Document:LNC Minutes 27-28 April 1991



                    Minutes of the Meeting of the
                    Libertarian National Committee
                           27-28 April 1991
                           Atlanta, Georgia
Members Present:
     Chair      Dave Walter
     Vice-Chair Mary T. Gingell
     Secretary  Joseph W. Dehn III
     At Large   I. Dean Ahmad
                Toni L. Black
                William Redpath
     Region 1   Karen Allard
     Region 2   Geoffrey J. Neale
                George O'Brien
     Region 3   Stephen L. Dasbach
     Region 4   Ron Crickenberger
     Region 5   Clifford F. Thies
     Region 6   Vicki Kirkland
     Region 7   Steven I. Givot
     Region 8   Gary Johnson
     Treasurer  Stephen R. Fielder
     At Large   Steven Alexander
                Norma D. Segal
Also present:
     Director   Nick Dunbar
     Asst. to
      the Chair Don Ernsberger

1. CALL TO  ORDER: The regular  meeting of  the  Libertarian  National
Committee was called  to order by  Chair  Dave  Walter  at  9:20am  on
Saturday, 27 April  1991, at  the  Colony  Square  Hotel  in  Atlanta,
2. WELCOME: Carole Ann Rand and Ron Crickenberger welcomed the members
of the Committee to Georgia.
3. CREDENTIALS: It  was noted that three members of the Committee were
4. APPROVAL OF  PREVIOUS MINUTES: Redpath  moved to defer this item to
first thing Sunday morning; there was no objection.
5. REPORT OF MAIL BALLOT: Dehn reported the results of the mail ballot
on a resolution concerning Middle East intervention [Attachment A].
Dehn explained that  there had been  some controversy about  the  fact
that the resolution  in question contained  "whereas" clauses; he  did
not think that  the rule against  arguments was meant to apply in this
sort of case, where the argument was within the text of the resolution
and addressed to  the public rather  than the  people  voting  on  the
motion. He moved  to amend the  rule to read: "Mail  ballots shall not
include argument for  or against  passage  of  the  motion  (the  term
argument shall include  whereas clauses), but this shall not preclude,
in the case  of a motion to adopt a resolution for public consumption,
inclusion in the  resolution of language  arguing for the  Libertarian
Ahmad said that he had taken a similar position when he was Secretary,
but had been overruled by the Chair.  He suggested prohibiting whereas
clauses in all cases.
Thies moved to  substitute that the  rule be changed to  "Mail ballots
shall not include  argument  (the  term  argument  shall  not  include
whereas clauses).", saying  that it was  disingenuous of the Secretary
to try to  change a rule  he didn't follow, that Dehn's proposal would
give too much  discretion to the  Secretary to decide  when  to  allow
arguments, and that simply allowing whereas clauses in all cases would
solve the problem.
Various members suggested  that:  the  rule  really  was  intended  to
prohibit accompanying arguments,  rather than language within the text
of a motion;  that it could  be left up to  the  Secretary  to  decide
whether too much  of a  motion  was  really  argument;  that  allowing
whereas clauses was  a good idea because people who disagree with them
are likely to vote against a motion, making mail ballots harder to use
for passing resolutions;  that it was strange to have a different rule
for what can be passed by mail ballot in contrast to at a meeting.
Thies' motion to substitute failed on a voice vote.
Dasbach moved to  amend Dehn's motion  to read  simply  "Mail  ballots
shall not include  argument for or  against passage  of  the  motion."
Ahmad argued in  favor, saying  this  was  better  than  the  original
proposal because the  Secretary would not  have to decide on a case by
case basis. Dehn  said the point  of his proposal  was  to  limit  the
discretion of the  Secretary by making  clear under what  circumstance
there could be  "arguments" that are  not "arguments  for  or  against
passage of the  motion". In response  to a question from Givot, Walter
said that his  own feeling was  that if five people  ask for  a  vote,
whatever they ask  for is OK,  but that if Dasbach's  language were in
place he would have to rule against inclusion of any arguments.
Ahmad moved to  insert "accompanying" in  front of "argument".  Walter
said that given  that language, he  would rule that anything  could be
included as long as it was within the motion.
Ahmad's motion to  amend Dasbach's amendment  passed on a voice  vote.
Dasbach's amendment passed  on a voice vote. The main motion passed on
a voice vote.
6. SETTING OF THE AGENDA: Allard moved to add 30 minutes as the second
item on Sunday for Dick Boddie to address the Committee. O'Brien moved
to increase the time for Internal Education to 10 minutes. Black moved
to increase Outreach  to 30 minutes.  Crickenberger moved to move  the
Advocates for Self-Government  presentation to after  lunch on Sunday.
These changes were made without objection.
Crickenberger asked for  time to discuss  the Georgia lawsuit;  Walter
said it could be discussed as part of the Budget Committee report.
Givot moved to  reduce the Program Committee item to 5 minutes.  Thies
moved to add time to talk about Wes Dietchler as item 17A.  There were
no objections.
In reply to  a question from  Dehn about TV ad testing, Black said she
planned to discuss  it during her  report and Walter said  the funding
should be discussed under the Budget Committee report.
[Gingell assumed the chair.]
7. CHECK OF  PAPERWORK: Gingell reviewed  the paperwork that had  been
distributed up to that point.
[Walter resumed the chair.]
8. CHAIR'S REPORT:  Walter reviewed activities  that had  taken  place
since the previous meeting, including: the resignations of the Finance
Chair and direct mail contractor and the appointment of Don Ernsberger
as Finance Chair;  the initiation  of  the  Tax  Cut  Action  project;
achievement of ballot status in four additional states; LP involvement
in  anti-war  activity,   Tax  Day  protests,   and  Bill  of   Rights
demonstrations;  attendance  by   himself  and   Ernsberger   at   the
Conservative Political Action  Committee conference; and Nick Dunbar's
involvement at the THRO conference.
He noted the  recent drop in  membership, but said it  was not unusual
for that time  of year.  He reported that we lost some members because
of our stand  on the war, but would have lost several times more if we
had taken the  opposite  position.  He  said  the  main  problem  with
membership is lack of recruiting by the affiliate parties.
