Document:New York Newsletter October 2000 Free New York

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FREE NEW YORK October 2000

Inside This Issue

1.) Manhattan County LP 2.) LPNY on Statewide Ballot 3.) BRIBE a LIBERTARIAN? NOT!! 4.) CLIFTON SETS CAMPAIGN APPEARANCES 5.) Rasmussen Poll 6.) Campaign News Stephen Healey Bill Bombard Scott Jeffrey 7.) STATE COMM. MINUTES - Aug. 26, 2000

Address Changes

All address changes/corrections should be sent to:

The Libertarian Party Watergate Office Building 2600 Virginia Ave. NW, Suite 100 Washington, DC 20037


October 5, 2000 3rd Party Cand. Forum Staten Island, NY

October 15, 2000 3rd Party Cand. Forum Ithaca, New York

October 25, 2000 3rd Party Cand. Forum Five Towns Area, NY

November 7, 2000 Election Day

November 18, 2000

 	Deadline for FNY Articles

December Next Issue of FNY

Let your fellow libertarians know what you are doing to further the cause of liberty in New York.

Elections and Party politics come first. But we will consider other stories of interest to libertarians.

To Contact Free New York US Mail Jeff Doty P.O. Box 27 Cuba, NY 14727

Phone: (716) 372-8232 Fax: (716) 968-9087 - 24 hrs E-mail:


The latest chapter to be formed in the rapidly expanding Libertarian Party of New York can be found in the city of New York. To be precise, it is in the borough of Manhattan. On August 31, 2000, a convention was held where party officers were elected and by-laws adopted. The officers are: Jak Karako, Chair; Robert Eikel, Secretary/Treasurer; James Lesczynski, Director of Media Relations; Travis Pahl, Director of Commerce Issues; and Kevin Smith, Director of Personal Freedom Issues. Karako stated, "In recognition of the fact that the initiation of force by government has been an instrument for curtailing individual rights and freedom, which has in turn caused unnecessary suffering in society, the Manhattan Libertarian Party enters the political arena for the avowed purpose of limiting the intervention of government to the prevention of violence against persons and property, as well as fraud, and the development and protection of property rights." Karako added that the Manhattan Libertarian Party would particularly focus on issues that are unique to New York City, including the local government's confiscatory income tax, sales tax and property tax laws and its penchant for restricting the freedom of citizens and businesses through excessive regulation. In the near term, the Manhattan Libertarian Party will dedicate itself to supporting the campaigns of Libertarian Party candidates for federal elective office, including Harry Browne for President, John Clifton for U.S. Senate, and Scott Jeffrey for the 15th U.S. Congressional District. Residents of Manhattan who are interested in supporting the cause of liberty in their community are encouraged to learn more about the Manhattan Libertarian Party by sending e-mail to or visiting the chapter's web site at lpmanhattan. They are also welcome to attend one of the Manhattan Libertarian Party's monthly meetings, which will take place the first Wednesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. at Middle School 167, East 76th Street between Second Avenue and Third Avenue in Manhattan. The LPNY now has chapters in Brooklyn, the Capital District (Albany, Schenectady, Troy and vicinity), Central NY (Syracuse and vicinity), Erie/Niagara, Hudson Valley, Manhattan, Monroe County, Nassau County, Queens County, Southern Tier, and Suffolk County.


The Libertarian Party of New York will be on the ballot in November, having collected over 32,000 signatures. Petitioning is a biennial chore for the LPNY because it is not yet officially recognized by the State of New York as a political party. Recognition is obtained by receiving 50,000 votes for the Gubernatorial candidate. As a result, it is necessary for us to collect 15,000 valid signatures to be on the ballot statewide. We try to collect at least 25-30,000 signatures in order to ensure that our petitions are challenge-proof. We would like to thank all of those who were willing to devote some of their free time to gather signatures. A special thanks goes to Jeff Russell who organized the petition drive, arranged thousands of pages of signatures, and delivered them all to the NYS Board of Elections in Albany.


