Document:LNC Minutes 27-28 March 1982



Members present

Alicia Clark, Chair

Sara Baase, Region 2

Sheldon Richman, Vice-Chair

Tom Bogel, Region 11

Frances Eddy, Secretary

Honey Lanham, Region 13

Vivian Baures, Treasurer

Gary Palm, Region 4

David Bergland, Prior Chair

Emil Franzi, Region 5

Michael Emerling, at-large

Paul Grant, Region 6

Kent Guida, at-large

Lynn Crussel, Region 7

M. L. Hanson, at-large

Linda Taylor, Region 8

Chris Hocker, at-large

Jim Johnston, Region 9

Andrea Millen Rich, at-large

Leslie Graves Key, Region 10

Murray Rothbard, at-large

Alan Lindsay, Region 12

Stephen DeLisio, Region I

Matt Monroe, Region 13

Bill Evers, Region 2

David Walter, Region 14

Dale Pratt, Region 2

Jule Herbert, Region 15

David Brazier, Region 3

Howie Rich, Region 16

Jim Lewis, Region 17

Michael Burch, Region 18

Clark Hodge, Region 19

Alternates present

Members absent

Sara Baase, Region 2

Dick Randolph, at-large

Tom Bogel, Region 11

Mike Hall, Region 2

Honey Lanham, Region 13

Sandy Burns, Region 11


























1.CALL TO ORDER: The regular meeting of the Libertarian National Committee was called to order by Chair Clark at 9:13 a.m., March 27, 1982 at The Grand, Houston, Texas.

2. REGIONAL 15 REPRESENTATIVE MAIL BALLOT REPORT: Eddy reported that the recommenda tion to seat Jule Herbert as Representative for Region 15 and Paul Kunberger as Alternate passed 18-6. See Appendix A. At least three members requested that roll call vote be part of the minutes. For: Baures, Burch, Burns, DeLisio, Guida, Hocker, Hodge, Johnston, Key, Lindsay, Monroe, Palm, Randolph, A. Rich, H. Rich, Richman, Taylor, Walter. Against: Bergland (who asked that he be recorded as voting no because he believes the procedure that was adopted was in appropriate and that the issue should have been referred to states in that

particular region), Brazier, Eddy, Evers, Franzi, Grant, Rothbard; Did not send

in mail ballot: Hall, Crussel, Emerling, Hanson, Lewis, Pratt.


REPORT FROM CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE TO RESOLVE REGION 15 REPRESENTATIVE ISSUE: Monroe gave the committee's report. Emerling asked to include a point of information by Dean Ahmad who stated tha tcontrary to the report, he was not interviewed by A. Rich. Rich confirmed this was correct and Emerling asked that it be included in the minutes without prejudicing the results. Burch's motion to dissolve the Credential Committee to Resolve the Region 15 Issue passed.

4. RECONSIDERATION OF MAIL BALLOT VOTE ON SEATING OF REGION 15 REPRESENTATIVE: Baures agreed to abide by the Chair's ruling (memo of March 16, 1982 to NatCom members and alternates) that her proposal to reconsider the subject was out of order. Bergland moved that the National Committee adopt as a resolution the recommendations of the Credentials Committee created to decide the issue of the Region 15 Representative: "that in the future all elections of the Regional Representatives be held at the time of the National Convention, immediately following the election of Comm i tteemembers-at- 1 a rge" and ''...further ... that in the future, the National Committee not be burdened with decisions which are better decided locally." Bergland's motion passed 16-13. In a point of personal privilege, Eddy asked to read a statement for the minutes: Mr. Ahmad wishes the minutes to show that he states that the committee report errs in statements contradicting or omitting the following facts: (1) Mr. Ahmad never consented to a mail ballot. (2) The persons who declined to return Mr. Herbert's mail ballot did so because they believed the mail ballot was not authorized, not because of irregularities in the ballot itself. (3) The caucus in Bethesda was called not by Mr. Ahmad acting as an incumbent, but by a quorum of the delegation acting as a quorum of the delegation.

CREDENTIALS: Eddy reported that with the consensus of the State Executive Committees of Oregon and Washington Marilyn McCabe of Oregon was acknowledged as the Alternate for Region 3. The Chair asked that Baase's complaint that she and Alternate Bogel did not receive the NatCom agenda material in advance by mail be recorded.

