 9/24 6%


4-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, and Green Jill Stein

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Emerson College 10/28 - 10/30 12%
Maine People's Resource Center 10/24 - 10/26 9%
University of New Hampshire 10/20 - 10/25 5%
Maine People's Resource Center 10/14 - 10/15 9%
Maine People's Resource Center 10/7 - 10/9 9%
University of New Hampshire 9/15 - 9/20 12%
Maine People's Resource Center 9/15 - 9/17 11%
Colby College/Boston Globe 9/4 - 9/10 9%
Emerson College 9/2 - 9/5 12%
Breitbart/Gravis Marketing 8/4 - 8/8 10%


4-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, and Green Jill Stein

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Washington Post/University of Maryland 9/27 - 9/30 4%
Goucher Poll 9/17 - 9/20 6%
OpinionWorks 8/18 - 8/30 6%


4-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, and Green Jill Stein

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Western New England University 10/23 - 11/2 8%
Suffolk University 10/24 - 10/26 4%
WBUR/MassINC 10/13 - 10/16 7%
Western New England University 9/24 - 10/3 7%
UMass Amherst/WBZ Poll 9/15 - 9/20 9%
WBUR/MassINC 9/7 - 9/10 9%
Emerson College 9/3 - 9/5 9%


3-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Target Insyght 9/18 - 9/24 8%
Greenberg Quinlan Rosner 6/11 - 6/20 12%
Detroit News/WDIV-TV 5/24 - 5/26 12%

4-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, and Green Jill Stein

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Trafalgar Group 11/6 - 11/6 3%
Public Policy Polling 11/3 - 11/4 6%
Strategic National 11/3 - 11/3 4%
Fox 2 Detroit/Mitchell Poll 11/3 - 11/3 7%
EPIC-MRA 11/1 - 11/3 5%
Fox 2 Detroit/Mitchell Poll 11/2 - 11/2 4%
Fox 2 Detroit/Mitchell Poll 11/1 - 11/1 4%
Fox 2 Detroit/Mitchell Poll 10/31 - 10/31 4%
Fox 2 Detroit/Mitchell Poll 10/30 - 10/30 6%
Strategic National 10/29 - 10/30 5%
Michigan State University 10/24 - 10/30 11%
Emerson College 10/25 - 10/26 3%
Fox 2 Detroit/Mitchell Poll 10/25 - 10/25 5%
EPIC-MRA 10/22 - 10/25 9%
Fox 2 Detroit/Mitchell Poll 10/23 - 10/23 3%
MRG 10/16 - 10/19 7%
Fox 2 Detroit/Mitchell Poll 10/18 - 10/18 6%
Ipsos/Reuters 10/6 - 10/17 7%
Fox 2 Detroit/Mitchell Poll 10/11 - 10/11 7%
Detroit News 10/10 - 10/11 10%
EPIC-MRA 10/1 - 10/3 10%
The Detroit News/WDIV-TV 9/27 - 9/28 9%
Fox 2 Detroit/Mitchell Poll 9/27 - 9/27 8%
EPIC-MRA 9/10 - 9/13 10%
Fox 2 Detroit/Mitchell Poll 9/6 - 9/7 7%
Emerson College 8/25 - 8/28 7%
Suffolk University 8/22 - 8/24 5%
Fox 2 Detroit/Mitchell Poll 8/9 - 8/10 9%
EPIC-MRA 7/30 - 8/4 8%
The Detroit News/WDIV-TV 7/30 - 8/1 8%
CBS News/YouGov 7/13 - 7/15 5%
Marketing Resource Group 7/11 - 7/15 3%
Gravis Marketing 7/7 - 7/8 2%
Greenberg Quinlan Rosner 6/11 - 6/20 12%
Detroit News/WDIV-TV 5/24 - 5/26 12%


4-way poll vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, and Green Jill Stein

Pollster Date Johnson's %
SurveyUSA/KSTP-TV 10/22 - 10/26 5%
Breitbart/Gravis Marketing 9/23 - 9/23 4%
SurveyUSA/KSTP-TV 9/16 - 9/20 6%
Star Tribune 9/12 - 9/14 6%

5-way poll vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, Green Jill Stein, and Independent Evan McMullin

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Star Tribune/Mason-Dixon 10/20 - 10/22 6%


4-way poll vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, and Green Jill Stein

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Magellan Strategies 8/11 - 8/11 3%


3-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Remington Research/Axiom Strategies 9/26 - 9/27 5%
Monmouth University 8/19 - 8/22 8%
SurveyUSA/KSDK 7/20 - 7/24 8%

