I first found out about the Libertarian party in 1992. I was a single mother with a toddler going to college at the time. I had started writing for the school paper, which I enjoyed doing. It was an election year, and I had just registered to vote for the first time in my life, so I decided to join the political club at school. Well, we all know what is is to listen to an elephant and jackass argue...I didn't like what I heard on either side...seemed they said the same thing, but in different ways, and it was the way they said it that they fought over.

It was a Saturday girls night out. We found ourselves in a biker bar in KCMO. My friend came up to me and said "You're interested in politics, right?" I said "kinda", she told me that there was a group of people back in the pool room that I just had to hear. So I went. And my political paradigm shifted forever once I "discovered" the Libertarian party.

That night I met Jean Bojarski and Grant Stauffer (sorry if I misspelled any names). She was running for the US Senate against Kit Bond, he was running for a local office, can't remember which one. We wound up following them that evening to every stop. Once Jean and Grant found out that I wrote for my college paper, they agreed to do an interview with me. I wanted to get the word out with my friends, and that seemed to be the best way to do it. What really blew me away, as busy as this couple was, with careers, family, and running for offices, tthey both took the time to come out to THE PROJECTS, give up a Sunday afternoon to have a "Welfare-mom" interview them for a small college paper with a total readership of maybe 500. Would Kit Bond have done that? No...I called and asked.

Andre Marru (sp?) was running that year for President. I went to hear him speak. Too bad more people didn't get a chance to hear him, I think he would have made a good president. I wrote an article on him as well, and an article outlining the party and local candidates that took two issues to run. It worked. The word got out. I'm not sure if they were telling the truth or not, but alot of my fellow students said they voted Libertarian that year. I do remember Jean telling me that that year, the goal really wasn't to win, but to pull enough percentage of votes to become a recognized party in MO. Well, we succeded in that. Now Libertarians are pre-printed on the ballot just like the other two are. When they have commercials, they have the same right to air-time as the others. I would like to think that those few words that I wrote for a small newspaper had something to do with that.

I am looking forward to the day that we have a Libertarian Congress and President, and we have appointed Supreme court Justices with some integrity. I am tired of America being a laughing stock to the world. I remember Jean and Grant telling me that in order for the Libertarians to win a national election it would take some major shifts in this country. I think that it is happening now. All you have to do is turn on the TV to see why the time has come. American's are tired of the BS that gets blurted out around election time. The only ones NOT slingging any mud are the Libertarian candidates, because they don't have to. They stand on principle, and principle alone. That is what will make us winners. We are the party of principle, I believe that. That is why I am raising my children to be Libertarians...because in the end, it always boils down to the 'principle of the thing'. And God only knows how badly America needs principles.