Libertarian National Congressional Committee

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Officers and Board of Directors

Chair, Director

Wayne Allyn Root

Vice Chair

Michael Colley


Alicia Mattson


Jeff Dimit

Director (LNC Chair)

Mark Hinkle


Mike Dixon


Jim Lark


Aaron Starr


Phil Gordon

The Libertarian National Congressional Committee is a hill committee created by the LNC for the purpose of electing Libertarians to the US Congress. For the time being its interim goal is to get Libertarians elected to state legislatures.

As it is modeled after the Democratic and Republican equivalents, the DCCC and the NRCC, it can be expected to eventually provide monetary as well as information support to Libertarian candidates and other activities along those lines.

Past Officers and Directors

M Carling, chair
Bill Redpath, LNC chairman board member
Bill Hall, director, legal counsel
Ben Brandon
Marc Montoni, database manager
Chuck Moulton, webmaster, secretary
Bill Redpath, treasurer
Aaron Starr, treasurer