Don Ernsberger reviewed some long-term problem areas. He said that the
"performance team" had  become sloppy,  citing  as  examples  his  own
carelessness in literature  production, the  Secretary's  slowness  in
delivering  LNC  minutes,  and  the  Treasurer's  failure  to  provide
reports.  He  said  that  the  Party  was  suffering  from  a  "Rodney
Dangerfield  problem",  not   getting  respect  from  its  contractors
[Attachment J]. He  suggested that the  Task Force Concept [Attachment
K] needed to be formalized more, saying that they often start out with
lots of enthusiasm  but then suffer  from lack of followthrough.  With
respect to membership,  he acknowledged that  we were in a  slump  but
said we have made long-term progress and have had slumps before.
Ahmad said that  some people joined  the Maryland LP  because  of  our
stand on the  war. Dunbar reported  that there had been a total of 114
people marked "deactivate"  between 15 January  and the end of  March;
not all of these were because of the war but the comparable figure for
the previous month and a half was only 20.
Givot said that  what was lacking  in the Task Force  Concept was  the
setting of actual  political objectives; just  raising some money  and
producing some literature  is not sufficient.  O'Brien said  what  was
needed was a  business plan; without  one we don't know  what kind  of
commitment we are  making and the  project turns out like  stone soup.
Other members suggested  we need to  do a better  job  of  publicizing
these projects.
9. VICE-CHAIR'S REPORT:  Gingell offered to  answer  questions;  there
weren't any.
10. TREASURER'S REPORT:  The Treasurer was  not present; there  was  a
discussion of whether any of the reports were done and, if so, whether
he could provide them for this meeting.
Ernsberger provided an overview of monthly revenue based on the weekly
flash reports:
     Jan  43,000
     Feb  22,000
     Mar  41,000
     Apr  36,000 (through the 25th)
After some discussion  and calculation, it  was estimated that year to
date revenue was  approximately $5,000 over  budget. Dunbar noted that
the balance sheet  produced by the  office shows an increase  of about
$10,000 in cash  since the start  of the year. Gingell  noted that the
office has been providing the Executive Committee with a weekly report
of accounts payable.
Givot said it was a waste of time for the LNC to have to be doing this
analysis at a  meeting, and suggested  that as a backup  procedure, if
the Treasurer does  not produce  a  report,  the  Executive  Committee
should release the reports generated by the office.
Thies  moved:  "Whereas   the  Libertarian   National   Committee   is
disappointed in the  Treasurer's repeated failure  to  submit  monthly
reports, including financial reports, to this Committee, impairing our
ability to conduct  our business, and  whereas the National  Committee
deems this due cause for suspension under Article 8 of our Bylaws, the
Treasurer is hereby  suspended effective May  10 unless he shall  have
delivered all reports due through that date by that date."
In response  to  a  question  about  whether  the  slow  provision  of
information by the  office might  be  part  of  the  problem,  several
members responded that the raw information has been available from the
office, that it  is the responsibility  of the Treasurer to  make sure
the information is provided, and that the Treasurer has not complained
that the office has not provided the information he needs.
There was discussion  of who could  do the job. Ahmad pointed out that
the proposed motion would leave a vacancy to be filled by mail ballot.
Thies suggested that  Dunbar could be named Assistant Treasurer and we
could simply accept  his reports in  the  interim.  Gingell  and  Dehn
offered to do  the work as  a  team.  The  possibility  of  appointing
someone not currently on the Committee was discussed.
Ahmad moved to  postpone further discussion  of this  item  to  Sunday
morning, as item 21C; the motion passed on a voice vote.
11. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE  REPORT: Dehn noted  that all LNC members have
been receiving the  minutes of the  EC meetings, and offered to answer
questions. In response  to a question from Neale about the cost of the
fax distributions he  has been receiving, Dehn said it was not costing
the LP anything.  In response to a question from O'Brien about how the
EC has been  functioning, Walter said  that he has been  sharing  more
power with the EC than he is required to, but that another Chair might
want to do things differently.
12. HEADQUARTERS REPORT: Dunbar reported that updates had been made to
the computer system to support the new membership categories.  He said
that programming is  still needed  to  deal  with  sending  membership
packets to renewing members, including pledgers and life members whose
memberships are automatically  renewed. He reported  that some account
codes were changed  to deal with additional mailings, and that changes
had also been  made to procedures  relating to the BAC.  He said he is
trying to keep things simple so that the next Director will be able to
take over quickly.
He reported that the office remodeling project was completed in March;
although not everything  he wanted was done, it is an improvement, and
not as much  money was spent  as was planned. His  old office will  be
available for interns  or guests, allowing  us to rent out  the  first
He reported that  call volume on  the 900 number has  been low. He  is
working with Ernsberger on adding a "hero of the month" feature.
Dunbar also reported  on his participation in the THRO conference. The
participants divided up  into six interest  areas, and he  became  the
spokesperson for the  "third parties"  group.  Another  conference  is
planned. He said  the LP was  favorably  received,  and  said  several
Florida Libertarians also attended and were helpful.
There was a  discussion of the  "Taxpayers  Party"  being  started  by
Howard Phillips. Kirkland reported that this party has been elected as
a member of  COFOE. Redpath reported  that he  is  trying  to  contact
Phillips about cooperating  with us  in  ballot  access  lawsuits  and
Walter asked for  the sense of  the Committee  as  to  whether  Dunbar
should continue to  participate in  these  THRO-initiated  activities;
there was some concern that he already has enough to do at the office,
but reaction was generally favorable.
Dasbach and Black  reported that in  calling around to various  states
they had gotten  no complaints about  the performance of the  national
13. MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE  REPORT: Allard submitted  a  written  report
[Attachment B]. Dehn distributed graphs of membership [Attachment L].
Allard reviewed some  of the activities  of the Membership  Committee.
She said she  was looking for  examples of good membership  recruiting
letters that could  be supplied as  examples  for  local  groups.  She
recommended that we  wait a while  before doing another mailing to old
non-renewers, as the  most recent mailing did not make any money.  She
reported that work  on  the  "year  end  report"  fundraising  letter,
promised as a  benefit of basic  membership, was  interrupted  by  the
resignation of the direct mail contractor.
Allard moved to amend Resolution 65 by adding at the end of Section 1:
"An individual becomes  a life member after the first cumulative $1000
contributed in a  12  month  period.",  saying  that  this  additional
wording would help clarify the rule.
