Libertarian National Committee (2010-2012)

Revision as of 21:07, 2 June 2010 by Strangelv (talk | contribs) (2010-2012 draft)

The Libertarian National Committee controls and manages the affairs, properties, and funds of the national Libertarian Party. It is comprised of the party officers, five at-large representatives elected every two years at the national convention, and a theoretical maximum of ten regional representatives.

Libertarian National Committee
as of 26 May 2008

Mark Hinkle

Vice Chair

Mike Jingozian,


Aaron Starr


Bob Sullentrup

At Large

Wayne Allen Root

At Large

Bill Redpath

At Large

David Nolan

At Large

Mary Ruwart

At Large

Kevin Knedler

Region 1 Representative

Stewart Flood

Region 1 Representative

Doug Craig

Region 1 Representative

Dan Weiner

Region 1 Alternate

Brad Ploeger

Region 1 Alternate

Guy McLendon

Region 1 Alternate

Scott Lieberman

Region 2 Representative

Rachel Hawkridge

Region 2 Alternate

Vicki Kirkland

Region 3 Representative

Rebecca Sink-Burris

Region 3 Alternate

Andy Wolf

Region 4 Representative

Norm Olsen

Region 4 Alternate

Don Wills

Region 5 Representative

Dan Karlan

Region 5 Representative

Jim Lark

Region 5 Alternate

Carl Vassar

Region 5 Alternate

Marakay Rogers

Region 6 Representative

Diana Visek(sp?)

Region 6 Alternate


Past National Chairs

Bill Redpath 2006-2010
Michael Dixon 2004-2006
Geoff Neale 2002-2004
Jim Lark 2000-2002
David Bergland 1998-2000
Steve Dasbach 1993-1998
Mary Gingell 1991-1993
Dave Walter 1988-1991
Jim Turney 1985-1988
Randy VerHagen 1985
Paul Grant 1983-1985
Alicia Clark 1981-1983
David Bergland 1977-1981
Ed Crane 1974-1977
Susan Nolan 1972-1974


Executive Director Wes Benedict
Political Director Sean Haugh
Operations Director Robert Kraus
Development Louise Calise
Special Projects Edward Wilson
Volunteer Coordinator Austin Petersen

Former Staff

Shane Cory, executive director
Joe Seehusen, executive director
Steve Dasbach, executive director
Ron Crickenberger, executive director
Perry Willis, executive director
Gene Cisewski, executive director
Elisabeth Brooks, volunteer coordinator

Past Committees

External Links