8:00 PM Chairman's Opening Remarks
8:10 Quorum Count
8:15 Secretary's report, approval of minutes
8: 25 Treasurer's Report
8:35 a) Discussion and motion concerning location of in-person mtg/Convention
b) Discussion of motion to amend a motion past last meeting:
Motion under consideration:
“Whereas the Free Libertarian Party of New York has accomplished it’s mission to gain ballot access, it is the policy of this committee to pursue dissolution and present a resolution to dissolve the corporation to the general membership at the November 2019 Convention.”
Amended motion to read:
“Whereas the Free Libertarian Party of New York has accomplished it’s mission to gain ballot access, the policy of this committee shall be as follows:
Pursue the option of dissolution and present a resolution to dissolve the corporation to the general membership at the November 2019 Convention, and
Pursue the option of reorganization into an advocacy organization and present a resolution to reorganize the corporation to the general membership at the November 2019 convention, as well as to present bylaws to be adopted that would be suitable for such reorganization.”
c) Discussion of Mission Statement; Motion to adopt
d) Discussion of Objectives; Motion to adopt
e) Discussion of membership requrements; motion to adopt
f) Discussion of restriction on distribution of funds; motion to adopt
Old Business
New Business
10:00 PM Close