Mesa County Libertarian Party

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The Mesa County Libertarian Party is an official affiliate of the Libertarian Party of Colorado.

Mesa County Libertarian Party
General Information
Jurisdiction: Mesa County, Colorado
Established: 2016
Chartered: 2021
Status: Active Affiliate
Chair: Nicholas Williams
Secretary: Rayne Gardner
Website: Website
Facebook: Facebook

2023 Officials, Staff, and Other Contacts

Nicholas Williams, Chair -- Address: PO Box 1392 – Clifton CO 81520-1392. Phone: 804-592-6066, voicemail or text. Email: ["Nicholas Williams"]

Rayne Gardner, Secretary -- Phone: 520-561-0006, voicemail or text. Email: ["Rayne Gardner"]

Marc Montoni, Affiliate Liaison -- Address: PO Box 1392 – Clifton CO 81520-1392. Phone: 804-592-6066, voicemail or text. Email: ["Marc Montoni"]


The Mesa County Libertarians have existed in several separate periods. The latest iteration was founded by Marc Montoni in 2016, who called the first "Mesa Libertarians Social" at the Rockslide Brewery in the spring of 2016, prior to Montoni's ultimate move to the area in November 2016. The group has continued meeting fairly consistently to the current day (2023). It was formally organized as an LPCO official affiliate in 2021, with robust assistance from Robert Ballard, Rayne Gardner, and a colorful cast of other characters. The group held its first official meeting in early 2021 and elected officers for the first time.

Various special events were hosted, including floats at the July 4th parades two years in a row; a debate/forum for School Board candidates in 2021, hosting a taxpayer-funded group to allow them to explain why taxpayer funds had to be used for recreation, and other activities.

Past Officials, Staff, and Other Contacts

Jeff McQueen, chair (c. 2008)

Electoral history

Mesa Libertarians have sometimes participated in electoral politics directly, by running for public office.

In 2021, Marc Montoni ran for Mesa County Commissioner as a "paper" candidate.

In 2022, Robert Ballard ran a much more serious campaign for Mesa County Clerk and Recorder.

Libertarian Party of Colorado
Affiliates: AdamsArapahoeBoulderCSUDeltaDouglasEagleElbertEl PasoGarfieldHuerfanoJeffersonLarimerMesaMoffatPuebloWestern Slope
Former affiliates: AuroraAspenBroomfieldChaffee and LakeClear CreekDenverFlorissantFremontGreeleyGunnisonJacksonLimonMorganNortheastParkRouttSaguacheSan Luis ValleySan MiguelSouthern ColoradoSouthsideSouthwesternSummitWeld
Conventions: 1973201620172018201920202021202220232024
Publications: Colorado CLiPboardColorado LibertyColorado Libertarian
Other: Election ResultsIndex of Board Records

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