Volunteers (total - 5569) (0-9 Signatures) Delaney, Kevin Rosenblatt, Eleanor

(10-24 Signatures) Armstrong, Bob Bell, H. Clark Clifton, John Cobb, Stephen David, John Davis, Steve DiMasi, Elaine Eikel, Robert Gibb, Betsy Hagan, Paul Hennings, Herb Kane, Vincent Lass, Barry Loberfeld, Barry McGraw, Richard Minnich, Phil Murphy, Bridget Nelson, Russ Ongun, Aral Petracca, Richard Phillips, Ernest Porter, Dennis Procida, John Pusateri, Angelo Rice, Donald Rockefeller, William Sanchez, Michael Schmittmeyer, William Sillars, David Smith, Leo Treat, Jay Ward, Eugene Wehner, Tim

(25-49 Signatures) Axinn, Mark Doty, Jeff Fling, Bill Gathmann, David Gilmartin, David Grenier, Michael Kearney, Thomas Monnett, Lee Olney, Judith-Ann Russell, Jeff Seguin, Larry Swanson, John Tranquill, James

(50-99 Signatures) Cooper, Rich Eggleston, Ken Garvey, Chris Hoesly, Steve Janson, Jan-Erik Pappaeliou, Audrey Rutty, Bridget Scott, Bonnie Tepper, Mark

(100-249 Signatures) Alahvridian, Alex Brokaw, Dottie-Lou Goodman, Robert Hopwood, Dave Merbaum, Bruce Monheit, Jeffrey Popkin, Gary Sero, Zev

(250-499 Signatures) Bombard, Bill Hetzner, Werner Karako, Jak

(500-999 Signatures) Silberger, Donald

(1000+ Signatures) Healey, Stephen

Paid (Total - 26448)

Harbourt, Catherine Goodman, Robert Card, Don Ellis, Bob Newton, Fred Bonner, Darryl Plaster, Jim

volunteer and paid totals 32017


Rockland County Democratic Chair Paul Adler has allegedly accepted over $370,000 in bribes and secret payments to grant approval for suburban developments, and allegedly, offering bribes and threatening retaliation to Clarkstown Planning Board members. Mr Adler, Hillary Clinton's associate, was doing well until John Cain was offered a bribe. Mr. Cain is a self-employed insurance consultant serving on the Board. And he's a member of the LPNY. According to federal prosecutors, Cain was offered a bribe by a builder in a meeting set up by Adler. Wired by investigators, Cain recorded Adler saying that he didn't get into politics "to lose money" and ranting about retaliation against an uncooperative board member. Explaining why we have so much corruption in politics, LPNY State Chair Richard Cooper stated, "The only politician who can't be bought is one who has nothing to sell. Removing the government's power to interfere with markets is the best way to end payoffs like these, once and for all."

Libertarian US Senate candidate John Clifton commented, "The latest corruption flap, where yet another Clinton surrogate has been busted, shows the stark difference between the two parties of big government and the party of principle, the Libertarian Party. Our opponents are the parties of patronage and privilege. The basic principle of big government is itself corrupt."


Oct. 2 - Second Amendment Salon, Manhattan, 6 pm (Dinner followed by attendance of a show).

Oct. 4 - Libertarian Party Meeting, Manhattan

Oct. 5 - Third Party Senate Candidate's Forum, Staten Island, NY.

Oct. 5 - Junto, Manhattan

Oct. 7 - NY State Rifle and Pistol Assn. Annual Meeting, Crowne Plaza Hotel, White Plains, NY.

Oct. 8 - Hemp Fest, Echo Lake Campground, Afton, NY.

Oct. 9 - Columbus Day Parade, Manhattan.

Oct. 12 - Interview with Damon Root, WKCR Radio, NYC.

Oct. 14 - Rally for St. Luke's Pentecostal Church, North Hempstead.

Oct. 15 - Third Party Senate Candidate's Forum at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.

Oct. 18 - LP of Queens County Meeting, Guest Speaker - Steven Kagann, Chief Economist for State of NY, 7:00 pm, Bohemian Hall 29-19 24th Ave., Astoria

Oct. 25 - Third Party Senate Candidate's Forum, Five Towns Area, NY, details TBA.

Oct. 28 - Interview with Peter Christ, WSYR Radio, Syracuse, 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm.

