Document:Libertarian Party of New York News (2001)
The following news appeared on the Libertarian Party of New York's website in 2001.
November 2001 Final Election Results In New York City, we ran a good number of candidates, but couldn't break a couple of percentage points. PDF of NYC Results In Syracuse, Dr. Daniels earned 2939 out of 32,128 votes cast, between her two ballot lines. News 12 published the Nassau County results for County Executive and County Comptroller, but only included our totals for the former. 10/6/01 Vote today! If you live in New York City, Nassau County or Syracuse, you can exercise your right to vote in good conscience. Supporters of Dr. Jen Daniels have been treated to fairly regular coverage (if not regularly fair) and are looking forward to some double-digit returns. Nassau County residents can select Timothy LeBrun for Nassau County Executive and James Harris for County Comptroller. New York City candidates and supporters will be meeting at the Manhattan Chili Company at 1697 Broadway (between 53rd and 54th Streets, next to the Late Show) to celebrate the campaign, while Daniels supporters will meet at the Payton Temple at 1816 Midland Avenue in Syracuse. Best of luck to all candidates, and look back here for results. Libertarian Party of Manhattan--list of candidates Dr. Jennifer Daniels' Mayoral Campaign John W. Perry 9/11/01 The Libertarian Party lost a stalwart friend on September 11. John W. Perry, NYPD cop, a lawyer, an actor, a card-carrying NYCLU member and Libertarian, died while saving lives in the north tower. NYC-area Libertarians paid their respects first at a memorial gathering September 22 at the office of Norm Seigal, then at the October Junto gathering, and then at the city's official service, held November 10 at the First Presbyterian Church in Greenwich Village with 300 NYPD in attendence. Joe Quinn has uploaded pictures from two of the memorials in the New York area. Fellow Libertarians remember him fondly. John was mentioned in the all-star "Tribute to Heroes" by George Clooney, in articles in the NY Post, in Newsday, in the NY Times on November 16, and in the Kansas City Star, after the memorial for his family out there. Victor Neiderhoffer and Laurel Kenner wrote about John in their financial column on MSNBC's website. The LP News and the NYCLU gave him tribute. The LPNY will have a community service award named after John. A LPNY press release about John got picked up by the Washington Post. The word about John got down to North Carolina, where The News and Observer did a story about him. We will miss your twinkling eyes and wide smile, John. 8/25/01 The Fifth Annual NY Libertarian Party Barbeque was held at the house of Jim Harris in Westbury, Long Island. Call our NEW telephone number for more information about becoming a member of the Libertarian Party of NY: 516-767-4688. 8/18/2001 The petitioning period is almost wrapped up. We have good news from around the state: At 1.30pm on Tuesday August 21st, Kenny ("The Real Kramer") Kramer, candidate for Mayor of New York, along with his Libertarian running mates will announce their successful ballot petition signature drive on the east side steps of New York's City Hall, before strolling from City Hall down the Canyon of Heroes to file at the Board of Elections. The Libertarian Party is running Timothy LeBrun for Nassau County Executive and James Harris for County Comptroller. They oppose the St. Luke's seizure and Tom Gulotta's Hub scheme which would probably result in land condemnations. Dr. Jennifer Daniels is running for mayor of Syracuse on the Libertarian line and possibly others. She stresses her opposition to the drug war, corporate welfare and urban renewal while supporting gun rights and property rights. She's raising money through her campaign to run anti-drug-war ads. Her campaign is getting people to sign a statement that says, "Your support of Dr. Jennifer Daniels' campaign for mayor of Syracuse will facilitate real progress toward ending the War on Drugs (ourselves), lowering overdoses and crime, while preserving families and property." 7/10/01 Petitioning starts today! We have many NYC candidates, and you can print out your own copy of their petitions at the LPNY/Manhattan website. You can find out which City Council district you are living in from the NYPIRG site. If you live in New York City please put in a little time to help us get on the ballot. We are also running candidates in Syracuse and Suffolk County: contact your local chapter rep for copies of those petitions. 4/28/01: The annual LPNY Convention was held April 28, 2001 at the Holiday Inn-Midtown at West 57th Street, in Manhattan. Kenny Kramer received the nomination to be the Libertarian's mayoral candidate for the year 2001. Other city-wide nominations included James Eisert for Comptroller and Travis Pahl for Public Advocate. 4/4/01: The Real Kramer announces that he will seek the Libertarian nomination for the 2001 New York City mayoral race. The NYC Libertarian Party will meet during the morning business session of the State convention on April 28, between 9 and 10, to nominate a mayoral candidate. Register early and get there early! For information about attending the convention, please call 516/746-5769 . 3/21/01: On Tuesday, March 27, there will be a statewide day of education and action to repeal the Rockefeller drug laws. Called Drop the Rock, it starts with a rally in Albany with Reverend Wyatt Tee Walker, Reverend Calvin Butts, Reverend Herbert Daughtry, Bishop James F McCarthy, Danny Glover, Susan Sarandon, Tim Robbins, Jonathan Kozol, Ted Conover, David N Dinkins and many others. It is sponsored by the Correctional Association of NY--see for more info. Some libertarians will be there to champion the steps some legislators are starting to take to make this state a more humane place. Kudos to Jeffrion Aubry and Richard Gottfried, who have sponsored bills to repeal mandatory sentencing for drug cases (aka the Rockefeller Drug Laws) and a medical marijuana initiative, respectively. 2/1/01: Gail Bova Essay Contest Libertarian Party of New York Chair Richard Cooper announced the Gail Bova Memorial Essay Contest. It honors the late Gail Pennebacker-Bova of Selden, a former Chair. The topic of the contest is "How do libertarian principles promote justice and well-being for women, girls and humanity?" The contest is open to high school and college students from or attending school in New York. The high school and college first prize winners will each get $60. The second prize winners will each get $30 and the third prize $15. First prize winners will also get educator John Taylor Gatto's new book, The Underground History of American Education. more info