4-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, and Green Jill Stein

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Emerson College 11/4 - 11/5 7%
Public Policy Polling 11/1 - 11/2 4%
Remington Research Group 10/31 - 11/1 4%
DHM Research 10/27 - 11/1 3%
Emerson College 10/28 - 10/31 5%
Monmouth University 10/28 - 10/31 4%
Mason-Dixon 10/24 - 10/26 3%
Remington Research/Axiom Strategies 10/23 - 10/25 4%
Emerson College 10/17 - 10/19 5%
Remington Research/Axiom Strategies 10/9 - 10/11 4%
Monmouth University 10/9 - 10/11 5%
CBS News/YouGov 9/21 - 9/23 5%
Emerson College 9/9 - 9/13 7%
Remington Research Group 9/1 - 9/2 8%
Remington Research Group 8/5 - 8/6 5%
St. Louis/Post-Dispatch 7/23 - 7/24 9%
Public Policy Polling 7/11 - 7/12 7%


3-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Mason-Dixon 10/10 - 10/12 11%

4-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, and Green Jill Stein

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Montana State University Billings 10/3 - 10/10 7%


4-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, and Green Jill Stein

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Emerson College 9/25 - 9/27 7%


3-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Remington Research/Axiom Strategies 11/1 - 11/2 3%
JMC Analytics/8 News NOW 10/28 - 11/1 4%
CNN/ORC 10/27 - 11/1 5%
Remington Research/Axiom Strategies 10/23 - 10/30 4%
NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist College 10/20 - 10/24 10%
Las Vegas Review-Journal/Bendixen & Amandi International 10/20 - 10/23 6%
Remington Research/Axiom Strategies 10/20 - 10/22 4%
KTNV/Rasmussen Reports 10/20 - 10/22 6%
Monmouth University 10/14 - 10/17 7%
CNN/ORC 10/10 - 10/15 7%
CBS News/YouGov 10/12 - 10/14 4%
JMC Analytics/8 News NOW 10/10 - 10/13 4%
Public Opinion Strategies 10/11 - 10/12 10%
UNLV/Hart Research 9/27 - 10/2 8%
Las Vegas Review-Journal/Bendixen & Amandi International 9/27 - 9/29 5%
Fox News 9/18 - 9/20 8%
KTNV/Rasmussen Reports 9/16 - 9/18 11%
Insights West 9/12 - 9/14 6%
Monmouth University 9/11 - 9/13 8%
Suffolk 8/15 - 8/17 5%
KTNV/Rasmussen Reports 7/29 - 7/31 10%
KTNV/Rasmussen Reports 7/22 - 7/24 8%
Monmouth University 7/7 - 7/10 5%
Greenberg Quinlan Rosner 6/11 - 6/20 9%
Gravis Marketing 5/24 - 5/25 8%

4-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, and Green Jill Stein

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Insights West 11/4 - 11/6 5%
Gravis Marketing 11/3 - 11/6 4%
Emerson College 11/4 - 11/5 4%
Trafalgar Group 11/1 - 11/4 3%
Emerson College 10/26 - 10/27 3%
Gravis Marketing/Breitbart News 10/25 - 10/25 3%
Emerson College 10/2 - 10/4 9%
Greenberg Quinlan Rosner 9/10 - 9/19 7%
NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist 9/6 - 9/8 8%
CBS News/YouGov 8/2 - 8/5 4%

5-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, Independent American Darrell Castle, and No Party Rocky De La Fuente

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Suffolk 9/27 - 9/29 7%
Suffolk 8/15 - 8/17 4.8%

New Hampshire

3-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Greenberg Quinlan Rosner 6/11 - 6/20 10%

4-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, and Green Jill Stein

Pollster Date Johnson's %
University of New Hampshire 11/3 - 11/6 6%
Emerson College 11/4 - 11/5 5%
Gravis Marketing/Breitbart News 11/1 - 11/2 7%
American Research Group 10/31 - 11/2 4%
Suffolk University/Boston Globe 10/31 - 11/2 5%
UMass Lowell/7News 10/28 - 11/2 5%
MassInc/WBUR 10/29 - 11/1 10%
University of New Hampshire/WMUR 10/26 - 10/30 6%
Emerson College 10/23 - 10/25 6%
Monmouth University 10/22 - 10/25 7%
NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist College 10/20 - 10/24 10%
UMass Amherst/WBZ Poll 10/17 - 10/21 8%
Emerson College 10/17 - 10/19 10%
University of New Hampshire 10/11 - 10/17 8%
MassInc/WBUR 10/10 - 10/12 11%
UMass Lowell/7News 10/7 - 10/11 9%
Suffolk University/Boston Globe 10/3 - 10/5 5%
MassInc/WBUR 9/27 - 9/29 13%
GBA Strategies 9/25 - 9/27 11%
American Research Group 9/20 - 9/25 6%
Monmouth University 9/17 - 9/20 10%
NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist 9/6 - 9/8 15%
Emerson College 9/3 - 9/5 14%
WMUR/University of New Hampsire 8/20 - 8/28 12%
CBS News/YouGov 8/10 - 8/12 5%
Vox Populi 8/7 - 8/8 11%
MassInc/WBUR 7/29 - 8/1 8%
WMUR/University of New Hampsire 7/9 - 7/18 10%

