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The foregoing should serve to convince all but the blindest Nixonites and crassest "My Party, Right or Wrong"Republicans that the "consider the alternative" argument is fallacious-that a Mcgovern Administration would be no more of a disaster than four more years of Nixon. But even if one still feels that McGovern would be worse, there are some points one should consider be succumbing to the blandishments of the Nixon forces. | The foregoing should serve to convince all but the blindest Nixonites and crassest "My Party, Right or Wrong"Republicans that the "consider the alternative" argument is fallacious-that a Mcgovern Administration would be no more of a disaster than four more years of Nixon. But even if one still feels that McGovern would be worse, there are some points one should consider be succumbing to the blandishments of the Nixon forces. | ||
First. it ii a virtaal c:enainty that Mc:Gowm cumot win. under any cir f"VIIIS&a-. EYm befOff the Eagleton fJaKO. the poUa Mc:Gowm traitin« | |||
Nixoo b)· 21 pointa. Thia pp will | |||
probably nanow -ta.a. bute'Yell the moat Me&-na analym leava him aby of the 270 eledonl Win needed to win. | |||
'J"bere ii DO doabl, of coane. that McGowm will cany - •ta. Maine 14 | |||
eledonl wteel, 1141. Rhode | |||
bland 141, Hawaii f41. MiamwJu (I 01 and the Diltrict of Colambia 131 would ,o fOI' Alem K • if be were the Democ:ntic nominff u,. at bare minimum, McGowm ii of 39 eledonl wca. | |||
But there. alto,mm the list of "eare beta.•• | |||
Anything McGowm gm beyond ti- 39 | |||
points will ba, tobe fought for. | |||
Since - are tr,-iag to detamine Im bar | |||
poaiblr sbowias. bowe'\w, let m gn him | |||
the bmdit of all doabla, and - what - | |||
up -..ith. To etart. let us ooooede him tbe entire Noni-et.all tbe way down to the North Carolina lxrier, · ooly Vermoot. New Hampabire. qinia. Thia groaaly ,-..- Ntimate . him | |||
sn-ea IDOff elalft tic-..a. | |||
New Jene,·. Peamylvania. West Virginia. | |||
Maryland. and Delaware) and 112 - | |||
,"Ota. fOI' a total of 15I. | |||
And then. fOI' good let', throw in aD the Pacific elates fCalifomia., | |||
,V uhing1on. Or.con, and Alma., 00 top of tbe alrady-<.'ODCleded Hawaiil. Thie giva McGO'\wn another 63 points. fOI' a total ol 214. | |||
Andfinally. fOI' the beck of it. let', toa in Michipn 121 ,-otsl and the Senator', home elate of South Dakota 141. 'The total ie | |||
_. 239. OI' 31 .a-t of victory. And that'• | |||
it. 11left ii not ooe other etate which McGO'\wn bu the elightst hope of lllinoi, i, hopeleu, without Daley', | |||
-8IIJIPO'! ... andeven then, would be unlikely. Ullinoie went fOI' Nixon owrHumpbreybyover 100,000votes, ewn with Daley doin« hie damndeet.l Tau? Doo't be eilly-HhH gotooly 41 pesunt of tb,e 'Ote. Miaolui? Humphrey carried it by a razor', with Wallace drawing 25 times the vote which aeparated HHH from | |||
Nixoo--and it ii hard to conceive of thoee Wallaceites voting for McGovern. Wac:umn? Cooceivable. but Nixon bNt | |||
HRH by 4 pesunt, with Wallace drawins an additional 8 percent .•• and w bu ooly 12 electoral wtee in any cue. | |||
'The Deep South, South-a. MidwNt. and Mountain Staa areanabeolute deeert fOI' Mc:GoYem; eu,re the Democrau in Nebnub Ifor inetancel voted fOI' him in the primary, u did thoee in New Mexico fwbere hie ooly t - Wallacel, but hie | |||
cbanoee of canying any of the elates in ti | |||
re,iooe in Nowmber are a Rat a.ero. | |||
No. e'\'ell conceding him a number ol etats which be ie by DO meant certain to carry (e.g. California, Maryland, Penn sylvania, and Mic:hipnl, one finde it im• poaible to rationally envieion a McGovern victory. | |||
So. e'\'ell if one viewe McGovern u Evil Incarnate. ten timee wone than Nixon, one abouJd feel under DO compu)aion to ,0 vote fOI' Richard the Lyin'-8earted, if one', motivation ie limply to prevent McGovern'• election. | |||
