This a complete list of all Series Abbreviations currently in use in accordance with the LPedia: Manual of Style
SERIESABBREV is a standard abbreviation for the series (e.g., publication). The ones assigned so far are:
- generic (may be combined with affiliate or other code or not-at which point the default is the National Party or an individual, if specified)
- Book
- Bylaws (bylaws, or bylaws combined with standing rules, convention rules, etc.)
- Conf (Conferences)
- CONVMIN (convention minutes)
- Elections
- Manual
- Minutes
- Platform
- PRESENTATION (talks, seminars, guest appearances)
- PRrelease (press releases)
- Program
- TVAd (Television Advertisement/Spot)
- VIDEO or HDVIDEO or H264VIDEO (for videos in various resolutions)
- national-specific (for making the above generic categories national-specific add LP before the abbreviation if there is not already a dedicated SERIESABBREV)
- LPNews (LP News)
- LPledge (Liberty Pledge or Libertarian Pledge)
- LNCMIN (minutes of LNC meetings)
- LNCECMIN (minutes of LNC Executive Committee)
- LNCPM (LNC Policy Manual)
- LPEmail (National Party Email)
- LPMiscPub (Misc. National Party publication)
- NatMemReport (national membership reports)
- Misc. Publications
- FPPNews (Free Press Publications News)
Note: To avoid potential confusion with affiliate codes, series abbreviations should all be at least three letters long.
Note: National/LNC minutes and publications have a specific standard series abbreviation. All others should use the generic abbreviation and identify a particular committee as author (see here for some standard committee abbreviations."