5-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, Green Jill Stein, and Independent Evan McMullin

Pollster Date Johnson's %
InsideSources/NH Journal 10/26 - 10/28 4%

New Jersey

3-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Fairleigh Dickinson University 6/22 - 6/26 9%

4-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, and Green Jill Stein

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Stockton University 10/27 - 11/2 3%
Fairleigh Dickinson University 10/12 - 10/16 6%
Rutgers-Eagleton 9/6 - 9/10 6%
Emerson College 9/2 - 9/5 5%
Monmouth University 5/23 - 5/27 5%

New Mexico

3-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Public Policy Polling 5/13 - 5/15 14%

4-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, and Green Jill Stein

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Zia Poll 11/6 - 11/6 6%
Research & Polling Inc 11/1 - 11/3 11%
Breitbart News/Gravis Marketing 11/1 - 11/2 11%
Zia Poll 11/1 - 11/2 7%
Zia Poll 10/24 - 10/24 9%
Zia Poll 10/11 - 10/11 12%
SurveyUSA 9/28 - 10/2 14%
Research & Polling Inc 9/27 - 9/29 24%
Public Policy Polling 8/19 - 8/21 16%

New York

4-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, and Green Jill Stein

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Siena College 11/3 - 11/4 5%
Siena College 10/13 - 10/17 5%
NBC 4 New York/Wall Street Journal/Marist 9/21 - 9/23 7%
Siena College 9/11 - 9/15 8%
Emerson College 8/28 - 8/30 8%
Siena College 8/7 - 8/10 9%
Gravis Marketing 8/4 - 8/8 6%
Quinnipiac University 7/13 - 7/17 6%

North Carolina

3-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump

Pollster Date Johnson's %
New York Times Upshot/Siena College 11/4 - 11/6 3%
Quinnipiac University 11/3 - 11/6 3%
Remington Research/Axiom Strategies 11/1 - 11/2 3%
Quinnipiac University 10/27 - 11/1 3%
WRAL-TV News/SurveyUSA 10/28 - 10/31 3%
Remington Research/Axiom Strategies 10/23 - 10/30 2%
Emerson College 10/26 - 10/27 4%
NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist 10/25 - 10/26 8%
Quinnipiac University 10/20 - 10/26 5%
New York Times Upshot/Siena College 10/20 - 10/23 8%
Monmouth University 10/20 - 10/23 4%
Public Policy Polling 10/21 - 10/22 4%
Remington Research/Axiom Strategies 10/20 - 10/22 3%
Civitas 10/14 - 10/17 5%
Time Warner Cable News/SurveyUSA 10/14 - 10/16 6%
CNN/ORC 10/10 - 10/15 4%
NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist 10/10 - 10/12 9%
Suffolk University 10/10 - 10/12 5%
High Point University 10/1 - 10/6 8%
WRAL-TV/SurveyUSA 9/29 - 10/3 5%
Quinnipiac University 9/27 - 10/2 7%
Public Policy Polling 9/27 - 9/28 7%
Breitbart/Gravis Marketing 9/23 - 9/23 7%
Meredith College 9/18 - 9/22 6%
High Point University 9/17 - 9/22 10%
Fox News 9/18 - 9/20 6%
Public Policy Polling 9/18 - 9/20 6%
New York Times Upshot/Siena College 9/16 - 9/19 11%
Civitas 9/11 - 9/12 5%
Suffolk University 9/5 - 9/7 4%
Quinnipiac University 8/29 - 9/7 15%
Monmouth University 8/20 - 8/23 7%
CNN/ORC 8/18 - 8/23 9%
Civitas/SurveyUSA 7/31 - 8/2 6%
Civitas 6/21 - 6/23 6%
Greenberg Quinlan Rosner 6/11 - 6/20 8%
Civitas 5/21 - 5/23 8%

