Michael Colley

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Michael C. Colley, Vice-Admiral, USN (Ret.) presently serves on the Libertarian National Committee and the Libertarian National Congressional Committee.

He graduated with distinction from the United States Naval Academy. He had sea duty assignments on several nuclear-powered submarines and was Commanding Officer of the attack submarine Narwhal. Other operational assignments included command of the submarine tender Proteus in Guam and the Navy's largest submarine squadron in Groton, Connecticut. During the Gulf War, he was commander of the Pacific Fleet submarine force of over 40 boats from his headquarters at Pearl Harbor. Later onshore he was Commander for Navy Recruiting. He was also Director, Division of Mathematics and Science (including the departments of math, physics, chemistry, oceanography and computer science) at the Naval Academy for three academic years.

Colley has been active in the National Security Policy and Analysis fields.

This article is based on the Wikipedia article.