For more Info, check Mr. Clifton's web site:


Using the same questions and scale from the "World's Smallest Political Quiz", a Portrait of America telephone survey of 822 likely voters found 32% of American voters are centrists; 16% are libertarians; 14% are authoritarians; 13% liberal; 7% are conservative; and 17% border one or more categories. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 % with a 95% level of confidence. Libertarians are equally distributed throughout the two major parties. 56% of those polled believed that there are too many laws in the United States. Women are more likely to be authoritarians (18%) than libertarians (14%). Men are more likely to be centrists (36%) than women (28%). You can read more about the poll at


Stephen Healey Candidate for 28th CD Fifteen weeks ago Steve Healey decided to run for Congress in New York's 28th district against the seven term incumbent Democrat Louise Slaughter. Only 6 weeks and 3 days remain until the election, and the action is heating up. Today, September 23, the candidate meets with students at both the University of Rochester and Rochester Institute of Technology to get acquainted and to plan the formation of Libertarian student organizations. Tomorrow Steve will participate in a candidates' forum and pig roast sponsored by the Shooters Committee on Political Education (SCOPE). Hopefully they will roast some candidates too. On Monday 9-25, the Libertarian Party of Monroe County will host a "Meet the Candidates" dinner. Attendees will have the chance to meet with U.S. Senate Candidate John Clifton, Steve Healey, and Assembly candidate Jed Tranquill. Jed is an LP member who obtained the Independence party line in the race for the 133 Assembly district. Headlining the evening will be Rochester's own Steven Landsburg, whose last presentation to a Libertarian audience brought the 2000 NYS convention to its feet with a vigorous standing ovation. Campaign buttons have arrived, and bumper stickers are due 9-28. The combined efforts of the local party and the campaign have swelled the 6 county area mailing list to over 320 names. On September 21, Dengler Studios donated sound studio time which enabled the campaign to tape three radio ads covering gun rights, free trade, and social security. These ads should be available at by 9-28. On October 3 Steve will address a political science class at SUNY Geneseo. October 15 (tentative) Steve has been invited to a political debate/discussion at Cornell University.

Bill Bombard

Candidate for 109th AD

I have filed the petitions for the 109th Assembly race against Betty Little. I fell short. However, per the election law, the BoE must invalidate the petitions within 2 business days if there is a problem and no objector. They did not do so. There was an objector named Bruce Lant who was represented by Betty Little's attorney brother, Michael O'Connor, who is also the Warren County Republican Chairman. It is questionable whether or not he filed on time and he also did not serve me, which by election law, the BoE can not accept the objection and specifications without doing so. After appearing at the hearing at the BoE on September 6, 2000 and objecting to the objectors specifications being accepted without serving me, the hearing officer referred it to the Commissioners for a determination. On September 14, 2000 the determination was to invalidate my petitions anyway, ignoring their own election laws. I have since filed a Notice of Appeal to the Albany County Supreme Court requesting judicial intervention. I am waiting for an answer from the Court Clerk. I have informed the news media locally and nothing has been published - a news blackout, just like my candidacy.

Bill Bombard

Independent candidate for the 109th Assembly District (Covering Warren, Essex and parts of Clinton and Franklin counties)

Scott Jeffrey Candidate for 15th CD Scott Jeffrey, a 32 year old software developer and native New Yorker, is challenging incumbent Congressman Charles Rangel in the 15th District of New York. Jeffrey is a long-time marijuana legalization activist, running the Legalize Web site ( since 1996. The Jeffrey 2000 campaign presents a rare opportunity to demonstrate that marijuana legalization is a moderate, mainstream issue -- and a winning political platform. Jeffrey is in a strong position to capture a second place finish, beating the Republican candidate. On August 22, Jeffrey filed a 3500 signature petition to become an official independent candidate on the November ballot. After a completely self-funded petition drive, Jeffrey is now asking for $5 donations. Money helps to lend legitimacy to a campaign, generating much-needed media attention. Fundraising is also a measure of a campaign's success. While Mr. Jeffrey asks for $5, you are free to donate as much as $1000. Checks should be payable to Jeffrey for Congress and mailed to:

Jeffrey for Congress 2565 Broadway #135 New York, NY 10025

Information was garnerd from Mr. Jeffrey's web site:

State Committee Minutes - August 26, 2000

New York Libertarian Party State Committee Minutes: August 26, 2000 Westbury (Downstate) and Clifton Park (Upstate)

