College Libertarians of Towson

The College Libertarians of Towson is a group of Libertarians at Towson University, Maryland. According to the Constitution of the College Libertarians of Towson, "[t]he purpose of the [group is] to further the cause of liberty; to promote, through educational and political activity, the principles and candidates of the Libertarian Party; and to provide a social atmosphere for fellow students of Towson University with Libertarian ideas or philosophies." It was created back in 2002 by Amy Triplett, and is currently affiliated with Towson's Student Government Association. The group advisor is Joseph Pomykala, Ph. D.

CLT History

The group, created in the Fall Semester of 2002, had difficulty in its early stages to get members to come to the meetings. After the first year, the group dissolved. In the Fall Semester of 2004, Alex Peak assumed the Presidency, and in the Fall Semester of 2005, the College Libertarians of Towson became once again officially affiliated with the Student Government Association.

  • On Wednesday, October 26th, the group held a viewing of Team America: World Police for the students on campus. Admission and food were free, and there was an open discussion following the film. Alex Peak estimates that approximately twenty people attended, whereas Russell Curtis estimates that about thirty people attended. Buzz Tavic and Robert Glaser were also on hand.

The CLT Executive Committee

The following members are on the Executive Committee of the College Libertarians of Towson:

Upcoming Plans

The group also plans to team up with the College Republicans to hold a Gun Rights event.

Already making plans for the Spring 2006 semester, the group is scheduled to hold a Marriage Equality event in association with the Towson Campus Greens and the Queer Student Union. This event will feature speakers, and is to be held on Valentine's Day.

Constitution for the College Libertarians of Towson

Article I

Section 1

The name of this organisation shall be College Libertarians of Towson (hereafter referred to as CLT).

Section 2

The CLT shall be an affiliate of the Libertarian Party.

Section 3

The purpose of the CLT shall be to further the cause of Liberty; to promote, through educational and political activity, the principles and candidates of the Libertarian Party, and to provide a social atmosphere for fellow students of Towson University with Libertarian ideas or philosophies.

Article II

Section 1

A voting member is any student who supports the purpose of the CLT and has registered his or her membership with the Membership Chair. Only voting members shall vote or hold office.

Section 2

An associate member is any faculty member, staff, alumnus, or community member who supports the purpose of the CLT and has registered his or her membership with the Membership Chair.

Section 3

A voting membership is terminated when either the member notifies the Membership Chair that he or she is no longer a member, or the member has missed three consecutive meetings without notifying the Membership Chair.

Article III

Section 1

The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, the Vice President, the Membership Chair, and the Recruitment and Promotions Chair.

Section 2

The President shall preside over meetings, appoint members to standing and special committees, and perform other such duties as may be delegated by the Executive Committee or the membership. The President shall also act as the CLT’s connection to both the Student Government Association and the Libertarian Party.

Section 3

The Vice President shall preside over meetings in absence of the President, and perform other such duties as may be delegated by the Executive Committee or the membership.

Section 4

The Membership Chair shall keep club funds and financial records, and make disbursements as directed by the Executive Committee or the membership. The Membership Chair shall also keep all club records and keep minutes of the meetings, and perform other such duties as may be delegated by the Executive Committee or the membership.

Section 5

The Recruitment and Promotions Chair shall organize and preside over promotional and recruitment activities, and perform other such duties as may be delegated by the Executive Committee or the membership.

Article IV

Section 1

Officers shall be elected at the last meeting of each school year and shall serve the term of one year, commencing upon their election.

Section 2

Vacancies shall be filled by special election at the next regular meeting following a vacancy.

Section 3

Officers may be impeached by a 2/3 majority vote at any special meeting.

Article V

Section 1

Regular meetings shall be held at least twice per month.

Section 2

Special meetings for any purpose may be called by the Executive Committee or by petition of 1/3 of the membership. The Membership Chair shall notify all members of special meetings.

Section 3

Summer meetings may be held at the discretion of the members present during summer. This constitution may not be amended at summer meetings.

Article VI

There are to be no dues for belonging to the CLT.

Article VII

This constitution may be amended by a 2/3 majority vote at any regular meeting.

Also See

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