Document:National Bylaws and Convention Rules 1981: Difference between revisions

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Section 1. The Secretary, acting on behalf of the Credentials Committee, shall report the number of delegates registered in attendance and eligible to vote directly after the opening of the first business session, and at the beginning of each succeeding session.
Section 2. All delegates shall be eligible to vote on all matters. In order to vote on a given matter, a delegate must be present  on the  floor  at  the  time  the  vo·Le  is taken. Each delegate present shall have one vote. use of the unit rule or unit voting is prohibited at national Conventions.
Section 3.  An alternate, upon certification by the Secretary, shall be designated as a delegate whenever a delegate of the same state has not been registered in attendance.  This status shall continue until the absent delegate registers in attendance. If the state party has made no provision for filling delegate vacancies, the alternate substitute shall be decided by drawing lots.
Section 4. If the affiliated party has made no provision, an alternate may temporarily vote in place of a delegate from the same state while he or she has the written consent of that delegate; however, no delegate may cast more than one vote on a question.
Section 5. All members must wear the identification badge issued upon registration in order to be admitted to the convention hall.
Section 1.  On all matters, except the election of Party officers and the National Committee, and the nomination of Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidates, voting will be on a voice-vote basis. If ten or more delegates object to the Chair's ruling on the out­ come of a voice-vote, a roll-call vote will be held.
Section 2. The Chair may require any motion offered from the con­ vention floor to be in writing, signed by the mover, and submitted to the Secretary.
Section 1. The State Chair shall serve as chair of his or her delegation, unless that delegation selects some other member of that delegation to serve as its chair, and so notifies the Secretary.
Section 2. In cases where a roll-call vote is required, polling shall be by state.  The Secretary will ask for the vote from each state in alphabetical order, and the chair of each delegation shall report the vote for his or her state. The Convention seating will be by state delegations. If someone challenges the vote reported by any state's chair, the Secretary shall poll the delegates from that state individually.
Section 3: Presidential and Vice-Presidential nominations and elections for officers and at-large National Committee members shall be made from the convention floor by the delegates. Each delegation shall tabulate its total vote, and the delegation chair shall deliver a written total to the Secretary. When all delegations have submitted their votes, the Secretary shall declare the voting closed. At this point, a roll-call announce­ment of each delegation's vote total shall be made by delegation chairs in the order received.

The standing order of business for a Regular Convention shall be as follows:
The standing order of business for a Regular Convention shall be as follows:
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8. Other Business.
8. Other Business.


Section 1. The votes required for passage of amendments to the Constitution, Bylaws, Rules, Statement of Principles and Platform shall be as specified in the Constitution.
Section 1. The Secretary, acting on behalf of the Credentials Committee, shall report the number of delegates registered in attendance and eligible to vote directly after the opening of the first business session, and at the beginning of each succeeding session.
Section 2. All delegates shall be eligible to vote on all matters. In order to vote on a given matter, a delegate must be present  on the  floor  at  the  time  the  vo·Le  is taken. Each delegate present shall have one vote. use of the unit rule or unit voting is prohibited at national Conventions.
Section 3.  An alternate, upon certification by the Secretary, shall be designated as a delegate whenever a delegate of the same state has not been registered in attendance.  This status shall continue until the absent delegate registers in attendance. If the state party has made no provision for filling delegate vacancies, the alternate substitute shall be decided by drawing lots.
Section 4. If the affiliated party has made no provision, an alternate may temporarily vote in place of a delegate from the same state while he or she has the written consent of that delegate; however, no delegate may cast more than one vote on a question.
Section 5. All members must wear the identification badge issued upon registration in order to be admitted to the convention hall.
Section 1.  On all matters, except the election of Party officers and the National Committee, and the nomination of Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidates, voting will be on a voice-vote basis. If ten or more delegates object to the Chair's ruling on the out­ come of a voice-vote, a roll-call vote will be held.

Section 2. A quorum shall consist of 40% of the total number of delegates registered in attendance at the Convention.
Section 2. The Chair may require any motion offered from the con­ vention floor to be in writing, signed by the mover, and submitted to the Secretary.


Section 1. The Chair of the Constitution, Bylaws and Rules Committee shall report each recommendation of the Committee to the Convention separately and may explain the intent or purpose of the proposed amendment(s). The Convention Chair shall open each recommendation to discussion and amendment from the floor. Each recommendation shall be considered and adopted separately, with a maximum of ten minutes discussion on any recommendation.
Section 1. The State Chair shall serve as chair of his or her delegation, unless that delegation selects some other member of that delegation to serve as its chair, and so notifies the Secretary.
Section 2. In cases where a roll-call vote is required, polling shall be by state.  The Secretary will ask for the vote from each state in alphabetical order, and the chair of each delegation shall report the vote for his or her state. The Convention seating will be by state delegations. If someone challenges the vote reported by any state's chair, the Secretary shall poll the delegates from that state individually.

