Department of Services: NYC

Department of Services: New York City or DOS:NYC is a volunteer community public safety organization created by Libertarian Party of Queens County members Usman Ali Chohan, Christopher R. Fuentes-Padilla and others.

As of 2015, DOS:NYC is being run by a President to Cabinet style leadership with a Nomination Committee selecting the candidates from the Supervisors of the organization.

Executive Leadership Positions

The DOS:NYC Bylaws, ratified by the Founding Officers Committee on 08 January of 2015, currently mandates the below positions be elected:

  1. President of Department of Services - The President of Department of Services, in uniform called the Administrative Captain, is the Chief Administrative Official of the organization. The President shall be charged with the ability and duty to appoint chiefs and assign officers to specific details, units or other projects under the administrative arm of the organization and approve of the Operations Division's Planned Training and Public Events.
  2. Vice President for Operations of Department of Services - The Vice President for Operations of Department of Services, in uniform referred to as the Chief of Operations, is the principal operations officer of the organization. He or she is charged with representing the agency in public for the purposes of operational processes. He is the primary point of contact for deputy operations officers, referred to in the paper as "Assistant Vice President for Operations or Deputy to the Vice President for Operations). These deputies serve at the pleasure of the Chief and are usually assigned to a specific project for the duration of time at which the Chief is not able to serve in the assignment.
  3. Vice President for Administration of Department of Services - The Vice President for Administration of Department of Services, referred to as the "Administrative Lieutenant", is the principal deputy to the President of Department of Services in all forms. The Vice President is assigned to comeplte the duties laid out by the President at the annual planning meeting by the President. The Vice President for Administration is an elected position in DOS:NYC. The election comes immediately after the election of the President alongside the election of the Vice President for Operations at the annual planning meeting.
  4. Director of Administrative Services - The Director of Administrative Services is the board secretary and the Officer in Charge of the Applicant Processing Division. The Director is appointed by the President on or after the annual planning meeting but no later than the Annual Recruitment Committee Report.
  5. Director of Financial Administration - The Director of Financial Administration is the agency's principal authority for finances. He is appointed by the President with the majority approval of the outgoing DOSNYC Advisory Council Members at the Annual Planning Meeting.

Leadership History

Office Name Term Start Term End
President of DOSNYC Michael J. Caruso January 01, 2015

(Position Established)

November 01, 2016
Usman Ali Chohan November 02, 2016


January 02, 2017

(Election Held)

Michael J. Caruso January 03, 2017 Current
Vice President for Operations of DOSNYC Christopher R. Fuentes-Padilla January 01, 2015

(Position Estbalished)

November 01, 2016
Dominick Lazaro November 02, 2016


January 03, 2017

(Election Held)

Christopher R. Fuentes-Padilla January 04, 2017 Current
Vice President for Administration of DOSNYC VACANT January 02, 2015

(Position Established)

October 15, 2016

(Special Appointment Confirmed)

Patrick McAuliffe October 16, 2016

(Special Appointment)

Janurary 02, 2017


Randy Michael VanLanen January 03, 2017


Feburary 05, 2017


VACANT Feburary 06, 2017 Current
Director of Administrative Services for DOSNYC Usman Ali Chohan January 17, 2017

(Position Established)

Director of Financial Administration for DOSNYC Seyed Fardin Nezami January 01, 2015

(Acting / Position Established)

Feburary 02, 2016


Usman Ali Chohan Feburary 03, 2016


January 17, 2017

(Resignation / Took Higher Office)

VACANT January 18, 2017 Current