National Platform
The Libertarian Party platform is the political platform of the Libertarian Party.
The platform is updated every two years during the Libertarian National Convention.
Platforms by year
- Temporary Platform of the Libertarian Party, adopted December 1971
- 1972 Libertarian Party Platform, adopted June 1972, Denver, Colorado
- 1974 Libertarian Party Platform, adopted June 1974, Dallas, Texas
- 1976 Libertarian Party Platform, adopted August 1975, New York, New York
- 1978 Libertarian Party Platform, adopted July 1977, San Francisco, California
- 1980 Libertarian Party Platform, adopted
- 1982 Libertarian Party Platform, adopted August 1981, Denver, Colorado
- 1984 Libertarian Party Platform, adopted September 1987, Seattle, Washington
- 1986 Libertarian Party Platform, adopted 1985, Phoenix, Arizona
- 1988 Libertarian Party Platform, adopted 1985, Phoenix, Arizona
- 1990 Libertarian Party Platform, adopted September 1989, Philadelphia
- 1992 Libertarian Party Platform, adopted August 1991, Chicago
- 1994 Libertarian Party Platform, adopted September 1993, Salt Lake City
- 1996 Libertarian Party Platform, adopted July 1996, Wasington, D.C.
- Libertarian Party 1996 National Campaign Platform, Harry Browne
- 1998 Libertarian Party Platform, adopted July 1998, Wasington, D.C.
- 2000 Libertarian Party Platform, adopted July 2000, Anaheim, California
- Libertarian Party 2000 National Campaign Platform, Harry Browne
- 2002 Libertarian Party Platform, adopted July 2002, Indianapolis, Indiana
- 2004 Libertarian Party Platform, adopted May 2004, Atlanta, Georgia
- Libertarian Party 2004 National Campaign Platform, Michael Badnarik
- 2006 Libertarian Party Platform, adopted July 2006, Portland, Oregon