Vicky Hanson

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Vicky Rose was an alternate delegate seated with the delegation of the Libertarian Party of Mississippi at the 2018 National Convention. Vicky Rose ran for Mississippi House District 37 in 2019. She challenged 20 year Republican incumbent, Gary Chism. Vicky received 21.8% of the votes, with 1,652 cast in her favor. Vicky Rose served as the State Coordinator for the Jorgensen/Cohen campaign until she entered a special election race in August, 2020. In a last minute decision after MS House Representative Cheikh Taylor (D) asked her to run because he wanted to work with her in Jackson, Vicky Rose ran for Mississippi House District 37 in 2020 in a special election. All candidates on the ballot were labeled Independent. She was the only woman in the three-way race and, yet, was the only candidate excluded from the Lowndes County Republican Women's candidate forum. Vicky's presence in the race forced a run-off. The special election had a less than 17% voter turnout, with Vicky receiving 18.6% of the vote, or 531 votes. In 2024 Vicky Hanson supported the Lars Mapstead for President campaign as the Regional Coordinator for the Northeast and Mideast Regions.

Vicky Rose
Personal Details
Residence: Mississippi
Party: Libertarian
Facebook: Facebook
Twitter: Twitter

Vicky was nominated as a delegate for Mississippi for the following National Conventions: 2018, 2020, 2022, 2024.

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Vicky Rose changed her last name in February 2022, she now goes by Vicky Hanson.