Joshua McHoes

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Joshua McHoes is a Libertarian activist in Alaska (2007 - current), The Philippines (2007), Wisconsin (2008-2009,2010-2011). He is a single father and current college student. He is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering and minor degrees in Economics, Mathematics, Physics, and Political Science. He aspires to use this education and his previous experience as an Electrician to help meet the growing energy demand and to use this to help set people free. He became a libertarian when he first heard Adam Kokesh on Adam vs The Man on Youtube and was exposed to Ron Paul in 2007. During this time, he was in middle school, and through the rabbit hole found the leaked videos of Abu Ghraib. This persuaded him at a young age to not sign up for military service, as he had planned on doing so prior. He is descendant of slavery abolitionists John Brown and Samuel McHose.

Joshua McHoes
Personal Details
Residence: Alaska
Party: Libertarian


Delegate to Alaska Libertarian Party Convention (2020, 2022)

Alaska Delegate to Libertarian National Convention (2020, 2022)

Alaska Libertarian Party IT Director (2020 - current)