Libertarian Party of Santa Clara County 1995
This article for 1995 is part of a timeline for the Libertarian Party of Santa Clara County, California.
- Chair: Brad Walker
- Vice Chair: David R. Bonino
- Secretary: Hugh McLean
- Treasurer: Edward L. Wimmers
- Activities Chair: Eric Harlow
- Campaigns Chair: Richard Puckett
- Fundraising Chair: Thea McLean
- Membership Chair: John Inks
- Newsletter Chair: Don Cormier
- Publicity Chair: Don Cormier
LPC Executive Committee Representative: Joe Dehn, alternate: George Roman
Judicial Committee: Frank Groffie, Mark Hinkle, Bruce Sommer
- Annual Meeting: 19 January 1995, Coco's Restaurant, Sunnyvale
- State Convention: 17-20 February in Oakland
Preceded by: 1994 |
LP SCC Timeline 1995 |
Succeeded by: 1996 |