LNC Meeting 10-11 November 1979

The LNC held a meeting on November 10-11, 1979, in Des Moines, Iowa, alongside a Clark for President reception. Issues addressed in the meeting included various personnel changes, such as the resignation of Cyndy Ighan as headquarters office manager and her replacement by Frances Eddy, as well as the promotion of Gillian Jewell. Chris Hocker moved to the Clark for President Committee as National Coordinator, with Bill Burt named to replace him as National Director.

Other notable decisions included the agreement to purchase a portable LP booth, the availability of the 1980 platform, the reformulation of the Advertising/Publications Committee, and the affiliation with the Committee Against Registration and the Draft (C.A.R.D.). Additionally, the LNC decided not to hold a 1980 convention, delegating responsibility for regional gatherings to the Clark Committee, and chose Denver, Colorado, as the site for the 1981 national convention. The LNC also imposed a new rule requiring items of business to be submitted 21 days in advance in writing for voting without a 2/3 majority.[1]


Des Moines, IA