CHANGES IN AGENDA: Evers moved that items 18, 19, and 42 be deleted and that a new item (as 19A) be added-a resolution on the Federal Communication Commission and Campaigns-to read: The national Party, its elected and appointed officers acting in its behalf, and candidates nominated by it, shall refrain from invoking or threatening to invoke the so-called "Fairness Doctrine" (the reasonable access rule) or any other Federal Communications Commission rule or any coercive instrument to obtain broadcast air time for any Party candidate or spokesman on any privately owned and financed (i.e., nongovernment) broadcast facility. This resolution shall remain binding unless specifically repealed by subsequent National Committee decision, or delegate vote at a Regular Convention of the Party. The question was divided and Evers' motion to add the FCC resolution to the agenda fai led 14-15-2: For: Bergland, Brazier, Eddy, Emerling, Evers, Grant, Hanson, Key, Lewis, Monroe, Pratt, Rothbard, Taylor, Walter; Against: Baase, Baures, Burch, Bogel, DeLisio, Guida, Herbert, Hocker, Hodge, Johnston, Lindsay, Palm, A. Rich, H. Rich, Richman; Abstain: Crussel, Franzi. After discussion, Evers withdrew his motion to delete item 18 and items 18 and 19 were reduced to 5 minutes each. Hocker withdrew item 42 (Proposed Revisions to Resolutions) . There was no objection to (1) Del isio withdrawing item 33 (Report on Randolph Campaign) , (2) Key withdrawing items 10 (NatCom Behavior Toward Headquarters Staff), 41 (Craig Franklin's Statement on Maryland LP Elections), and (3) Membership of the Adve rt i s i ng/Pub 1 i cat i on Rev i ew Comm i t tee) , (3) H. R i ch comb i ni ng i tems 25C and 26 and reducing total time to 20 minutes, and (4) Bogel 's withdrawing item 43 (Use of a Columbus, Ohio, travel agency to make arrangements for NatCom meetings for discount purposes). Lindsay's motion to postpone to Sunday item 34 (Circulating Reports in Advance) failed. The agenda was adopted as revised.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Eddy moved that the corrections to the November 7-8, 1981

minutes as circulated with the agenda be accepted. Johnston asked that the

following addition be made to the minutes: Evers, acting on grou"d k-~e tkvDa9k-~t

appropriate, challenged the right of the duly elected representative from Region 9

claiming that Johnston was part of the Reagan Administration because, supposedly,

he was a member of the U.S. Delegation to the U.N. Conference on the Law of the Sea.

Johnston explained that he has not been a member of the U.S. Delegation since 1975, a fact he said which Evers could have easily checked before the meeting. Evers apologized and withdrew the motion. Evers asked that it be noted that the minutes for Sunday afternoon (11/8/81) were reconstructed, as the tapes were stolen. On item 22 Lindsay voted no (not abstained as also marked). The minutes were approved as corrected above.

HEADQUARTERS REPORT: National Director Eric O'Keefe gave his report and answered questions. Evers' motion that No person who has been terminated from the national staff for nonperformance of duties shall be returned to the staff in a volunteer or paid capacity without approval of the National Chair passed 23-7-1: For: Baase, Bergland, Brazier, Bogel, Crussel, Eddy, Emerling, Evers, Franzi, Grant, Hanson, Herbert, Hodge, Key, Lewis, Monroe, Pratt, A. Rich, H. Rich, Richman, Rothbard, Taylor, Walter; Against: Baures, Burch, DeLisio, Guida, Hocker, Johnston, Palm; Abstain: Lindsay.

POLITICAL ACTIVITY OF HEADQUARTERS STAFF: Franzi moved that the national headquarters is not to be used by anyone at any time for partisan activity to aid internal LP campaigns, such as campaigns for the presidential nomination or for National Committee positions. The National Director is not to use his or her title or position to aid any internal campaigns. He or she is not to endorse or support, or vote for or against, any candidates in internal LP campaigns. Other national headquarters employees are not to endorse any candidates in internal national LP campaigns, although they may vote by secret ballot for candidates at national conventions. Rothbard's amendment to replace the last clause of Franzi's motion with ''and they may not be a delegate to the National Convention'' passed 20-10: For: Bergland, Brazier, Bogel, Crussel, DeLisio, Eddy, Emerling, Franzi, Grant, Guida, Hanson, Hodge, Lewis, Monroe, Palm, Pratt, H. Rich, Richman, Rothbard, Walter; Against: Baase, Baures, Burch, Evers, Hanson, Hocker, Johnston, Lindsay, A. Rich, Taylor.

Herbert's motion to extend debate 5 minutes passed.

Herbert's motion to strike the last 2 sentences of the motion failed 10-19-1: For: Baures, Burch, Herbert, Hocker, Johnson, Lewis, Lindsay, Palm, A. Rich, H. Rich;

Against: Baase, Bergland, Brazier, Bogel, Crussel, DeLisio, Eddy, Emerling, Evers, Franzi, Grant, Hanson, Hodge, Monroe, Pratt, Richman, Rothbard, Taylor, Walter; Abstain: Guida.