In response to  a question about  whether this was  meant  to  include
contributions to the  BAC and to  special projects,  Allard  said  any
contributions would qualify,  and Dunbar said  that BAC  contributions
are currently not  taken into account.   Ahmad moved to amend Allard's
wording by substituting  "member" for individual and to insert "to the
national LP or  any of its committees" after "contributed"; these were
accepted as friendly amendments.
There was a  discussion of the  implications of treating contributions
to special committees  as life dues,  points including: in the case of
the BAC, the  transfer might have  to be reported as  a  contribution;
people who make  a large contribution  to  a  specific  project  don't
necessarily want to  be life members; there is a conflict between this
rule and the  proposal to save  most of the life membership money in a
Ahmad moved to  table this proposal  until after consideration of  the
trust fund idea; there was no objection.
Allard moved to add to the end of Resolution 65 Section 1: "To receive
the benefits of  the membership category  premium clubs, contributions
must be current.",  in order to  make clear that club membership lasts
for one year.   Black moved to  substitute  that  "for  one  year"  be
inserted after "Torch  Club";  this  was  accepted  as  friendly.  The
substitute wording passed on a voice vote.
Allard moved:
   Whereas contributors above a designated amount are promised a
   lifetime membership, and
   Whereas the LP is thereby obligated to provide certain benefits
   over the Member's or organization's lifetime whichever is less, and
   Whereas these benefits constitute a long-term liability on the part
   of the Party,
   Therefore be it resolved that the LP fund this long-term liability
   according to the following terms:
   1. That ninety percent (90%) of all designated Life Memberships be
   deposited into a Perpetual Trust in the name of the LNC.
   2. That ninety percent (90%) of the earnings on said Trust be
   distributed to the General Fund each quarter.
   3. That the Fund be administered by a Board of Trustees comprised
   of three Trustees, each serving for a six year term.
   4. That, whether in case of end of term, resignation, or other
   vacancy, the Chair of the LNC shall appoint the Trustees and the
   appointment shall be ratified by two thirds (2/3) vote of the LNC
   during the next regularly scheduled meeting.
   5. That the terms of office of each Trustee be staggered in such
   a manner that one Trustee is appointed every two years.
   6. That the Senior Trustee shall preside over meetings of the
   Board of Trustees.
   7. That a Trustee may be removed from office by two thirds (2/3)
   vote of the LNC, but only by cause related to management of the
   Upon adoption of this resolution the Chair shall be charged with
   nominating one Trustee for a two (2) year term, one Trustee for a
   (4) year term, and one Trustee for a six (6) year term. The
   announcement of nomination shall be at least thirty (30) days in
   advance of the next regularly scheduled meeting.
She said this  was Dunbar's idea, that she agreed with it, and that if
it is approved she would use it as an argument in trying to get people
who have contributed close to $1000 to make an additional contribution
and become life  members. In  response  to  questions  about  how  the
numbers were derived,  Dunbar explained that  he wanted the  trust  to
have enough money  to at least  cover LP News for  all  existing  life
O'Brien moved to recess for lunch; the motion passed on a voice vote.
[The meeting was recessed at 12:20pm, and reconvened at 1:44pm.]
Allard moved to  table the trust fund proposal; the motion passed on a
voice vote.
Ernsberger presented statistics  on response rates  to renewal notices
in recent months,  pointing to a  9% rate for the  first notices  that
went out with  the new dues amount, lower than for any of the previous
months. Others noted  that those were also the first notices that went
out after the delegate allocation deadline, and some of the people who
would normally have  responded during February  had  probably  renewed
Ernsberger also reported that there were 83 people during February and
March who would  have been automatically  renewed if we were operating
under the previous  policy of crediting  any contribution at or  above
the minimum dues level as a renewal. Various arguments for and against
this policy were  repeated; several people  argued that the new policy
should be given time to work.
14. AFFILIATE PARTIES  COMMITTEE: Gingell provided  a  written  report
[Attachment C] and  additional material [Attachment  M]. She  reported
that there has  not been much  interest expressed by affiliate parties
in having a  field organizer  visit  them,  and  asked  that  regional
representatives remind states  of this possibility.  She said  she  is
working on improving  the arrangements for getting the APC News out on
schedule, and passed  around a sample  of the  new  improved  activist
Gingell moved to  appoint Dasbach as  new chair of the APC; the motion
passed on a voice vote.
In response to  a question from Allard about the cost of producing the
new directory, Gingell  said it was  covered by the existing  contract
with MKR.  In  response  to  a  question  from  Ernsberger  about  the
effectiveness of calling  the affiliate parties, she said that most of
the states had  been reached by  the various callers, but  that it was
taking longer than  expected and the revised MKR contract would reduce
the frequency of their calling to three times per year.
is seeking  information  from  the  affiliate  parties  about  current
officeholders and candidates  and commented that  the national  office
has been good  about providing him  with this kind of  information  as
they become aware of it.  He said there would be an opportunity during
the national convention week for candidate training.  He also reported
that he was appointing Crickenberger as subcommittee chair.
Crickenberger said he  plans to put  emphasis on finding and  training
candidates.  There was  a discussion of  what sort of help  candidates
most want from  the national LP;  Dasbach said what they  want most is
money, next is  training.   Other  kinds  of  help  mentioned  in  the
discussion included "talking  points" and advertising  scripts.  There
was also  some  discussion  of  what  sorts  of  districts  were  most
Allard (Region 1)  submitted  a  written  report  [Attachment  D]  and
reviewed highlights of  it. She reported that lost membership material
from Utah had  been returned by the postal service, and that a dispute
about notification of  the Washington LP  convention had been resolved
by rescheduling the  business meeting for  29 June. In response  to  a
question from Gingell, Allard said that LPWS's financial problems have
been caused by  having no dues  and not following up  on their  pledge
Neale (Region  2)  submitted  a  written  report  [Attachment  N]  and
reviewed highlights from  it. He reported  that TV ads were run on Tax
Day weekend.
Dasbach (Region 3)  submitted a  written  report  [Attachment  O]  and
reviewed highlights from it.
