LPedia:Historical Categories
This is strictly for historical documentation purposes. The Category tree has been completely re-organized.
LPedia Category structure circa January 2017
Some of this was messy and in need of cleanup even without new types of articles and content. This is a rough snapshot of the organizational state of LPedia immediately prior to the migration away from the LP.org server in early 2017.
End Categories Directly Connected to Main
Either these categories should be moved into first line subdirectories, or their contents should be subcategorized.
- Category:Awards
- Category:LP Caucuses
- Category:Constitution
- Category:Countries
- Category:Definitions
- Category:Economics
- Category:Elections
- Category:Essays
- Category:Government
- Category:Help
- Category:Historical Documents (also linked elsewhere)
- Category:Historical Publications
- Category:How-To
- Category:Issues
- Category:Legislation
- Category:Libertarian Organizations
- Category:Logos
- Category:Marketing
- Category:Political Parties
- Category:Popular Culture
- Category:Publications
- Category:States
Category Branches
- Category:Images
- Category:Activist Images
- Category:Author Photos
- Category:Candidate Photos
- Category:Creative Commons Photos
- Category:Fair Use Images
- Category:Fair Use Photos
- Category:GFDL Photos
- Category:Images of People
- Category:LNC Photos
- Category:Maps
- Category:Nolan Chart Images
- Category:Public Domain Icons
- Category:Public Domain Images
- Category:Public Domain Photos
- Category:LPedia
- Category:Articles with Conservapedia Content
- Category:Articles with Libertarianwiki Content
- Category:Bots
- Category:Disambiguation
- Category:Libertarian Experience
- Category:Main
- [...]
- Category:Maintenance
- Category:Articles with citation requests
- Category:Autostubs Needing Proofing
- Category:Bootstrap lists
- Category:Cleanup
- Category:Initial Categorization Proof Needed
- Category:Main Page Maintenance
- Category:Possibly Obsolete
- Category:POV problems
- Category:Research Required
- Category:Rewrite
- Category:Scripts
- Category:Stubs
- Category:Uncategorized
- Category:Uncategorized Organizations
- Category:Uncategorized People
- Category:Undescribed Categories
- Category:US Presidents Lacking Commentary
- Category:US Presidents Lacking Histories
- Category:Obsolete Categories
- Category:Public Domain Articles
- Category:Talk Pages
- Category:People
- Category:Activists by State
- [One category per state or state equivalent]
- Category:Anarcho-capitalists
- Category:Austrian School Economists
- Category:Authors
- Category:Bloggers
- Category:Canadian Libertarians
- Category:Candidates by State
- [One category per state or state equivalent]
- Category:Candidates from the 1970s
- Category:Candidates from the 1980s
- Category:Candidates from the 1990s
- Category:Candidates from the 2000s
- Category:Candidates from the 2010s
- Category:Current and Former Candidates
- Category:Current and Former Candidates for National Chair
- Category:Current and Former Candidates for Presidential Nomination
- Category:Current and Former County Chairs
- Category:Current and Former County Officials
- Category:Current and Former Elected Libertarians
- Category:Current and Former Gubernatorial Candidates
- Category:Current and Former Independent Libertarian Candidates
- Category:Current and Former Libertarian National Committee Members
- Category:Current and Former Libertarian National Party Officers
- Category:Current and Former Libertarian Party Executive Directors
- Category:Current and Former Libertarian Party national chairs
- Category:Current and Former Libertarian Party National Vice Chairs
- Category:Current and Former Libertarian Party Political Directors
- Category:Current and Former Lieutenant Gubernatorial Candidates
- Category:Current and Former National Judicial Committee Members
- Category:Current and Former Publication Editors
- Category:Current and Former State Chairs
- Category:Current and Former State Executive Directors
- Category:Current and Former State Party Officers
- Category:Current and Former State Party Officials
- Category:Current and Former Town Committee Officials
- Category:Current and Former US Congressional Candidates
- Category:Current and Former US Senate Candidates
- Category:Early Political Figures
- Category:Economists
- Category:Karl Bray Award Recipients
- Category:Libertarian Organization Members
- Category:Libertarian Party presidential nominees
- Category:Libertarian Party vice presidential nominees
- Category:Lists of People
- Category:Members of the Committee to Form a Libertarian Party
- Category:Non-Libertarian Political Figures
- Category:Party Activists from the 1970s
- Category:Party Activists from the 1980s
- Category:Party Activists from the 1990s
- Category:Party Activists from the 2000s
- Category:Party Activists from the 2010s
- Category:Philosophers
- Category:Small L Libertarians
- Category:Space Activists
- Category:Student Organization Leaders
- Category:Tax Activists
- Category:Tax Reform Advocates
- Category:Uncategorized People
- Category:US Presidents
- Category:Activists by State