Section 2.  At any time during the debate on a given amendment, any delegate may move to close debate on that amendment. This motion is not debatable, and requires a two-thirds vote to pass. If it passes, the Convention shall proceed immediately to vote on the amendment at hand. Similarly, any delegate may move at any time to close debate on the Report itself, and a vote on this motion shall be taken immediately, with two-thirds required to pass.
Section 3: Presidential and Vice-Presidential nominations and elections for officers and at-large National Committee members shall be made from the convention floor by the delegates. Each delegation shall tabulate its total vote, and the delegation chair shall deliver a written total to the Secretary. When all delegations have submitted their votes, the Secretary shall declare the voting closed. At this point, a roll-call announce­ment of each delegation's vote total shall be made by delegation chairs in the order received.


Section 1. The current Platform shall serve as the basis of all future Platforms.  At Regular Conventions, the existing Platform may be amended. Additional planks or additions to planks must be approved by two-thirds of the delegates present and voting. A platform plank may be deleted by a simple majority vote of the delegates present and voting.
Section 1. The current Platform shall serve as the basis of all future Platforms.  At Regular Conventions, the existing Platform may be amended. Additional planks or additions to planks must be approved by two-thirds of the delegates present and voting. A platform plank may be deleted by a simple majority vote of the delegates present and voting.
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Section 7. At any time during the discussion on any Plank, any delegate may move to close debate on the Plank or amendment under discussion; a two-thirds vote is required to close debate.
Section 7. At any time during the discussion on any Plank, any delegate may move to close debate on the Plank or amendment under discussion; a two-thirds vote is required to close debate.

Section 1. The Chair of the Constitution, Bylaws and Rules Committee shall report each recommendation of the Committee to the Convention separately and may explain the intent or purpose of the proposed amendment(s). The Convention Chair shall open each recommendation to discussion and amendment from the floor. Each recommendation shall be considered and adopted separately, with a maximum of ten minutes discussion on any recommendation.
Section 2.  At any time during the debate on a given amendment, any delegate may move to close debate on that amendment. This motion is not debatable, and requires a two-thirds vote to pass. If it passes, the Convention shall proceed immediately to vote on the amendment at hand.  Similarly, any delegate may move at any time to close debate on the Report itself, and a vote on this motion shall be taken immediately, with two-thirds required to pass.

Section 1. Resolutions must be approved by two-thirds (2/3) of the delegates present and voting.
Section 1. Resolutions must be approved by two-thirds (2/3) of the delegates present and voting.
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If the resolution is vetoed by the Judicial Committee, it will be declared null and void, but can be reinstated by a three­ fourths (3/4) vote of the Regular Convention.
If the resolution is vetoed by the Judicial Committee, it will be declared null and void, but can be reinstated by a three­ fourths (3/4) vote of the Regular Convention.


Section 1. Nominations for the four Party offices shall be from the floor, with any national or affiliated Party member eligible to run for any office. For each office, a majority vote will be necessary and sufficient for election; in cases where no candidate receives a majority, runoff votes will be held, dropping the candidate with the least votes after each ballot.
Section 1. Nominations for the four Party offices shall be from the floor, with any national or affiliated Party member eligible to run for any office. For each office, a majority vote will be necessary and sufficient for election; in cases where no candidate receives a majority, runoff votes will be held, dropping the candidate with the least votes after each ballot.
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Section 4. The National Committee members from each of the Regions shall be elected by the delegates from that region, provided there are at least five such delegates present, in caucus, after the election of the four officers and the seven members-at-large. If a Region is represented by fewer than five delegates, the incumbent Regional Representative will remain in office until a new Regional Representative is elected at a Regional caucus to be held within ninety days of the last day of the Regular Convention. The incumbent Representative shall call said caucus, and preside over it. Each Region's delegates may elect their representative by whatever manner they choose, provided all delegates present from that Region are given equal voice in the selection.
Section 4. The National Committee members from each of the Regions shall be elected by the delegates from that region, provided there are at least five such delegates present, in caucus, after the election of the four officers and the seven members-at-large. If a Region is represented by fewer than five delegates, the incumbent Regional Representative will remain in office until a new Regional Representative is elected at a Regional caucus to be held within ninety days of the last day of the Regular Convention. The incumbent Representative shall call said caucus, and preside over it. Each Region's delegates may elect their representative by whatever manner they choose, provided all delegates present from that Region are given equal voice in the selection.

[[Category:National Party Bylaws and Convention Rules|1980]]
[[Category:National Party Bylaws and Convention Rules|1980]]