Proposed agenda for Sunday, October 7, 2007
Meeting starts at 8 PM; call in as early as 7:45 PM
(605) 725-3600 Participant access code: 3733366
Call to order
info from the Chair:
* mute your phone
* purpose of mailing list of all people who are local members. Bylaws say all members in good standing as of 12/31. Make sure it’s accurate!
* yahoo committee list cleanup (committee members R/W – LPNY members Read)
* organizational memory – tasks:
schedule meetings
Thank you, Gary T
write up for LP News every month
(5 min)
Approval of September 2 minutes (1 min)
audit of LPNY books – let’s tell NYS BOE (5 min)
notify members of dues increase (5 min)
convention schedule (5 min)
2008 convention set for Saturday, April 26
Queens is organizing
pin down place November at the latest
(5 min)
What should we be doing? (30 min)
Other business (? min)