4-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, and Green Jill Stein

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Breitbart News/Gravis Marketing 11/1 - 11/4 3%
Trafalgar Group 10/27 - 11/1 4%
CBS News/YouGov 10/26 - 10/28 3%
Elon University 10/23 - 10/27 3%
Gravis Marketing/Breitbart News 10/25 - 10/26 1%
Ipsos/Reuters 10/6 - 10/19 5%
Emerson College 10/10/- 10/12 5%
Bloomberg/Selzer 9/29 - 10/2 6%
Elon University 9/27 - 9/30 9%
Greenberg Quinlan Rosner 9/10 - 9/19 9%
Elon 9/12 - 9/16 6%
CBS News/YouGov 8/30 - 9/2 4%
Emerson College 8/27 - 8/29 8%
Gravis Marketing 8/15 - 8/17 10%
NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist 8/4 - 8/10 9%
Public Policy Polling 8/5 - 8/7 7%
NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist 7/5 - 7/11 7%
CBS News/YouGov 6/21 - 6/24 2%
Public Policy Polling 6/20 - 6/21 4%
Public Policy Polling 5/20 - 5/22 3%

North Dakota

4-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, and Green Jill Stein

Pollster Date Johnson's %
DFM Research 9/12 - 9/17 8%


3-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Remington Research/Axiom Strategies 11/1 - 11/2 4%
Remington Research/Axiom Strategies 10/23 - 10/30 3%
Remington Research/Axiom Strategies 10/20 - 10/22 4%
Greenberg Quinlan Rosner 6/11 - 6/20 14%

4-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, and Green Jill Stein

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Emerson College 11/4 - 11/5 7%
CBS News/YouGov 11/2 - 11/4 3%
TargetSmart/William and Mary 10/31 - 11/3 8%
Quinnipiac University 10/27 - 11/1 5%
Emerson College 10/26 - 10/27 6%
Quinnipiac University 10/10 - 10/16 6%
CNN/ORC 10/10 - 10/15 4%
NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist 10/10 - 10/12 9%
Emerson College 10/10 - 10/12 7%
Baldwin Wallace University 10/9 - 10/11 10%
CBS News/YouGov 10/5 - 10/7 5%
Public Policy Polling 10/5 - 10/6 5%
TargetSmart/William and Mary 10/3 - 10/6 5%
Monmouth University 10/1 - 10/4 5%
Anzalone Liszt Grove 9/27 - 10/2 8%
Quinnipiac University 9/27 - 10/2 6%
Breitbart/Gravis Marketing 9/22 - 9/23 6%
Target Smart/William & Mary 9/15 - 9/22 8%
Fox News 9/18 - 9/20 6%
Greenberg Quinlan Rosner 9/10 - 9/19 11%
Bloomberg/Selzer 9/9 - 9/12 10%
CNN/ORC 9/7 - 9/12 8%
CBS News/YouGov 9/7 - 9/9 7%
Quinnipiac University 8/29 - 9/7 14%
Emerson College 8/25 - 8/27 10%
Monmouth University 8/18 - 8/21 10%
CBS News/YouGov 8/17 - 8/19 6%
OnMessage 8/13 - 8/17 8%
NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist 8/3 - 8/7 12%
Quinnipiac University 7/30 - 8/7 8%
Public Policy Polling 7/22 - 7/24 6%
Suffolk University 7/18 - 7/20 5%
CBS News/YouGov 7/13 - 7/15 5%
Quinnipiac University 6/30 - 7/11 7%
NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist 7/5 - 7/10 9%
Quinnipiac University 6/8 - 6/19 8%

5-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, Green Jill Stein, and Independent Richard Duncan

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Suffolk University 10/17 - 10/19 2%
Suffolk University 9/12 - 9/14 4%


3-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump

Pollster Date Johnson's %
SoonerPoll 10/18 - 10/20 5%
SoonerPoll 9/13 - 9/15 6%
SoonerPoll 7/20 - 7/25 7%
Cole Hargrave 5/2 - 5/4 6%


4-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, and Green Jill Stein

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Fox 12/Davis, Hibbitts & Midghall 10/24 - 10/29 4%
Riley Research/KGW 10/4 - 10/14 5%
DHM Research 10/6 - 10/13 7%
KATU-TV/SurveyUSA 10/10 - 10/12 6%
Gravis Marketing/Breitbart 10/4 - 10/4 4%
Hoffman Research 9/29 - 10/1 8%
iCitizen 9/2 - 9/7 11%
DHM Research 9/1 - 9/6 10%
Clout Research 7/9 - 7/13 6%


3-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Remington Research/Axiom Strategies 11/1 - 11/2 4%
Remington Research/Axiom Strategies 10/23 - 10/30 3%
Remington Research/Axiom Strategies 10/20 - 10/22 5%
GBA Strategies 8/21 - 8/28 10%
Greenberg Quinlan Rosner 6/11 - 6/20 13%