Franzi's motion as amended passed 22-6-1: For: Baase, Bergland, Brazier, Bogel, Crussel, DeLisio, Eddy, Emerling, Evers, Franzi, Grant, Guida, Hanson, Herbert, Hodge, Lewis, Monroe, Pratt, H. Rich, Richman, Rothbard, Walter; Against: Baures, Burch, Hocker, Johnston, Palm, Taylor; Abstain: Lindsay. Hanson requested that the Natinal Director share this reso1ution with prospective employees.

10. ARTICLES IN LP NEWS: Walter moved that Whereas, the Libertarian National Committee has underscored the importance of internal education and outreach activities by creating the Internal Education Committee and the Outreach Committee, Therefore, be it resolved that each issue of Libertarian Party News will contain an article dealing with each of the following broad areas: education in libertarian ideas; campaign and organizational skills, outreach activity. These articles will be provided by the Internal Education Committee Chairman and the Outreach Committee Chairman, or their designated associates, to the Editor of Libertarian Party News on or before the publication deadlines. Guida's amendment to add ''The final responsibility for editing such articles rests in the decisions of the National Director,'' Grant's amendment to change ''will contain'' to ''should contain'' and Baas e's amendment to change ''National Director'' to ''Publication’s Director" and to remove the word ''final" were accepted as friendly. Evers' amendment to change ''should contain'' to ''will when available contain'' failed 8-17. The main motion as amended failed 12-16.

11. ALTERNATES SUBSTITUTING AT MEETINGS: During the discussion of item 10 (after the friendly amendments were accepted) in a point of information, Baures questioned whether Lanham should be sitting in for Monroe. After discussions and various rulings Herbert's motion to suspend the rules to introduce a motion that would permit free substitution of Alternates for Regional Representatives at National Committee meetings passed. Johnston's amendment to add the words ''previously designated'' before ''Alternates" was accepted as friendly; Bergland's amendment to change ''designated'' to "credentialed" was not accepted. Herbert's resolution passed.

12. EDITORIAL POLICY FOR LP NEWS: Bogel's motion to suspend the rules to add an agenda item to have a committee to establish editorial policy for LP News passed.

Bogel moved that the Chair shall establish a committee to develop a written

editorial policy for the LP News which will include but not be limited to the

following: a~-audience for whom the publication is intend_e-d-,__T_b~_effect desired on this audience, (c_~ -types of articles to be inc_1`ud__ed-,__Td7 relationship to other libertarian publications, and (e) adver'tising policy. Herbert's motion to commit this matter to the Advertisng and Publications Committee failed 4-22-5: For:

Guida, Herbert, Hocker, Key; Against: Baase, Baures, Bergland, Brazier, Bogel, Crussel, DeLisio, Eddy, Emerling, Evers, Franzi, Grant, Hanson, Hodge, Lewis, Lanham, Pratt, H. Rich, Richman, Rothbard, Taylor, Walter; Abstain: Burch, Johnson, Lindsay, Palm, A. Rich. Bogel's main motion passed. After the lunch recess, the Chair announced her appointment of the committee members: Tom Bogel, Chair, Dave Walter, Sheldon Richman, Michael Burch and Jule Herbert, with the National Chair and National Director as nonvoting committee members.

13. POLICY FOR LIBERTARIAN PARTY BOOK SERVICE: Baase moved that policy for the Libertarian Party Book Service will be under the jurisdiction of the Internal Education Committee. Guida's motion to commit the question of authority over the LP Book Service to the newly-authorized Policy Committee for LP News passed 15-11.

Crussel's motion to recess for lunch one hour passed at 12:20 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 1:35 p.m.

Baures' motion to postpone the Computer Oversight Committee Report until 10 a.m. Sunday so she could consult with Craig Franklin who had just arrived passed.

14. TREASURER'S REPORT. Baures gave her report and answered questions. Baures moved that the contribution of $400 made to the Clarkson campaign be repaid by O'Keefe via a reduction of the loan owed him by the LP. O'Keefe's recommendation to delete the phrage ''via a reducation of the loan owed him by the LP" was accepted by Baures who changed her motion accordingly. Crussel-'s motion to extend debate 10 minutes passed. Baures' motion failed.

15. AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT: Walter gave his report and answered questions. Evers proposed a fiscal responsibility resolution: Be it resolved that (1) notices be sent to all "open" customers asking for nayment immediately or proof that payment was made, (2) no credit be given to those who haven't paid for a previous order; (3) follow-up notices be sent 30 days after invoice date, 3rd notice 30 days I ate r; (4) down payments be req u i red f rom a I I g roups , un I es s t he person o r g roup has a history of good payments; orders from LP groups should only be accepted if the individual ordering is known to be a responsible officer; (5) the Treasurer within I month formulate bookkeeping procedure and that these be followed as a requirement of employment for staff; (6) that no small personal loans be given to employees; current IOU's are to be settled within 2 months; (7) within one month the Treasurer arrange a payment schedule on O'Keefe loan; (8) no LP employee is to make personal long-distance calls on LP lines; (9) all salary advances are to be employees, not landlords,in the future; and (10) any checks for more than $1,000 needs two signatures: the National Director and a national LP officer, not an employee of the National Director, as a co-signer. After discussion, Pratt's motion to close debate passed. Hocker's motion to table Evers' motion passed. Bergland moved that the Audit Committee establish bookkeeping and accounting policies to be implemented by the headquarters staff. Herbert moved to replace ''implemented by'' with ''recommended to.'' After discussion, Hanson called the question and her motion passed. Herbert's motion passed 17-11-1: For: Baures (implementation must be done but not by Audit Committee), Burch, DeLisio, Grant, Guida, Herbert, Hocker, Hodge, Johnston, Key, Lewis, Lindsay, Palm, A. Rich, Richman, Taylor, Walter; Against: Bergland, Brazier, Bogland, Crussel, Eddy, Evers, Franzi, Hanson, Monroe, Pratt, Rothbard; Abstain: Baase. Bergland's main motion, as amended, passed. Baures' motion to extend debate 5 minutes passed. Baures moved that the Audit Committee be instructed to perform a quarterly audit through 1982. After discussion, Grant moved to call the question. His motion passed, a id Baures'.

16. FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT: Key gave her report and answered questions. Evers' resolution to thank Leslie Key for the effort she has put in on the Finance Committee passed unanimously.

17. APPOINTMENT OF FINANCE COMMITTEE OFFICERS: Monroe moved to amend something previously adopted- in Compiled Resolutions 56 and 152 [p. 10 of 2/82 update] ?3, delete lines 7 -9 and substitute the following: Officers shall be appointed by the Chair of the Finance Committee and approved by a majority of the National Committee members present at the meeting. Monore's motion passed.

18. NEW FINANCE CHAIR: There was no objection to the Chair's appointment of Matt _~onroe as Finance Chair.

19. BUDGET COMMITTEE REPORT: Baures' motion to postpone this item to 28A Sunday passed.

20. MAILING LIST COMMITTEE REPORT AND POLICIES: Bergland reported, answered questions, and accepted recommendations.

21. INTERNAL EDUCATION COMMITTEE: Walter reported and moved that the National Committee

authorize that the Internal Education Committee be given $500 to proceed with a

program as outline by Corby Somerville submitted 3/4/82. After discussion,

Emerling's motion to call the question passed. Walter's motion passed IB-7-3: For:

Baase, Baures, Bogel, DeLisio, Emerling, Evers, Franzi, Hanson, Herbert,

Key, Lewis, Monroe, Palm, Hodge, H. Rich, Richman, Rothbard, Walter; Against:

Bergland, Burch, Crussel, Eddy, Grant, Hocker, A. Rich; Abstain: Brazier, Johnston,

Lindsay. The Chair stated that Walter would be in charge of producing the program.

Debate was extended 5 minutes to hear Burch. He gave his recommendations regarding

ideological content of SIL's Principles of Liberty course. After discussion, Berg

land suggested deferring the subject until his Advert i sing/Pub] icat ions Review

Committee Report which contained a resolution covering this subject. There was no

objection to this.

22. REPORT OF ORGANIZATIONAL SKILLS SUBCOMMITTEE: Richman substituted for the Chair who gave her report and answered questions.

23. POLIT!CAI_ ACTIVITIES AND CANDIDATES' SCHOOL REPORT: Hocker reported and answered questions.

24. BALLOT DRIVE SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT: Grant reported and answered questions.

25. BALLOT DRIVE SPENDING REPORT: O'Keefe reported and answered questions.

2 6. MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE REPORT: Franzi reported and answered questions. DeLisio explained Alaska's problem of not getting complete and prompt membership information from headquarters.

27. OUTREACH COMMITTEE REPORT: Richman reported and answered questions. There was no

objection to Franzi giving his Public Opinion Survey Report at 9 a.m. Sunday.

