Beth Vest

Beth Vest is a Libertarian activist.

Beth Vest
Personal Details

Organizational Positions

2011-2018 St Tammany Parish Representative to the SCC.

2018-2024 Louisiana State Treasurer.

2014-2018 Vice Chair of LSLA.

2012-Present, Chair of the National Association of Libertarian Women.

2020-2021 Region 7 alternate to the LNC.

2023-2024 Region 7 alternate to the LNC.

2024-Present Region 7 representative to the LNC.

Favorite Libertarian Party Memory

In 2018 I held a fabulously successful kids camp during the convention in New Orleans. The first and only time this was done at National. It raised about 6k in funds overall. During the camp the kids worked on a large piece of art which auctioned off the convention floor for 3k of that donation.