4-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, and Green Jill Stein

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Gravis Marketing 11/3 - 11/6 7%
Trafalgar Group 11/3 - 11/5 2%
Morning Call/Muhlenberg College 10/30 - 11/4 7%
Harper Polling 11/2 - 11/3 2%
Breitbart News/Gravis Marketing 11/1 - 11/2 2%
Susquehanna Polling & Research 10/31 - 11/1 2%
Monmouth University 10/29 - 11/1 3%
CNN/ORC 10/27 - 11/1 5%
Quinnipiac University 10/27 - 11/1 3%
Gravis Marketing/One America News 10/31 - 10/31 3%
Franklin & Marshall College 10/26 - 10/30 4%
Breitbart News/Gravis Marketing 10/25 - 10/30 3%
CBS News/YouGov 10/26 - 10/28 5%
Emerson College 10/25 - 10/26 6%
Morning Call/Muhlenberg College 10/20 - 10/26 8%
New York Times Upshot/Siena College 10/23 - 10/25 6%
Emerson College 10/17 - 10/19 4%
Ipsos/Reuters 10/6 - 10/17 6%
Quinnipiac University 10/10 - 10/16 6%
Bloomberg/Selzer 10/7 - 10/11 6%
Lucid/The Times-Picayune 10/7 - 10/10 6%
Susquehanna Polling & Research 10/4 - 10/9 4%
CBS News/YouGov 10/5 - 10/7 4%
NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist 10/3 - 10/6 6%
Monmouth University 9/30 - 10/3 5%
Franklin & Marshall College 9/28 - 10/2 5%
Quinnipiac University 9/27 - 10/2 5%
Public Policy Polling 9/27 - 9/28 6%
CNN/ORC 9/20 - 9/25 6%
Breitbart/Gravis Marketing 9/23 - 9/23 3%
Morning Call/Muhlenberg College 9/19 - 9/23 8%
Mercyhurst University 9/12 - 9/23 4%
Harper Polling 9/21 - 9/22 8%
Greenberg Quinlan Rosner 9/10 - 9/19 8%
Morning Call/Muhlenberg College 9/12 - 9/16 14%
Quinnipiac University 8/29 - 9/7 9%
CBS News/YouGov 8/30 - 9/2 6%
Monmouth University 8/26 - 8/29 6%
Franklin & Marshall College 8/25 - 8/29 7%
Emerson College 8/25 - 8/28 7%
NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist 8/3 - 8/7 9%
Quinnipiac University 7/30 - 8/7 7%
Susquehanna/ABC27 News 7/31 - 8/4 7%
Franklin & Marshall College 7/29 - 8/2 7%
Public Policy Polling 7/29 - 7/31 4%
Suffolk University 7/25 - 7/27 5%
Quinnipiac University 6/30 - 7/11 9%
NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist 7/5 - 7/10 8%
Quinnipiac University 6/8 - 6/19 9%
Public Policy Polling 6/3 - 6/5 6%

Rhode Island

4-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, and Green Jill Stein

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Emerson College 10/2 - 10/4 5%
Emerson College 9/2 - 9/5 8%

South Carolina

3-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Starboard Communications 9/7 - 9/9 7%

4-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, and Green Jill Stein

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Winthrop University 9/18 - 9/26 6%
Trafalgar Group 9/6 - 9/12 3%
First Tuesday Strategies 8/30 - 9/2 3%
Feldman 8/18 - 8/21 5%
Gravis Marketing 8/15 - 8/17 7%
Public Policy Polling 8/9 - 8/10 5%

4-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, and Independent Evan McMullin

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Starboard Communications 10/30 - 10/31 3%

South Dakota

3-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Mason-Dixon 10/18 - 10/20 7%

4-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, and Constitution Party candidate Darell Castle

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Nielson Brothers Polling 10/24 - 10/26 7%
Remington Research Group 10/19 - 10/21 6%


4-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, and Green Jill Stein

Pollster Date Johnson's %
iCitizen 10/14 - 10/17 7%
MTSU 9/28 - 10/2 5%
Vanderbilt University 9/19 - 10/2 7%


3-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Austin American-Statesman/Crosswind 10/22 - 10/24 7%
Texas Tribune/YouGov 6/10 - 6/20 7%
Leland Beatty 6/13 - 6/14 3%

4-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, and Green Jill Stein

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Emerson College 10/31 - 11/1 5%
NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist 10/30 - 11/1 6%
KTVT-CBS 11/Dixie Strategies 10/27 - 10/29 3%
Texas Tribune/University of Texas 10/14 - 10/23 7%
CBS News/YouGov 10/20 - 10/21 5%
University of Houston 10/7 - 10/15 4%
SurveyUSA/TEGNA 10/10 - 10/12 3%
KTVT-CBS 11/Dixie Strategies 9/29 - 10/1 4%
Texas Lyceum 9/1 - 9/11 9%
Emerson College 9/7 - 9/10 10%

5-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, Green Jill Stein, and Independent Evan McMullin

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Public Policy Polling 8/12 - 8/14 6%