Hocker gave his Advertising and Publications Subcommittee Report, answered questions, and moved that (1) the LNC authorize expenditure not to exceed $1,500 for the purpose of preparing and distributing candidate brochure formats and related materials, and (2) the LNC authorize expenditure of up to $5,000 for production of a generic TV spot as described. Baase asked that his motion be considered Sunday after the Budget Committee Report. Baures recommended that the expenditures be included in the budget if possible. DeLisio discussed outreach to recruit new people into the party. Rich gave his Campaign '82 Subcommittee report and answered questions.

Herbert's motion to recess until 9 a.m. Sunday passed and the meeting adjourned at 5:17 P.m.

23. -PUBLIC OPINION SURVEY: Franzi reported and answered questions. Evers moved that the Chair appoint a committee to look into this item. Franzi's motion to extent time five minutes passed. Key's friendly amendment to add "and report back by mail report within 30 days, the report to include a discussion of business plan as to how we can train local candidates to use this information to their own advantage'' was accepted and Evers' motion passed as amended.

29. ORGANIZATIONAL CHART: Richman chaired the meeting while Clark presented her report and answered questions. Clark's motion to (1) change the Assistance to State Parties Committee and Minority Outreach Committee into Subcommittees under Membership Chair, (2) appoint Jim Lewis as Chair of Assistance to State Parties

Committee, (3) appoint M. L. Hanson as Chair of the Minority Outreach Committee,

(4T -appoint Emil Franzi as Membership Chair, (5) appoint David Bergland as chair of the Advertising/Publications Review Committee, (6) abolish the Newsletter Committee and (7) abolish the Voluntary Funding Committee passed. Bergland's motion that an organization chart reflecting the organization of the party including all standing committees will be maintained and kept up to date for the members of the National Committee by the National Headquarters passed.

30. FILM ''WE HOLD THESE TRUTHS'': Walter reported and answered questions, and moved to refer the film to the Research and Planning Subcommittee of the Outreach Committee for review as to whether any changes should be made. After discussion, Burch's motion to close debate passed as did Walter's motion. Bergland's motion that the advertising and Publications Review Committee also review this film to report as to whether any modifications are needed on basis of consistency with the Statement of Principles and platform passed. Richman's motion to extend time two minutes to rescind Walter's motion failed.

31. COMPUTER OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE REPORT: Baures reported, answered questions, and moved to expand the Computer Oversight Committee to five members to retain Vivian Baures and Mike Anzis and to add Emil Franzi, Matt Monroe and Dean Ahmad. After discussion, Bergland moved to appoint the additional members of the Computer Oversight Committee as named, to authorize the Computer Oversight Committee to renegotiate the agreement with Liberty Services, and to authorize the Computer Oversight Committee to acquire the new software that would be needed. Baures' motion to extend debate 5 minutes passed. Baures' friendly amendment to authorize, should we not reach agreement with Liberty Services, to contract wit~ someone else was accepted. Herbert's friendly amendment to replace the word ''renegotiate'' with ''advise the National Chair on renegotiating" was accepted. in a point of personal privilege, Grant asked that it be entered into the record that he would like to vote on this matter but that he has a financial interest as he is an investor in Liberty Services. Monroe, H. Rich, and Clark also indicated a financial interest. Bergland's motion passed.

32. BUDGET COMMITTEE REPORT: Baures deferred to O'Keefe who reviewed proposed revisions to the budget and along with Baures answered questions. Herbert moved to accept the recommendations of the National Director as the revised budget. Bergland's motion to extend debate ten minutes passed. After discussion, Herbert's motion passed. For revised budget see Appendix B prepared by Vivian Baures.

33. ADVERTISING/PUBLICATIONS REVIEW COMMITTEE: Bergland reported, answered questions, and moved as a resolution that: The Advertising/Publications Review Committee shall also review materials authorized for use in LP educational programs or which are otherwise to be endorsed or promoted by the LP. The Advertising/Publications Teview Committee may authorize such use, endorsement or promotion subject to appropriate conditions or disclaimers as needed to maintain consistency with the Statement of Principles. Herbert's friendly amendment to delete the words ''endorsed or'' and ''endorsement or" was accepted. After discussion, Burch called the question and his motion passed as did Bergland's. Hocker moved to suspend the rules 5 minutes to discuss the length of tenure of the committee passed 16-7. Hocker moved that the membership of the Advertising/Publications Review Committee be reconstituted at the first meeting of the Libertarian National Committee in 1983 and a term of office be specified at that time. After debate, Hocker's motion failed.

