Libertarian Party of Washtenaw County

Revision as of 12:14, 9 February 2006 by (talk)

It should be called the Libertarian Party of Ann Arbor, not of Washtenaw County. The members of this group have no clue about what the people of Washtenaw County think, believe, or want from government outside of the city of Ann Arbor.

Fundraisers designed to draw in new members include dinner parties that only the Ann Arbor elitist can afford, hosted by people only those inside the party would even know of. I’m sorry, but the average Joe on the street does not know the name Tim Slagle. No one spends $75+ to see someone they have no clue about.

Meeting in the back room of a bowling alley bar, do not expect to find any beer hall revolutions forming. Count on spending at least $20 for dinner EVERY Thursday night when they meet.