3-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump

Pollster Date Johnson's %
SurveyUSA/Salt Lake Tribune 6/2 - 6/8 13%
Gravis Marketing 5/31 - 6/1 16%

4-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, and Green Jill Stein

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Dan Jones & Associates 7/18 - 8/4 16%
Dan Jones & Associates 6/8 - 6/17 10%

4-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, and Independent Evan McMullin

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Trafalgar Group 11/3 - 11/5 4%
Rasmussen Reports 10/29 - 10/31 3%
Rasmussen Reports 10/23 - 10/24 4%

5-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, Green Jill Stein, and Independent Evan McMullin

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Y2 Analytics 11/1 - 11/3 5%
Emerson College 11/1 - 11/2 3%
Monmouth University 10/30 - 11/2 4%
Gravis Marketing 10/30 - 10/31 3%
Dan Jones & Associates 10/20 - 10/27 4%
Emerson College 10/17 - 10/19 5%
Rasmussen Reports 10/15 - 10/16 5%
CBS News/YouGov 10/12 - 10/14 7%
Monmouth University 10/10 - 10/12 9%
Y2 Analytics 10/10 - 10/11 14%
Dan Jones & Associates 9/12 - 9/19 13%

6-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, Green Jill Stein, Independent Evan McMullin, and Constitution Party candidate Darrell Castle

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Dan Jones & Associates 10/12 - 10/18 5%
Dan Jones & Associates 9/1 - 9/9 13%
Public Policy Polling 8/19 - 8/21 12%


3-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump

Pollster Date Johnson's %
VPR 7/11 - 7/23 5%
FM3 Research 6/27 - 7/1 10%

4-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, and Green Jill Stein

Pollster Date Johnson's %
RRH Elections 10/24 - 10/26 5%
WCAX 10/19 - 10/22 7%
Castleton University/Vermont Public Radio 9/29 - 10/14 4%
Emerson College 9/2 - 9/5 13%


3-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Remington Research Group/Axiom Strategies 11/1 - 11/2 4%
Remington Research Group/Axiom Strategies 10/23 - 10/30 3%
Remington Research Group/Axiom Strategies 10/20 - 10/22 3%
Emerson College 10/10 - 10/12 6%
CBS News/YouGov 8/2 - 8/5 7%
Gravis Marketing 5/24 - 5/24 6%

4-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, and Green Jill Stein

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Breitbart News/Gravis Marketing 11/1 - 11/4 4%
Emerson College 10/28 - 10/30 3%
Washington Post/Schar School 10/27 - 10/30 6%
Quinnipiac University 10/20 - 10/26 4%
Public Policy Polling 9/27 - 9/28 7%
CBS News/YouGov 9/21 - 9/23 7%
Quinnipiac University 9/13 - 9/21 8%
Roanoke College 9/11 - 9/20 8%
Public Policy Polling 9/9 - 9/11 6%
Emerson College 8/30 - 9/1 11%
Roanoke College 8/7 - 8/17 8%
Quinnipiac University 8/9 - 8/16 11%
Washington Post 8/11 - 8/14 9%
NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist 8/4 - 8/10 9%
Fox News 7/9 - 7/12 10%
NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist 7/5 - 7/11 10%
Public Policy Polling 6/13 - 6/15 6%

5-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, Green Jill Stein, and Independent Evan McMullin

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Christopher Newport University 11/1 - 11/6 3%
Public Policy Polling 11/3 - 11/4 4%
Roanoke College 10/29 - 11/1 5%
Winthrop University 10/23 - 10/30 5%
Christopher Newport University 10/23 - 10/26 5%
Christopher Newport University 10/16 - 10/19 8%
Tarrance Group 10/12 - 10/15 3%
Christopher Newport University 10/11 - 10/14 11%
Roanoke College 10/2 - 10/6 7%
Christopher Newport University 9/27 - 9/30 12%
Christopher Newport University 9/15 - 9/23 15%
University of Mary Washington 9/6 - 9/12 8%

Washington State

4-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, and Green Jill Stein

Pollster Date Johnson's %
SurveyUSA 10/31 - 11/2 4%
Elway Poll 10/20 - 10/22 1%
Strategies 360 9/29 - 10/3 10%
Emerson College 9/25 - 9/26 7%
Insights West 9/12 - 9/14 16%
Elway Poll 8/9 - 8/13 7%

West Virginia

3-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Just Win Strategies 9/8 - 9/10 4%

4-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, and Green Jill Stein

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Repass Research 8/9 - 8/28 10%


3-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Remington Research Group/Axiom Strategies 11/1 - 11/2 3%
Remington Research Group/Axiom Strategies 10/23 - 10/30 4%
Remington Research Group/Axiom Strategies 10/20 - 10/22 5%
Greenberg Quinlan Rosner 6/11 - 6/20 16%