34. )5B3 CONVFNTION OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE: Grant gave his report, reviewed a proposed contract, and answered questions. Straw poll results were 15-8 to advise the Convention Oversight Committee to accept New York's proposal to delete the subject of Political Action Workshops from the contract. Grant's motion to extend debate 10 minutes passed. Straw poll results were 11-11 to advise the Convention Oversight Committee to accept the FLP's recommendation to delete the words ''compatible with the purposes of the LP and of the Convention" in Section 10 about Exhibits.

Straw poll results were 7-15 to delete the first sentence of item 13, Budgets and Accounting regarding detailed budget reporting requirements. Grant expects to come to a tentative agreement within the next 4 to 6 weeks and will submit it to NatCom for mail ballot approval prior to the next meeting.

Richman's motion to recess for I hour for lunch and check out failed.

35. PLATFORM COMMITTEE MEETING SCHEDULE- 1983 CONVENTION: Richman moved that the 1983 National Convention Platform Committee shal I hold its regular meeting in May or June of 1983, at a precise time and place to be chosen by the Platform Committee Chair, after consultation with state convention committees and Platform Committee members; as soon as possible after the Platform Committee meeting, the Platform Committee Report shall be mailed to all national delegates, national officers, state chairs, and state newsletter editors." After discussion, Grant called the question. His motion passed as did Richman's.

36. CIRCULATING REPORTS: Lindsay moved that all Committee and Subcommittee Chairs as we] I as the Treasurer and National Di rector mai I written copies of any report that they will submit at National Committee meetings to all National Committee membe rs three weeks before any such meeting; that any resolution concerning policy to be submitted at any National Committee meeting be mailed to all National Committee members three weeks before any such meeting. Brazier's friendly amendment was accepted to delete the last clause of the motion. Bogel's friendly amendment was accepted to add the words ''do their doggone very best to" before ''mail'' was 71ccepted. Lindsay's motion passed as amended.

37. SUSPENSION OF RULES: Erierl ing's motiontosuspend the rules to move that $1,000 of money allocated for ballot litigation be set aside for the litigation planned in Maryland, on the condition that the other $2,000 required be provided by the Maryland Libertarian Party fai led 16-9-2: For: Baase, Bergland, Bogel, Crussel, Eddy, EmerIing, Evers , Franzi , Grant , Hanson , Lewis , Lindsay, Pratt , Richman , Rothbard, Walter; Against: Baures, DeLisio, Guida, Herbert, Hocker, Johnston, Key, A. Rich, H. Rich; Abstain: Palm, Taylor.

38. RESOLUTION OPPOSING U.S. GOVERNMENT INTERVENTION IN EL SALVADOR: Richman moved Whereas the Reagan administration has sent military advisers and millions of dollars to a repressive junta in El Salvador; Whereas the administration, having given the brutal regime a clean bill of health on human rights, seeks more military and economic aid to the Salvadoran government; Whereas this policy continues the shameful U.S. government practice of backing wicked governments as long as they profess anticommunism, and threatens even wider intervention in Latin America; Whereas this policy increases tyranny directly, by arming despots, and indirectly, by unwittingly luring people to Marxism as an alternative to right-wing repression, making it impossible for them to solve complex social problems; Therefore, be it resolved that the Libertarian National Committee condemns the Reagan administration for its intervention in El Salvador-its complicity with a murderous regime-and calls for immediate disengagement from all of Latin America (as well as elsewhere). Be it further resolved that no further intervention of any kind shall be authorized by the U.S. Government, but that private American citizens shall be free to participate in the Salvadoran struggle at their own risk. Grant moved to delete the words after "regime" in the Therefore clause. After discussion, and in response to a question, Grant indicated that he would withdraw him motion could he. A vote to allow this passed. Evers' motion to extend debate 5 minutes passed. Bergland moved to replace the term "Marxism'' with ''equally brutal Marxist rebels'' and accepted the recommendation to change ''rebels" to ''regimes.'' Evers' motion to substitute ''despotic brutal Marxism'' for Bergland's proposed wording was accepted by Bergland and Richman as a friendly amendment. Richman's motion as amended passed 26-2-3: For: Baase, Baures, Bergland, Brazier, Bogel, Crussel, Eddy, Emerl i ng, Evers , Grant , Gu i da , Hanson, Herbert, Hocker, Hodge, Key, Lewis, Lindsay, Palm, Pratt, A. Rich (but doen't think we should be passing resolutions), H. Rich, Richman, Rothbard, Taylor, Walter; Against: DeLisio (an unequivocal no), Franzi: (thinks we should be passing resolutions); Abstain: Johnston, Monroe, Burch.

39. INTERNAL EDUCATION COMMITTEE CHAIR: The Chair announced the resignation of John Mason as chair of this committee and her appointment of David Walter as the new chair. Grant's motion to suspend the rules for 8 minutes to allow further discussion of the procedure for approving the appointment passed. Crussel's motion to approve appointment of David Walter as Chair of the Internal Education Committee passed with more than 18 votes.