Crickenberger (Region 4) submitted a written report [Attachment P] and
reviewed highlights from it.  He said that Mississippi was the biggest
problem in his  region,  with  the  state  chair  not  willing  to  do
anything, not even  pass on checks  that he receives. He reported that
Arkansas was not  doing anything about  selecting convention delegates
and asked what  Arkansas residents who  want to be delegates could do;
this triggered a  discussion of getting  copies of affiliate  parties'
Thies (Region  5)  submitted  a  written  report  [Attachment  Q]  and
reviewed highlights from it.
Kirkland (Region 6)  reported that progress  is being made  on  ballot
access in Maine,  and that Rhode  Island is finally going  to  have  a
state convention.
Givot (Region 7) reported that members in Illinois are getting excited
about the national convention.
Johnson (Region 8)  submitted a  written  report  [Attachment  R]  and
reviewed highlights from it. He said the Texas LP will probably decide
to nominate in 1992 by convention rather than primary.
17.  FINANCE  COMMITTEE:   Ernsberger  submitted  a   written   report
[Attachment  S].  He  reviewed  the  work  he  had  done  since  being
appointed, and  plans  for  future  work  on  direct  mail,  telephone
fundraising, the pledge program, and the Torch Club.
There was a  discussion of the  prospects for making money  on the 900
number.  Dunbar estimated  the breakeven point  at about 200 calls per
Allard  distributed  the   results  of  the   "Plans   and   Progress"
survey/fundraising letter [Attachment T].
17A. WES DIETCHLER:  Thies reviewed the  situation of Wes Dietchler of
Montana, 1990 candidate  for U.S. Senate,  who is now  in  prison.  He
passed around a  greeting card for  LNC members to sign. In reply to a
question from  Dehn  regarding  the  specific  charges  which  led  to
Dietchler's current imprisonment,  Thies  said  they  related  to  his
making up his own license plates.
17B. DEANN PULLAR  PROPOSAL: DeAnn  Spratt-Pullar  of  Washington  was
allowed to address  the Committee to describe a fundraising plan based
on  participation  in  a  network  marketing  system  [Attachment  E].
Several members  commented  on  potential  legal,  tax,  and  campaign
finance regulation problems that could arise from the LP's involvement
in such an  arrangement, on the  uncertainty of our being  able to get
people  to  sell   enough  "memberships"  to  be  worth  the  up-front
investment, and on  the question of  whether we should be  involved in
any sort of "business" at all.
18. AUDIT REPORT:  Thies submitted a written report [Attachment F]. In
reply to a  question from Gingell,  he  clarified  that  the  "report"
referred to in section 6b was the field organizing manual. In reply to
a question from  O'Brien about section  3d, he clarified that although
the net worth  shown on the books was close to zero, we had additional
assets not represented  such as the mailing list and fully depreciated
but still functioning  equipment. In response  to a comment by Gingell
about what appeared to be inconsistent processing of reimbursement due
her for expenses  in 1990 but  not paid until 1991,  he said that this
was really a  question that should  be answered by the  Treasurer  and
that he did  not find problems with the accounts payable items that he
had checked.
There was a  discussion about whether an income tax return should have
been filed for 1990; Dunbar reported that it had not been done.
Thies reported that he would be notifying presidential candidates that
he was ready  to audit  their  campaign  accounts  when  they  reached
$100,000 in contributions.  He said that  this was a level at which it
would be worthwhile  to spend LP  funds on an audit,  and  would  also
serve as a  way to let  people know which campaigns  had achieved  the
level required for matching funds independent of whether they actually
applied for them.
[Gingell assumed the chair.]
19.  MANAGEMENT  COMMITTEE   REPORT:  Ahmad   presented   a   proposed
reorganization of the  standing resolutions in  the form of  a  policy
manual [Attachment G].  He proposed that the Committee first adopt the
entire  manual  without   discussing  substantive  changes,  and  then
consider substantive changes  if there was  time left over.  He  noted
that changes to  resolutions made earlier  in this meeting  should  be
considered as incorporated in his proposal.
[Redpath assumed the chair.]
Ahmad  said  this   draft  represented  only  changes  in  format  and
construction, with no  intent to change  the meaning, except that  the
resolution calling for  "NatCom Profiles" was omitted since it had not
been observed.
He noted the  following changes in  the proposal suggested by Dasbach:
In II.4 -  delete "Resolved, that"  and capitalize "the"; In VII.4.B -
change "under resolution  291" to "as an SFAC"; In VI.3.C - capitalize
"membership committee"; In IV.3.B - change "Resolution" to "section".
[Gingell resumed the chair.]
After a brief  discussion about the "NatCom Profiles", Ahmad concluded
that deleting the provision would be a substantive change and proposed
that it be restored as section III.2.G, deleting from the introductory
remarks the note about its deletion.
There was a  discussion of the  omission of the "whereas" clauses from
Resolutions 346 and  344. In the  case of 346, there did not appear to
be significant feeling  that the clause  needed to be included. In the
case of 344,  after concern was expressed that including just the last
sentence would not  adequately reflect the original purpose of passing
the resolution, Ahmad  proposed leaving out  the whole thing for  now.
It was noted  that resolutions of  this sort are  intended  as  public
announcements, are not  normally amended, and  a  record  of  them  is
retained in the minutes.
There was a  brief discussion of  the omission of resolution 330. Some
members felt it  would be valuable  to retain a record of the criteria
used in selecting  the office location,  but it  was  noted  that  the
record still exists  in the minutes and that the office has additional
information that was used during remodeling planning.
Ahmad moved to  adopt the policy  manual with the changes  noted.   In
response to a  question from Dehn, he clarified that the effect of the
motion would be  to replace all current standing resolutions, and that
from now on all changes would be made as amendments to the manual.  In
response to a  comment by O'Brien  about formatting, Ahmad  said  that
should be left up to the Secretary.
The motion to adopt the policy manual passed on a voice vote.
Thies moved to delete LNCPM III.2.G (NatCom Profiles). Dehn noted that
many profiles were  in fact returned,  and Walter said he  found  them
useful.  The motion failed on a voice vote.
20. OUTREACH  COMMITTEE  REPORT:  Black  submitted  a  written  report
[Attachment H] and an update [Attachment U].
[Walter resumed the chair.]
