Zach Tatum

Revision as of 02:00, 26 July 2024 by Joshua S. (talk | contribs) (1. No image of Zach is available so the empty link was removed 2. His party affiliation was added 3. His birthplace was added 4. Wording was adjusted)

Zach Tatum is the current Chairman of the Libertarian Party of Tennessee's Pyramid Region. He is also a coordinator and board member for the Mises Caucus, and the director of the LPTN's Field Operations Committee.

Zach Tatum
Chairman of Pyramid Region
Libertarian Party of Tennessee
National Coordinator and Board Member
Mises Caucus
Director of the Field Operations Committee
Libertarian Party of Tennessee
Chairman of Shelby County
Libertarian Party of Tennessee
Personal Details
Party: Libertarian Party

Zach became a libertarian in 2010 after being disillusioned by the Obama administration's targeting of whistleblowers (such as Julian Assange and Bradley Manning), carrying out of colour revolutions across the Middle East, and continuing of the forever wars in Afghanistan and Iraq with his "Surge".

At that time he read G. Edward Griffin's The Creature from Jekyll Island (borrowed from a close friend), found Ron Paul, Lew Rockwell, Tom Woods, Laurence Vance, William Norman Grigg, Hans Hermann Hoppe, and

He credits Dave Smith, Tom Woods, and Michael Heise of convincing him that the Libertarian Party could be a positive vector for liberty, prompting him to join the national party in 2017. In 2021, he joined his local party, the Libertarian Party of Tennessee, after witnessing the disastrous response to COVID-19 by both the government and the Libertarian Party alike.

Since 2010, Zach has been an ardent reader and supporter of and, and he greatly misses his friend Robert Wenzel and his great, along with the great William Norman Grigg's ProLibertate. He often wonders what they would write about the current events of the day.

Organizational Positions

Libertarian Party of Tennessee
Mises Caucus