But what if one'• motivation ii not aimply to keep McGovern out ol the White n-? What if it • to make IUre that McGovern, and all be 1tanda fOI', ii - | |||
repudiated at the po&? | |||
A laudable motivation, tbil--but one | |||
which carriee within it a deadly trae. And tbie ie that one cannot overwhelm McGovern without limultaneoualy giving Nixon an overwhelming endor,emenr. A land1lide | |||
victory fOI' Nixon will deliver the GOP into the haoda of ite Democrat-aping faction forever, and will give RMN a blank chedt to do whatever be cl. fothnext four yeen. !Remember LBJ'• performance after hie victOl'Y over Goldwater?I Nixon, and hie equivalente in future yean. will be able to eay "See, it ien't ..-rytomake any OODCHliom to the minimal-government ad'\'OC&tel; we didn't in '72, and we still won by a laodllide." | |||
In RUii, thegreatelt danger McGovern poeee ie not that be will win, and lead U1 down the road to oblivion, but that hie candidacy itaeU will do two tbinp. | |||
Finl, it will move the entire apectnun of political debate in thie country abarply towarda oollectivilm. Simply by virtue of the fact that be ii the Preaidential nominee of a | |||
major party, McGovern will bring tability to propoula which, u recently u | |||
fifteeo yean a,o, would havecate,oriaed any | |||
politician who eepou-1 them • a candidate IOI' the funny farm, rather than fOI' the Presidency. | |||
Second-and more critically-he will wfirimiu NWHL Whether be1- by a wide OI'a narrow one, be will give Nixon a mandate to move towarda Total Statiam at | |||
an accelerated pace. | |||
At fast, tbie analyail appean to leave DO hope for thoee of UI who oppoee tbie tn!Dd towarda ata tiam. If we ,o to the polll and vote fOI' Nixon, in order to crueb McGowm, | |||
._ implicitly endone Nixoo'• policieL If, on the other band, we etay home, and Nixon wine only narrowly, the eocialilta in boch partiee can eay "See, our idea aren't IO far out••. nearly half the voten 111pport them." Either way, the oollectiviete win. | |||
11left ie a third alternative. A meam by which we can make our diaatilfactioo known. We can ,o to the polle and YOte | |||
agaimt both Nixon and McGovern aod /or | |||
a man who repreaeote our pbiloaopby of ie. | |||
,overnment and more individual reapon libility. | |||
That man ie Dr. John Hoapen. can didateol the Libertarian Party. Hiel'UIIIUIIC" mate ie Mn. Tonie Nathan. Toeetber, they offer a rNl alternative to Nixooiem / Mc Govemiam. And only by mmtering a eignif1C&Dt bloc of votes fOI' the H Nathan ticket can._ hope to make Nixon | |||
realize that we do not eodone hie preaeat policiel, and that we cannot be ignored OI' taken for granted. | |||
McGO'\-em muet be recocnized IOI' what | |||
be ie a decoy, wt.c.e greatelt danger ii that be will lure us into voting for Nixoo, u 'the 1-r of twoevila." It will take courage to reaiet tbie tem patation. Andit will take an extra effOl't to vote fOI' Dr . Hoapen and Mn. Nathan, u tbie will have to be done by write in, in most etatee. But it mU1t be done , fOI' what ia at stake ie nothing le. than the future of freedom in America. | |||
Break Free From Big Brother. Vote Libertarian. | |||
Vote for Dr. John Hospers and Mrs. Tonie Nathan for President and Vice-President of the United States, on November 7, 1972. If they're not on the ballot in your state, find out how to cast a write-in vote. | |||
Contribute to the Hospers-Nathan campaign. Checks should be made out to Libertarun Party C•mp•ign | |||
Fund,and sent to the Fund at 1415 N. El Paso, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80906. | |||
Join the Libertarian Party, aa an active member. Annual dues are S4 for students, S6 for regular mem bership, and S12 for sustaining membership. Checks should be made out to Li rt•run P•rty, and sent to the Party's National Headquarters, 7748 Lowell Blvd., Westminster, Colorado 80030. |