4-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, and Green Jill Stein

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Loras College 10/31 - 11/1 7%
Marquette University 10/26 - 10/31 4%
Emerson College 10/27 - 10/28 9%
McLaughlin & Associates 10/18 - 10/20 4%
Monmouth University 10/15 - 10/18 6%
St Norbert College 10/13 - 10/16 1%
Marquette University 10/6 - 10/9 9%
Loras College 10/5 - 10/8 8%
CBS News/YouGov 10/5 - 10/7 4%
Gravis Marketing/Breitbart News 10/4 - 10/4 4%
Emerson College 9/19 - 9/20 11%
Marquette University 9/15 - 9/18 11%
Monmouth University 8/27 - 8/30 7%
Marquette University 8/25 - 8/28 10%
Marquette University 8/4 - 8/7 10%
Marquette University 7/7 - 7/10 8%
CBS News/YouGov 6/21 - 6/24 3%


4-way polls vs. Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, and Green Jill Stein

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Wyoming Survey and Analysis Center 10/5 - 10/11 9%
DFM Research 9/6 - 9/11 10%

2012 Polls


National 3-way polls

vs. Democrat Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Reason-Rupe 9/13 - 9/17 6%
JZ Analytics 7/10 - 7/13 5%
Gallup 6/7 - 6/10 3%
Washington Times/JZ Analytics 5/11 - 5/12 2%
Public Policy Polling 4/12 - 4/15 6%
Public Policy Polling 3/15 - 3/17 7%
Public Policy Polling 2/9 - 2/12 7%
Public Policy Polling 1/13 - 1/16 7%
Public Policy Polling 12/16/11 - 12/18/11 9%

National 4-way polls

vs. Democrat Barack Obama, Republican Mitt Romney, and Green Jill Stein

Pollster Date Johnson's %
CNN/Opinion Research 9/28 - 9/30 4%
CNN/Opinion Research 9/7 - 9/9 4%

National 5-way polls

vs. Democrat Barack Obama, Republican Mitt Romney, Green Jill Stein, and Constitution Party candidate Virgil Goode

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Zogby / JZAnalytics 10/18 - 10/20 3.3%
Zogby / JZAnalytics 10/5 - 10/7 1.7%
Zogby / JZAnalytics 9/21 - 9/22 2.3%
Zogby / JZAnalytics 9/11 - 9/12 2.1%
Gallup 9/6 - 9/12 1%

State Polls


3-way poll vs. Democrat Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Public Policy Polling 5/17 - 5/20 9%


3-way polls vs. Democrat Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Public Policy Polling 9/20 - 9/23 4%
Public Policy Polling 8/2 - 8/5 4%
Public Policy Polling 6/14 - 6/17 7%


3-way poll vs. Democrat Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Mason Dixon 7/9 - 7/11 2%


4-way poll vs. Democrat Barack Obama, Republican Mitt Romney, and Green Jill Stein

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Public Policy Polling 6/22 - 6/24 1%


3-way poll vs. Democrat Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney

Pollster Date Johnson's %
We Ask America 7/24 2.1%


3-way polls vs. Democrat Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Mason Dixon 9/19 2%
Public Policy Polling 4/26 - 4/29 8%


3-way poll vs. Democrat Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney

Pollster Date Johnson's %
WeAskAmerica 9/27 2.3%

New Hampshire

3-way poll vs. Democrat Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Public Policy Polling 5/10 - 5/13 7%

New Mexico

3-way polls vs. Democrat Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Public Opinion Strategies 10/30 - 10/31 6%
Albuquerque Journal 10/23 - 10/25 5%
Albuquerque Journal 10/9 - 10/11 6%
WeAskAmerica 9/3 - 9/6 3.9%
The Albuquerque Journal 9/3 - 9/6 7%
Public Policy Polling 7/13 - 7/16 13%
Public Policy Polling 4/19 - 4/22 15%
Public Policy Polling 12/10/11 - 12/12/11 23%

North Carolina

3-way poll vs. Democrat Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Public Policy Polling 5/10 - 5/13 6%


3-way polls vs. Democrat Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Gravis Marketing 9/21 - 9/22 11%
Gravis Marketing 9/7 - 9/8 5%


3-way poll vs. Democrat Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Public Policy Polling 1/12 - 1/15 7%


4-way poll vs. Democrat Barack Obama, Republican Mitt Romney, and Constitution Party candidate Virgil Goode

Pollster Date Johnson's %
Suffolk University 9/24 - 9/26 1%


3-way polls vs. Democrat Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney

Pollster Date Johnson's %
We Ask America 9/20 - 9/23 1.2%
Reason-Rupe 5/14 - 5/18 6%