Black  reported  that   she  was  having   trouble  getting   schedule
information from NOW  about their Commission  on Responsive  Democracy
"hearings", which was  making it difficult to arrange for Libertarians
to testify.
She proposed allocating $250 for a comparison test of the Nathan TV ad
in Tucson where they just ran the Nolan tax ad.
She also proposed  allocating $2000 to  support  the  Tax  Cut  Action
project, to be  spent on travel for James Tobin, for local activities,
and to pay  MKR for work on producing a manual. There was a discussion
of whether additional  money was actually  needed. It was  noted  that
Tobin, although designated  as  director  of  this  project,  had  not
requested any funds  or communicated to  the LNC any  spending  plans.
Gingell said someone  was needed to  interface between the LNC and the
people doing this  project.  Ernsberger said that everything described
in the TCA fundraising letter could be done under existing budgets.
Dasbach reviewed the  activities outlined  in  the  letter  and  asked
Ernsberger to explain  who would be responsible for getting each done.
There was disagreement  about the scale  of effort being  promised  in
some cases; in  particular, the item  "solicit sponsorship of tax  cut
bills" was variously  interpreted as anything  from sending out a news
release to active in-person lobbying.
Various  members  questioned   who  authorized  and/or   approved  the
fundraising letter and  what understandings existed  between them  and
MKR about how much of the work was covered by their existing contract.
Walter and Ernsberger said that it was a Finance Committee project and
reiterated that it  was their  understanding  that  funds  beyond  the
current budget would not be needed.
Various members commented  that this was  an example of a more general
problem of inadequate planning of special projects.
Givot moved to  recess and to  schedule 15 minutes on  Sunday for this
topic as item  21D.  At the  suggestion of the Chair  the  motion  was
divided: the motion  to continue discussion  for 15 minutes on  Sunday
passed on a voice vote; the motion to recess failed on a voice vote.
21. BALLOT ACCESS COMMITTEE REPORT: Redpath submitted a written report
[Attachment V] and  noted that Maine should have been mentioned in the
second paragraph as a state which was added since December to the list
of states in  which we have  1992 ballot status.  He  said there are a
number of other  states in which we could achieve ballot status before
the convention, but  that lack  of  funds  would  limit  what  we  can
actually do.
He reviewed the  status of various  states  outlined  in  his  written
report.  He noted  a snag in  getting petitions filed in  Alabama, and
that collecting additional  signatures to get  on the ballot in  South
Dakota as a  party (rather than as an independent) might be worthwhile
as a way  to put pressure  on Florida, the only other state where that
has never been done.
Givot reported that  he has contacted  an  Illinois  state  legislator
about getting ballot  access law changes  incorporated in an  existing
bill; one of  the changes would  be to allow circulation  of  a  party
petition before the name of the candidate is known, as would be needed
to deal with our nomination for president in 1996.
Redpath reported that  he is working  with  Jim  Lark  on  drafting  a
proposal for improvements  in the Virginia  ballot access  law.  Ahmad
reported that there  is increasing support  in Maryland for  improving
the ballot access law there.
There  was  a   discussion  of  the  performance  of  the  recent  BAC
fundraising letter and  the prospects  for  raising  additional  money
before the convention.
[The meeting recessed  at 6:02pm, and reconvened at 9:20 on Sunday, 28
April, with Walter in the chair.]
21A. APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MINUTES, part 2: Allard pointed out that the
references to "Basic"  membership in the  last two paragraphs of  item
16B should have been to "Subscribing" membership.
Redpath pointed out  that in the  sixth paragraph of item  4, the word
"move" should be  changed to "moved", and that the lawsuit in question
is against "Georgia  Public Television" rather  than "PBS".   He  also
said that the reason he gave for the delay in BAC telemarketing (third
paragraph of item  23A) was "due to the need for Alexis to concentrate
on LNC fundraising" rather than poor response to a fundraising letter.
Dunbar asked that the minutes show that he was present.
The minutes, with these corrections, were approved without objection.
21B. BODDIE FOR  PRESIDENT: Dick Boddie  presented an overview of  his
approach to the  presidential campaign,  outlined  the  goals  of  his
nominating committee, and  described his campaign  team.  He showed  a
tape of an  approximately four minute  interview he had on  a  WGBH-TV
news  program.   He   reviewed  some  of   his  past  campaign-related
experiences. He said  he is running  a low-budget "guerilla"  campaign
that would not  require a lot  of money or matching funds, and that he
was the candidate  who could expose  the ideas of freedom  to the most
people at the least cost.
In response to  questions, he said that he is looking for a white male
as a running  mate, that he has a mailing list of about 4000 names and
is willing to  share the list  with  the  LP,  and  that  once  he  is
nominated he would  let the LNC  audit his campaign.  He also answered
questions about his  position on abortion and how he would explain the
LP's position.
Ahmad  reported  that  he  had  contacted  Robert  Creager  about  the
possibility of taking over as Treasurer; he was willing to do the work
but probably would not be able to come to Chicago.
Dunbar reported that  he spoke  with  Fielder  and  that  Fielder  was
willing to resign.
Thies argued for  proceeding with the motion currently on the floor to
suspend the Treasurer if the reports are not done.
Givot moved  to  substitute  that  we  accept  Fielder's  resignation,
arguing that it was necessary to get the situation resolved now rather
than allowing further delay.
There was a  discussion of the  necessity of appointing a replacement,
and of how  things would be handled if a decision was not made at this
The motion to  substitute passed  on  a  voice  vote.  The  substitute
motion, to accept  Fielder's resignation, passed  unanimously  (15  in
favor, no abstentions).
The discussion of  possible replacements  continued.  Various  members
expressed various degrees  of willingness to be appointed. Givot moved
to appoint Redpath; the motion passed on a voice vote.
At the suggestion  of O'Brien, Redpath  said  he  would  discuss  with
Creager the possibility of appointing him as Assistant Treasurer.
Thies moved to  appoint Ernsberger to fill the vacancy in the at-large
slot previously occupied by Redpath; the motion passed on a voice vote
with no opposition.
21D. OUTREACH COMMITTEE  REPORT, part  2:  The  Committee  viewed  the
Nathan TV ad.
