I am Andrew Martin Kolstee and I am an administrator at LPedia and Secretary of the Libertarian Party of New York. If you want to leave a message, leave one on my talk page or e-mail me at akolstee@lpny.org
Libertarian Party Involvement
- November 2009 - enrolled Libertarian
- November 2010 - first time voting; and voted for Libertarian candidates
- June 2014 - joined National Libertarian Party
- April 2015 - joined the Libertarian Party of New York
- October 2015 - started the Chautauqua County Libertarian Party, elected Chair
- May 2017 - appointed Communications Director of the Libertarian Party of New York
- September 2020 - elected Secretary of the Libertarian Party of New York
- September 2022 - elected Chair of the Libertarian Party of New York
- October 2022 - elected Secretary/Treasurer of the Chautauqua County Libertarian Party
Current Projects
Person Infoboxes on People Articles
- Goal: Insert infobox templates on all people articles
- Status: Mostly complete
Create Local Affiliate Pages
- Goal: Create local affiliate pages and insert infobox templates on all local affiliate articles.
- Status: 15/50 states complete
- Alabama (done)
- Alaska (done)
- Arizona (in progress)
- Arkansas (done)
- California (in progress - went through existing ones, need to add new ones)
- Colorado (in progress)
- Connecticut (in progress)
- Delaware (in progress)
- Florida (in progress)
- Georgia (not started)
- Hawaii (done)
- Idaho (done)
- Illinois (done)
- Indiana (done)
- Iowa
- Kansas (in progress)
- Kentucky (in progress)
- Michigan (done)
- Minnesota (done)
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York (done)
- North Carolina (done)
- North Dakota
- Ohio (done)
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania (in progress)
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virginia
- Historic information (article history)
- Illinois (done)
- Kansas (done)
- Michigan (done)
- North Dakota (done)
- South Dakota (done)
- West Virginia (done)
Completed Projects
- Update all State Party infoboxes
- Add Template:Convention to all convention articles
I acknowledge the administrator responsibilities.
Member |
This user is a Member of the Libertarian Party |
LP |
This user serves with a County Party |
LP |
This user is a County Chair |
LP |
This user serves in a State Party |
Student |
This member is a Student |