Guy McLendon

Revision as of 00:42, 18 August 2022 by Guymclendon (talk | contribs)

Guy McLendon was appointed to be a Commissioner the West Calcasieu Parish Drainage District Board in July 2022. McLendon is a candidate for Louisiana Congressional District #3 (Nov 2022), and is currently serving as Treasurer of Calcasieu Parish LP.

Guy McLendon
Personal Details
Education: Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Occupation: Engineer
Residence: Louisiana
Party: Libertarian
Facebook: [Guy.mclendon.7 Facebook]
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History in the Libertaian Party:

-Texarkana Regional Director for the Gary Johnson 2016 Presidential Campaign, and Texas co-Director for the Gary Johnson 2012 Campaign.

-Initiated the "Recruit Gary Johnson" campaign in 2011.

-Candidate for Calcasieu Parish Police Jury: 2019

-2014 to 2016: At Large Member of LNC. Regional Alternate Rep to LNC: 2012-2014.

- Delegate in LP National Conventions in 2006 (TX), 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016 (LA), and 2018 (CA)

-LP National Platform Committee: 2006, 2008, 2010 and 2014.

-Texas LP Vice-Chair, 2010-2012. Harris County Chair, 2006 to 2012.

-Louisiana Vice-Chair: 2014 to 2016.

-Candidate for Congress: 2002, 2016 & 2022.

-Membership Chair, LP of Mississippi, 1980-1982.

-Ed Clark Campaign for President, 1980.

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