Ernsberger handed out  a report on college outreach [Attachment W] and
one on the  Bill of Rights  project [Attachment X]. He  reviewed plans
for activities relating  to the Bill  of Rights, including efforts  to
get local groups  involved with the Philip Morris tour, getting non-LP
groups  involved,  appointment  of  a  national  advisory  board,  and
correction of errors  in the literature.   He said the money set aside
in the budget for this project would probably not be needed.
In reply to  a question from  Allard, he said that  names generated by
this project would  be  available  to  any  contributing  organization
(including the LP), but that no other organization had asked about it.
In response to a question about errors in the literature, he said that
the corrected versions  had not been  sent out yet. Givot  asked  that
Ernsberger prepare a  statement of objectives  for the project, giving
as examples of  objectives collection of a certain number of new names
and creation of alliances.
Ahmad moved to insert as LNCPM X.1 (renumbering following sections):
   A. PROPOSAL: A detailed proposal specifying the purpose,
      means, personnel, and objectives proposed for the project or
      task force must be prepared in writing and approved
      by the Chair and by the chairs of all involved committes.
   B. PROJECT DIRECTOR: A person responsible for the final development
      and execution of the project or task force chair must be
      appointed by the Chair.
   C. BUDGET: A budget for the project or task force must be approved
      by the Chair and by any committee chairs whose budget funds will
      finance the project. If previously unbudgeted funds in excess of
      the Chair's discretionary funds are needed, the approval of the
      National Committee is required.
and to add to LNCPM VI.1:
   Special Projects and task forces may not be used to raise
   money unless and until the requirements in Article X, Section 1
   have been fulfilled.
and to add to LNCPM VII.3.H:
   Special Projects and task forces may not be promoted unless and
   until the requirements in Article X, Section 1 have been fulfilled.
There was a discussion of whether additional questions, such as how to
ensure that money  raised in the  name of a project  is kept available
for that project, should be addressed at the same time.
Ahmad's motion passed on a voice vote.
Ernsberger said he  would prepare  a  breakdown  of  how  the  various
special projects are  integrated into the various committees.  He also
reported that  since  Saturday's  discussion  he  had  discussed  with
Kathleen Richman the  question of who  would be doing the  various Tax
Cut Action work, and she said most of it would be initiated by Tobin.
In response to  a question from  Thies about the LP announcing through
the 900 number  positions  on  pending  legislation,  Ernsberger  said
positions should be  decided by the  LNC, but that the messages on the
900 number don't  actually say that  we  support  or  oppose  specific
22. CONVENTION OVERSIGHT  COMMITTEE REPORT: Neale  submitted a written
report [Attachment Y],  and LEI provided  a written  quarterly  report
[Attachment I].
There  was  a   discussion  of  the  selection  of  speakers  for  the
convention.  Neale noted  that the contract  does not provide for  our
involvement in this except that we can veto a speaker.
At Neale's invitation,  Don Meinshausen described  his  plans  for  an
event relating to  hemp legalization or virtual reality, to be held in
conjunction with the  convention. Neale recommended that we direct the
LP News to  say something about  it. There was a discussion of whether
such an event  would compete with  the convention or complement  it by
attracting people who  would not otherwise  be involved.   Meinshausen
said that his  event would pay for itself and that any profit would be
contributed to the LP.
Thies moved to  recommend to the  editor of LP News  that he give some
coverage to this  event, contingent on the approval of LEI; the motion
passed on a voice vote.
Neale reported that  LEI asked that the LNC pay for Ernsberger's hotel
room for the convention, so that Ernsberger could act as a commentator
and advisor for  C-SPAN. Johnson offered to be the commentator and pay
for his own room.
Neale reported that  Clay Conrad of  New York had made  a proposal for
staging and lighting  for the convention.  Kirkland distributed a memo
from Conrad [Attachment  Z] and said that Conrad felt his proposal was
not treated properly.   There was a  discussion of the budget for this
sort of thing,  including: the total limit of $5,500 which is intended
to cover printing,  publicity, and other  convention-related items  as
well; C-SPAN's  interest  in  and  tolerance  of  fancy  staging;  the
possibility of seeking additional bids if we decide we want to do this
kind of production.
Givot noted  that  he  has  been  working  on  the  possibility  of  a
computerized voting system with projection TVs. Walter said Ernsberger
would check with C-SPAN about their interest in this.
Neale also reported  that LEI would  like more free space  in  the  LP
Neale also reported  that he had  received two expressions of interest
about the 1996 convention, from Williamsburg, VA and from Los Angeles,
item was taken up.
Ahmad reported that there was a controversy about a pamphlet about the
Bill of Rights;  the pamphlet said  that the United States  and  South
Africa are the only countries that detain people without charge; Ahmad
thought  Israel  should   also  be  mentioned.  There  was  a  general
discussion of the  role of the APRC, including: what sorts of problems
it is supposed to address; whether documents must be reviewed again by
the APRC after  the author makes  changes that  he  feels  satisfy  an
objection; the authority  of the APRC  to prevent documents from being
printed or distributed.
23. CONVENTION COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS: At the suggestion of the Chair,
the Credentials Committee was considered first.
Ahmad nominated Dehn  and Frances  Eddy.  Johnson  nominated  himself.
Black nominated herself.  Kirkland nominated Kevin  Delaney.  Each  of
the five nominees were elected by voice vote.  Ahmad nominated Dehn to
be temporary chair; Dehn was elected by voice vote.
The Bylaws and Rules Committee was considered next.  There was a brief
discussion of the  fact that this  committee does not have  a place on
the agenda during a presidential nominating convention.
Thies nominated None  of the Above  for all positions. Givot objected,
saying that the  same person could  not occupy more than one slot. The
Chair was asked  to clarify the voting procedure; he proposed that the
initial voting be by written ballot with members casting as many votes
as there are  positions, that an  additional vote be taken  to appoint
people who did  not get a majority during the initial voting, and that
members be allowed to vote for NOTA1 ... NOTAn.
Allard  nominated  Ruth   Bennett.   Gingell  nominated   Steve  Reed.
Crickenberger nominated  Don  Winfield.   No  other  nominations  were
There was a  discussion of the  implications of appointing only  three
people to a  committee that  is  supposed  to  have  ten  members,  in
particular the question  of a quorum.   In reply to  a  question  from
Thies, Walter ruled  that for quorum purposes the committee size would
be determined by  the number of  people we elected.   Givot  moved  to
postpone consideration of  this committee until after selection of the
Platform Committee; there was no objection.
