Artie Sintef

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Arthur "Artie" Sintef is a former Libertarian Party activist. He was the Chair (2021-2023) and Vice-Chair (2020-2021) of the Suffolk County Libertarian Party.

Artie Sintef
Sintef-Artie 2020.jpg
Suffolk County Libertarian Party
Decembr 31, 2021—January 25, 2023
Predecessor: William VanHelmond
Successor: George Ostrowski
1st Vice-Chair
Suffolk County Libertarian Party
December 30, 2020—December 31, 2021
Predecessor: Paul Grindle
Successor: Scott Thompson
Personal Details
Residence: New York
Party: Libertarian Party (until 2023)
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He volunteered on several campaigns. In 2020, he was the Long Island coordinator for the Jo Jorgensen campaign in New York. In 2021, he was Deputy Campaign Manager for Stacey Prussman for Mayor of New York City. In 2022, he was the Campaign Manager for Jonathan Howe for Congress NY-14.


  • Jo Jorgensen for President (2020) - Long Island Coordinator
  • Stacey Prussman for NYC mayor (2021) - Deputy campaign manager
  • Jonathan Howe for Congress NY-14 (2022) - Campaign manager

Organizational Positions

Libertarian Party of New York
  • Member, State Committee, Judicial District 10 (March 14, 2021—September 17, 2023)
Suffolk County Libertarian Party
  • Chair (December 31, 2021—January 25, 2023)
  • Vice-Chair (December 30, 2020—December 31, 2021)