Present: Rich Cooper (Chair), Blay Tarnoff (Vice Chair), Audrey Capozzi (Vice Chair), John Clifton (Treasurer), Caryn Tarnoff (Secretary), Bob Goodman (At-Large), John Ayling (At-Large), Bonnie Scott (At-Large), Don Silberger (At-Large; Hudson Valley Rep.), Chris Garvey (Suffolk Rep.), Vince O'Neill (Nassau Rep.), Jeff Russell (Capital District Rep.), Bridget Rutty (Central NY Rep.), Stephen Healey (Monroe Rep.), (Absent: Brad Arter, Queens Rep., Brooklyn Rep.) The meeting was called to order at 10:57 am.

Secretary's Minutes: The minutes of the July 8, 2000 meeting were approved with no changes.

E-Mail Voting: Bonnie Scott moved that the State Committee be able to vote on non-monetary matters via e-mail. Blay Tarnoff offered friendly amendment that the Committee wait five days from the time that a motion is introduced via e-mail before concluding that the vote totals are final. The motion (with the amendment) passed with eleven voting for the motion and three voting against.

Treasurer's Report: John Clifton distributed a report. The ending balance, as of 8/25/00, was $11,855.70. John offered to either step down from his treasurer duties or defer reporting to BOE, FEC, and IRS until after the election, due to time constraints. A discussion was held regarding the LPNY's need to file reports. Dave Harnett declined a request to fill in as treasurer. Rich Cooper will ask Bill McMillen and will speak to the National Committee for advice. John Clifton informed the Committee that the LPNY's income this year is approximately $20,000. Blay Tarnoff suggested that we hire a company to complete the reports. There was a question regarding how organizations provide signatures when forms are completed electronically. Apparently a written form must also be submitted.

Old Business:

Petition Drive Jeff Russell reported that the LPNY submitted approximately 32,000 signatures for the Harry Browne and John Clifton campaigns. About 85% of these were paid for. There were about 5,000 volunteer signatures. The LPNY paid for around 7,000 and National paid for 20,000. Bill Van Allen has filed a challenge to all independent nominating petitions. He has until 8/30 to provide the details of his challenge. Rich Cooper informed the Committee that Ron Crickenberger would like the LPNY to kick back some money to the National Party because LPNY spent less money than it had intended on the petitioning process. Blay Tarnoff informed that Committee that Steve Dasbach had said that National would reimburse LPNY for the money it spent on petitioning, which would be about $6,800. The Committee agreed that we would not offer to reimburse National and would wait to see if the issue is brought up again.

New Business:

State Fair: Bridget Rutty had raised the issue, via e-mail, regarding the LPNY sponsoring an annual booth at the New York State Fair. She reported that the local chapter is not doing anything at the Fair at this time and probably is not in the position to handle this project. There was a discussion regarding the feasibility of the State Committee handling this. It was generally agreed that this project is not feasible at this time, however, the Committee suggested that the local chapter hand out literature to fairgoers. Chris Garvey moved that the State Committee provide $100 to the Central New York Chapter for an ad in the local paper to advertise their upcoming convention. This motion passed with one nay vote and one abstention. The convention will be on Sunday, September 17, at 2:00 PM.

Decals: Don Silberger and Bonnie Scott described an idea to publicize the legalization of marijuana with "legalize" decals, imprinted with a special National LP phone number. The National Party may be looking into the idea. Chris Garvey stated that there is a law, which imposes fines, against such decals in NY City. Rich Cooper has done a cost analysis and determined that 100,000 stickers would cost around $1,200.

Donor Thank You Notes: Rich sends postcards, or packages with news clippings, to donors, depending on the size of the donation.

Upcoming Events: October 7: NY State Pistol and Rifle Association Meeting October 24: Rally for St. Luke's Church

John Clifton Campaign: Chris Garvey moved that the Committee approve $1,000 for John Clifton's campaign; the motion passed unanimously.

Next Meeting: The date for the next "face-to-face" meeting has not yet been determined. In the meantime, State Committee business will be conducted via e-mail discussion. The meeting recessed at 1:04 PM, with official business to be conducted via e-mail, when necessary.

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