2008 Polls


National 4-way polls

vs. Democrat Barack Obama, Republican John McCain, and Independent Ralph Nader

Pollster Date Barr's %
CBS News/NY Times 10/25 - 10/29 1%
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 10/17 - 10/20 2%
Associated Press-GfK 10/16 - 10/20 1%
CNN/Opinion Research 10/17 - 10/19 2%
Democracy Corps (D) 10/15 - 10/19 2%
CBS News/NY Times 10/10 - 10/13 1%
LA Times/Bloomberg 10/10 - 10/13 1%
Democracy Corps (D) 10/8 - 10/12 3%
CNN 10/3 - 10/5 2%
Gallup 10/3 - 10/5 1%
Democracy Corps (D) 10/1 - 10/5 2%
Democracy Corps (D) 9/28 - 9/30 1%
Associated Press-GfK 9/27 - 9/30 1%
ABC News/Wash Post 9/27 - 9/29 2%
Ipsos/McClatchy 9/26 - 9/29 1%
Democracy Corps (D) 9/22 - 9/24 2%
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 9/19 - 9/22 2%
LA Times/Bloomberg 9/19 - 9/22 1%
ABC News/Wash Post 9/19 - 9/22 1%
CNN/Opinion Research 9/19 - 9/21 1%
CBS News/NY Times 9/12 - 9/16 1%
Ipsos Public Affairs 9/11 - 9/15 1%
Reuters/Zogby 9/11 - 9/13 1%
Democracy Corps (D) 9/8 - 9/10 1%
Associated Press/GfK 9/5 - 9/10 1%
Ipsos Public Affairs 9/5 - 9/9 1%
Pub Op Str (R) 9/6 - 9/8 1%
CNN 9/5 - 9/7 3%
Democracy Corps (D) 9/1 - 9/3 2%
CNN 8/29 - 8/31 2%
CNN 8/23 - 8/24 2%
ABC News/Wash Post 8/19 - 8/22 3%
LA Times/Bloomberg 8/15 - 8/18 1%
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 8/15 - 8/18 3%
Reuters/Zogby 8/14 - 8/16 3%
Gallup 8/7 - 8/10 1%
AP-Ipsos 7/31 - 8/4 2%
Time 7/31 - 8/4 3%
Zogby 7/31 - 8/1 2%
CNN 7/27 - 7/29 3%
Democracy Corps (D) 7/21 - 7/24 3%
FOX News 7/22 - 7/23 0%
NBC/WSJ 7/18 - 7/21 2%
ABC News/Wash Post 7/10 - 7/13 2%
Reuters/Zogby 7/9 - 7/13 3%
CNN 6/26 - 6/29 3%
LA Times/Bloomberg 6/19 - 6/23 4%
FOX News 6/17 - 6/18 2%
Zogby 6/12 - 6/14 3%
CNN 6/4 - 6/5 2%
Zogby 5/15 - 5/18 3%
Rasmussen 5/14 - 5/15 6%
Zogby 4/10 - 4/12 2%

State Polls


4-way polls vs. Democrat Barack Obama, Republican John McCain, and Independent Ralph Nader

Pollster Date Barr's %
Rocky Mtn News/CBS4 8/11 - 8/13 3%
Zogby International 6/11 - 6/30 8%


4-way polls vs. Democrat Barack Obama, Republican John McCain, and Independent Ralph Nader

Pollster Date Barr's %
CNN/Time Magazine/Opinion Research 9/21 - 9/23 1%


4-way polls vs. Democrat Barack Obama, Republican John McCain, and Independent Ralph Nader

Pollster Date Barr's %
CNN/Time Magazine/Opinion Research 9/21 - 9/23 1%

2004 Polls


National 6-way polls

vs. Republican George Bush, Democrat John Kerry, Independent Ralph Nader, Green David Cobb, and Constitution Party candidate Michael Peroutka

Pollster Date Badnarik's %
Gallup 9/13 - 9/15 1%

2000 Polls


National 4-way polls

vs. Republican George Bush, Democrat John Kerry, Green Ralph Nader, and possibly others

Pollster Date Browne %
Gallup 10/6 - 10/9 1%

National 7-way polls

vs. Republican George Bush, Democrat Al Gore, Green Ralph Nader, Reform candidate Pat Buchanan, Natural Law candidate John Hagelin, and Constitution Party candidate Howard Phillips

Pollster Date Browne %
Gallup 5/18 - 5/21 1%

National open ended polls

No candidate names were supplied.

Pollster Date Browne 's %
Gallup 5/5 - 5/7 0%

1996 Polls


National 4-way polls

vs. Democrat Bill Clinton, Republican Bob Dole, Reform candidate Ross Perot, Green Ralph Nader, and possibly others

Pollster Date Browne %
Gallup 10/26 - 10/29 1%