Thies nominated for  the Platform Committee:  Dean Ahmad of  Maryland,
Lyn Atherton of Missouri, Bruce Baechler of Texas, Virginia Cropsey of
Michigan, Williamson Evers  of California, Matt  Gaylor of Ohio, Steve
Givot of Illinois,  Dale Hemming of  Minnesota,  Jacob  Hornberger  of
Colorado, James Lark  of Virginia,  Nancy  Lord  of  the  District  of
Columbia, Ed Marihart  of Oregon, Toby Nixon of Georgia, Milton Norris
of Ohio, Kathleen Richman of Virginia, Norma Segal of New York, Ludwig
Vogel of New  York, and Donald Warmbier of Michigan. Johnson nominated
Greg Clark of Texas.
Comment up to one minute in favor and one minute in opposition to each
candidate was allowed.
The initial voting  was by written  ballot and the votes  cast were as
               A  A  B  C  C  E  G  G  H  H  L  L  M  N  N  R  S  V  W
               h  t  a  l  r  v  a  i  e  o  a  o  a  i  o  i  e  o  a
               m  h  e  a  o  e  y  v  m  r  r  r  r  x  r  c  g  g  r
               a  e  c  r  p  r  l  o  m  n  k  d  i  o  r  h  a  e  m
               d  r  h  k  s  s  o  t  i  b        h  n  i  m  l  l  b
                  t  l     e     r     n  e        a     s  a        i
                  o  e     y           g  r        r        n        e
                  n  r                    g        t                 r
 Ahmad         x     x        x              x        x     x  x     x
 Allard        x        x     x     x  x  x  x  x  x        x
 Black         x     x        x     x  x     x  x     x     x  x
 Crickenberger x              x     x     x  x        x  x  x
 Dasbach       x                 x  x     x  x  x     x     x
 Dehn          x     x        x     x     x  x  x  x  x     x
 Ernsberger          x     x  x     x  x  x     x     x
 Gingell       x     x        x     x  x        x           x        x
 Givot               x  x  x     x  x  x     x  x     x        x
 Johnson       x     x  x     x     x     x  x              x  x  x
 Kirkland      x                                               x  x
 Neale         x     x  x     x     x        x  x     x        x  x
 O'Brien       x  x     x     x     x           x     x     x     x
 Redpath       x              x  x  x  x     x  x     x     x  x
 Thies         x  x           x        x  x  x  x  x  x           x
 Walter        x     x        x     x  x     x  x     x

              14  2  9  5  2 13  3 13  8  7 12 12  3 12  1 10  7  5  2
               *     *        *     *        *  *     *     *
with the candidates indicated by an asterisk receiving a majority.
Hemming was approved by show of hands.
A runoff vote  was taken to  decide the tenth position;  with  15  LNC
members present, the vote was 8 for Hornberger and 7 for Segal.
Segal was approved as the first alternate by show of hands.
Clark and Vogel  were approved as  alternates  by  show  of  hands.  A
separate vote was  taken to determine  who would be second  alternate;
the vote was 4 for Clark and 3 for Vogel.
Thies moved to  end the election of alternates; the motion passed on a
voice vote.
Election of  the  Bylaws  and  Rules  Committee  was  resumed.   Black
nominated  herself.   Ahmad   nominated  himself.   Allard   nominated
Kirkland and  O'Brien.   Dasbach  nominated  Milton  Norris.   O'Brien
nominated Janet Parkes and Dehn.
Givot moved to elect the whole group. Thies moved to divide the voting
for Ruth Bennett from the rest, arguing that she should not be elected
because of her  alleged failure to report certain information relating
to the 1987  convention finances to  the LNC.  Several  other  members
argued that she had done nothing improper. The motion to divide failed
on a voice vote. The motion to elect the group passed on a voice vote,
with Thies voting no.
Dasbach nominated Steve  Reed to be  temporary chair of the Bylaws and
Rules Committee. Givot nominated Black. Black was elected by a show of
Dasbach  nominated  Givot  to  be  temporary  chair  of  the  Platform
Committee.  There were  no other nominations, and Givot was elected on
a voice vote.
[The meeting was recessed at 1:34pm and reconvened at 2:12pm.]
24. MEDIA RELATIONS  COMMITTEE REPORT: Johnson reported that since the
last meeting a  contract had been signed with MKR to do media work. He
reported that some  news releases are  being sent out, and  that these
are being cleared by him beforehand. He said that because MKR is being
shared with other  committees, media work  may not be getting the same
kind of attention  as with the  previous contractor, Tonie Nathan.  He
also reported  that  an  improved  ad  has  been  placed  in  a  media
directory, and that  MKR has prepared  a media handbook for  affiliate
He reported that  after attempts by  many  people  to  get  Nathan  to
provide the media list she was supposed to turn over at the end of her
contract, the list  we have is  still not satisfactory.  There  was  a
discussion of  the  technical  problems  that  might  be  involved  in
transferring the database,  and of whether the information we are most
interested in --  a record of past contacts with specific media people
-- was ever entered into the database.
He also reported  that there was  a dispute about  paying  Nathan  for
expenses she incurred  because the media 800 number remained routed to
her phone for a period after the end of her contract. He agreed to pay
her for this,  but the payment  was then held up  because the  mailing
list situation was not resolved.
He also reported on a delay in reimbursing MKR for the purchase of two
commercial media lists.
There was a  discussion of getting  MKR to start on building a list of
people who can be placed on talk shows.
In response to  a question from  Ernsberger, Johnson said that  people
who want news  releases issued should  contact MKR directly; MKR  will
check with him before sending them out.
25. INTERNAL EDUCATION  COMMITTEE REPORT: O'Brien  reported  that  the
main emphasis of  the committee has  been on publishing  a  series  of
articles  in  LP  News;  several  have  been  published  already,  and
additional ones on a variety of topics are in preparation.  He said he
has been putting less time into management training, but that there is
an updated "Libertarian  MBA" document that  can  be  printed  out  as
Janet Parkes reported  that her questionnaire  on leadership  revealed
that 90% of  the activists thought we need more and better LP leaders.
