Document:LPNY Agenda 4 November 2007

Proposed agenda for Sunday, November 4, 2007
Meeting starts at 8 PM; call in as early as 7:45 PM
(309) 946-5000  Participant access code: 3733366

Call to order

info from the Chair:
* mute your phone
* LPNY bylaws say all members in good standing as of 12/31. Make sure it’s accurate!
* I called the NYS BOE and sent them a letter - Amended report
* Nidus – Is anyone using it?
 (5 min)

approve minutes from 10/07/07 meeting (1 min)

Appoint Scott Leffler as coordinator in Niagara
Convention in January
(10 min)

Funds for Fundraising letter – mail it to whom? LPNY/national
$25 dues and $15 donations
(10 min)

Specific tasks: mailing to prospects
(10 min)

LPNY convention in April – pin down: who, what, when, where
(30 min)

Other business (? min)
