Washington Convention 1973

This convention was held on May 25–27, 1973 with membership edging towards the 100 mark, and the 100th member will receive a bottle of champagne (as will the current member who brings in Number 100).

Libertarian Party of Washington Convention 1973
Dates: May 25–27, 1973
1974 →


Proposals for Discussion

  • Ballot initiative to phase out the public school system one grade at a time, starting at the bottom
  • Support for a state lottery
  • Liberty Amendment


Murray N. Rothbard was among the attendees, and it was reported that there were about 95 in attendance.


Libertarian Party of Washington State
Conventions: 1973197420202021
Documents: BylawsConstitutions
Publications: ShockwaveWashington LibertarianNorthwest LibertarianMedia Outreach
Other: Election Results