She  also  distributed  a  report  on  taking  a  leadership  role  in
disseminating ideas on political issues [Attachment AA].
25A.  ADVOCATES  FOR   SELF-GOVERNMENT:  Carole  Ann   Rand   gave   a
presentation on the  status of Advocates for Self-Government, of which
she is now  president.  She urged  that we make use  of the tools they
have available for marketing libertarian ideas and let LP members know
about the resources available through ASG.
In reply to questions from Walter, Rand said that we could continue to
order Operation Politically  Homeless kits from ASG, and that the time
the LP had bought on the ASG teleconferencing system, sold to Marshall
Fritz's new organization, is still available to us.
27. PROGRAM COMMITTEE REPORT: Givot reported that no new Program plank
drafts were ready  for consideration.  He noted that Life magazine had
done a survey  identifying the most  important issues of the  day, and
that he intends  to work on  getting the Program to  address them.  He
also will be  contacting a  member  who  identified  problems  in  our
Savings and Loan  plank.  In reply  to  a  question  from  Dehn  about
comments sent in  by  a  Colorado  member,  Givot  said  he  would  be
reviewing them.
28. LP NEWS  REPORT: Dehn presented  a proposal for bulk subscriptions
for media, libraries,  and LWV chapters [Attachment BB], and moved the
adoption of the following plan:
   1. There shall be a bulk subscription program for the LP
   News, intended to increase awareness of the Libertarian
   Party among those who provide political information to the
   2. The program shall be administered by a manager
   designated by the chair of the Media Relations Committee.
   3. Eligible subscribers shall be (a) news media, (b)
   public, academic, and school libraries, (c) chapters of the
   League of Women Voters.
   4. Affiliate parties shall arrange for bulk subscriptions
   by providing a mailing list of eligible subscribers to the
   manager.  The affiliate party is responsible for providing
   valid addresses and other information that the manager may
   5. The annual cost shall be four dollars per subscription.
   6. The minimum quantity shall be 25 subscriptions.
   7. The manager may designate a common starting or ending
   date for subscriptions, and may pro-rate the fee for
   subscriptions that start out of cycle.
Dunbar said the actual cost of LP News is about 50 cents per copy, but
that he would  not object to  the plan as long  as the office does not
have to figure out who is eligible.
In reply to  a question from  Redpath about providing the same deal to
LP committees, Dehn  said this  was  intended  as  a  way  of  letting
affiliate  parties  provide  funding  for  additional  outreach  at  a
reasonable price, and  that if committees  wanted to send copies  that
should be handled separately as an internal budget matter. In response
to a question  from Givot about  the minimum quantity provision,  Dehn
said that was  included to emphasize  the idea that states  should  be
doing this on  a significant scale,  to minimize  the  temptation  for
states to use  this plan as  a way  to  get  cheap  subscriptions  for
individuals, and to reduce overhead in processing the subscriptions.
Gingell moved to refer the proposal to the Affiliate Parties and Media
committees to work  out  the  details  and  determine  the  degree  of
interest among the  states. Dehn argued  against this, saying that  it
would mean delaying the whole thing for months, that he was willing to
set it up,  and that he  already knew that at  least Colorado would be
interested in taking advantage of it.
Givot moved to  substitute that the  plan be adopted and also referred
to to the  committees for  consideration  of  possible  changes.   The
motion to substitute  passed on a  voice vote.  The main motion passed
on a voice vote.
29. LEGAL ACTION  COMMITTEE REPORT: Walter  reported that he  received
several responses to  his call for  lawyers to volunteer to  help  the
Party, and that  he would be  contacting them to get  them to form the
Legal Action Committee and select a chair.
30. BUDGET: Black  proposed reducing the leasehold improvments line in
the capital budget  by $500 and  adding $500 to the  outreach projects
budget to support  the THRO activities.  She also proposed adding $250
to pay part of the cost of testing the Nathan TV ad in Tucson.
Walter proposed adding $500 for convention decorations. Givot proposed
adding $2000 for  a computer voting  feed for C-SPAN, available  to be
spent by the  Executive Committee after  determining what C-SPAN would
be interested in  using. Dasbach proposed  grouping these together and
letting the EC  spend it on  whatever is most needed  to  improve  our
Crickenberger  reviewed  the   Georgia   public   television   lawsuit
situation.  He said the exact costs were not yet known, and that there
would be additional  local fundraising efforts, but that he wanted the
EC to be authorized to send another $500 if necessary. Walter observed
that the this  could be done within the existing budget but that would
leave less than  half the original  amount left for  all  other  legal
Adding $250 for TV advertising was approved on a voice vote.  Adding a
new $2500 item  for convention decorations and staging was approved on
a voice vote.  Increasing the legal costs item by $500 was approved on
a voice vote.   Reducing the leasehold  improvements item by $500  and
increasing Outreach Other  Projects by $500  was approved on  a  voice
Allard moved to  thank Ron Crickenberger  and the Georgia LP for their
hospitality; the motion passed on the sound of applause.
Walter proposed that  the next meeting  be held at 1pm on Wednesday 28
August; there was no objection.
Walter asked how  many current LNC members planned to run for election
to the next LNC; seven so indicated.
Givot moved to adjourn; the motion passed on a voice vote.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:44pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Joseph W. Dehn III
[Attachments distributed prior to the meeting]
A. Report of Mail Ballot
B. Membership Committee Report
C. Affiliate Parties Committee Report
D. Region 1 Report
E. DeAnn Pullar Proposal
F. Auditor's Report
G. Policy Manual Draft
H. Outreach Committee Report
I. LEI Report
[Attachments distributed at the meeting]
J. "Rodney Dangerfield" Problem Overview
K. Task Force Overview
L. Membership Graphs
M. APC Additional Material
N. Region 2 Report
O. Region 3 Report
P. Region 4 Report
Q. Region 5 Report
R. Region 8 Report
S. Finance Committee Report
T. Plans and Progress Survey
U. Outreach Committee Update
V. Ballot Access Committee Report
W. College Outreach Report
X. Bill of Rights Project Report
Y. Convention Oversight Committee Report
Z. Memo from Clay Conrad
AA. Leadership on Political Issues Memo
BB. LP News Bulk Subscription Proposal