4o. MAIL BALLOT REPORT- DATES AND LOCATIONS OF NAT COM MEETINGS: Eddy reported that the votes on the 11 ballots to determine dates and locations of 1982 National Committee meetings failed for lack of a quorum. See Appendix A.

A. Rich moved to suspend the rules for 30 seconds to wish Jule Herbert a happy birthday; this was done.

41. 1982 NAT COM MEETINGS: Franzi moved to have 2 NatCom meetings for the remainder of 1982. Ever's motion to close debate passed as did Franzi's motion.

42. NEXT 2 NAT COM MEETINGS: Hanson's motion that the National Committee set the dates and places of their next two meetings passed.

43. DATES AND LOCATIONS OF 1982 NAT COM MEETINGS: Presentations were made by Kate O'Brien for San Francisco for November 19-21 or December 3-5, by Clark Hodge for Orlando,

Florida, December 3-5, by Gary Palm for Billings, Montana August 6-8, by Linda Taylor for Minneapolis, Minnesota for August 6-8. Walter withdrew the New Jersey proposal. Herbert's motion to have the next meeting in Billings, Montana, on August 6, 7, and 8 passed 27-1-3: For: Baase, Baures, Bergland, Brazier, Bogel Crussel, DeLisio, Eddy, Emerling, Franzi, Grant, Guida, Hanson, Herbert, Hocker, Hodge, Johnston, Lewis, Lindsay, Monroe, Palm, Pratt, A. Rich, H. Rich, Richman, Rothbard, Walter; Against: Key; Abstain: Burch, Evers, Taylor. Hodge's motion that the LNC meet in Orlando,Florida December 3, 4, and 5 passed. Emerling asked that the records show he requests that the meeting be held in California next to his decadent state of Nevada.

44. FIRST 1983 NAT COM MEETING: Walter's motion that we consider the date of the March meeting for 1983 was declared out of order. Bergland moved that we set the date for the first meeting of 1983. Evers' substitute motion was to accept San Francisco for March 18, 19, and 20 of 1983. The Chair agreed with Herbert's point of order that this subject was out of order. Bergland's motion to suspend the rules for 5 minutes to hear a motion to consider setting the date of the first meeting in 1983 failed 11-15.

45. 1985 NATIONAL CONVENTION: Key moved to consider the date and place of the 1985 Convention at the first meeting of 1983. Grant's substituted motion that theNational Committee directs the National Director to advertise for and solicit bids in LP News to receive and consider bids for the date and location of the 1985 Convention at the first NatCom meeting of 1983 was accepted as friendly. After discussion, Evers' motion to close debate passed as did Key's motion as amended. Key moved, as worded by Bergland, that the Chair appoint a _1985 Convention Preplanning Committee to report back to this committee at the last meeting  of 1982 of the National Committee, considering the question of the appropriate convention organization and administration structure. A. Rich's amendment to change ''first'' to ''next'' was accepted as friendly and the main motion passed.

46. REGIONAL REPORTS: Written reports were received from Hall (Region 2), Grant

(Region 6), and Walter (Region 14).

47. ADJOURNMENT: Herbert moved to adjourn. After announcements and expressions of appreciation, Herbert's motion passed and the meeting was adjourned at 2:12 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Frances Eddy



Appendix - Update to Compiled Resolutions


Changes made, based on action taken at the March 27-28 National Committee Meeting, in the "Current Resolutions and Policy Decisions of the Libertarian National Committee Compiled by Subject, February 1982"

add 198. REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVE ELECTIONS AND LOCAL ISSUES: In the future all elections of the Regional Representatives be held at the time of the National Convention, immediately following the election of Committee members-at-large and further that in the future, the National Committee not be burdened with decisions which are better decided locally. (3/27-28/82:4) under Section B

add 199. TERMINATED EMPLOYEES: No person who has been terminated from the national staff for nonperformance of duties shall be returned to the staff in a volunteer or paid capacity without approval of the National Chair. (3/27-28/82:8) under Section H

add 200. POLITICAL ACTIVITY OF HEADQUARTERS STAFF: The national headquarters is not to be used by anyone at any time for partisan activity to aid internal LP campaigns, such as campaigns for the presidential nomination or for National Committee positions. The National Director is not to use his or her title or position to aid any internal campaigns. He or she is not to endorse or support, or vote for or against, any candidates in internal LP campaigns. Other national headquarters employees are not to endorse any candidates in internal national LP campaigns, and they may not be a delegate to the National Convention. (3/27-28/82:9) under Section H

add 201.. ALTERNATES' PARTICIPATION: Free substitution of Alternates for Regional

Representatives at National Committee meetings is permitted. (3/27-28/82:

11) under Section B

add 202. POLICY COMMITTEE FOR LIBERTARIAN PARTY NEWS: The Chair shall establish a committee to develop a written editorial policy for the LP News which will include but not be limited to the following: (a) audience for whom the publication is intended, (b) effect desired on this audience, (c) types of articles to be included, (d) relationship to other libertarian publications, and (e) advertising policy. (3/27-28/82:12) under Section F


Dave Walter, Sheldon Richman, Michael Burch, Jule Herbert and the

National Chair and National Director as nonvoting committee members.

(3/27-28182:12) under Section F

add 204- AUDIT COMMITTEE: The Audit Committee is to establish bookkeeping and accounting policies to be recommended to the headquarters staff. (3/27-28/82:15) under I

add 205. Officers shall be appointed by the Chair of the Finance Committee and

approved by a majority of the National Committee members present at

the meeting. (3/27-28/82:17) under F, page 10, section 3 of 2/28 update

this replaces lines 7-9 of section 3

add 206. FINANCE COMMITTEE CHAIR: Matthew Monroe is appointed as Finance Chair.


delete 135. under F, page 11 of 2/82 update

add 207. ASSISTANCE TO STATE PARTIES COMMITTEE is a subcommittee under the

Membership Chair. (3/27-28/82:29) under Section F


(3/27-27/82:29) under Section F

delete 95. under Section F, page 12 of 2/82 update

add 209. MINORITY OUTREACH COMMITTEE is a subcommittee under the Membership Chair.

(3/27-28/82:29) under Section F

add 210. MINORITY OUTREACH COMMITTEE CHAIR is M. L. Hanson. (3/27-28/82:29)

under Section F

add 211. MEMBERSHIP CHAIR is Emil Franzi. (3/27-28/82:29) under Section F

delete 146. under Section F, page 11 of 2/28 update


(3/27-28/82:29) under Section F

delete 71. under Section F, page 11 of 2/28 update

delete 72. under Section F, page 11 of 2/28 update

delete 76. under Section F, page 11 of 2/28 update

delete 77. under Section F, page 11 of 2/28 update

add 213. ORGANIZATION CHART: An organization chart reflecting the organization

of the party including all standing committees will be maintained and

kept up to date for members of the National Committee by the National

Headquarters. (3/27-28/82:29) under Section F

add 214. COMPUTER OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Vivian Baures, Chair, Mike Anzis,

Emil Franzi, Matt Monroe, Dean Ahmad. (3/27-28/82:31) under Section F

delete 139. under Section F, page 13 of 2/28 update

delete 162 under Section F, page 13 of 2/28 update

add 215. THE ADVERTISING/PUBLICATIONS REVIEW COMMITTEE shall also review materials

authorized for use in LP educational programs or which are otherwise to

be promoted by the LP. The Advertising/Publications Review Committee

may authorize such use or promotion subject to appropriate conditions

or disclaimers as needed to maintain consistency with the Statement of

Principles. (3/27-28/82:33) under Section F

WRITTEN REPORTS: add 216. All Committee and Subcommittee Chairs as well as the Treasurer and

National Director shall do their doggone very best to mail written

copies of any report that they will submit at National Committee

meetings to all National Committee members three weeks before any

such meeting. (3/27-28/82:36) under Section B

delete 188. under Section F, page 14 of 2/82 update


Whereas the Reagan administration has sent military advisers and millions of dollars to a repressive junta in El Salvador;

Whereas the administration, having given the brutal regime a clean bill of health on human rights, seeks more military and economic aid to the Salvadoran government;

Whereas this policy continues the shameful U.S. government practice of backing wicked governments as long as they profess anticommunism, and threatens even wider intervention in Latin America;

Whereas this policy increases tyranny directly by arming despots, and indirectly, by unwittingly luring people to despotic brutal Marxism as an alternative to right-wing repression, making it impossible for them to solve complex social problems;

Therefore, be it resolved that the Libertarian National Committee condemns the Reagan administration for its intervention in El Salvador-its complicity with a muderous regime-and calls for immediate disengagement from all of Latin America (as well as elsewhere).

Be it further resolved that no further intervention of any kind shall be authorized by the U.S. Government, but that private American citizens shall be free to participate in the Salvadoran struggle at their own risk. (3/27-28/82:38) under Section A

add 218. INTERNAL EDUCATION COMMITTEE CHAIR is David Walter. (3/27-28/82:39)

under Section F