Joshua Crowder

Revision as of 01:37, 2 May 2022 by JoshuaCrowder (talk | contribs) (Bio of Joshua and history of work within the party.)
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Joshua Crowder (Josh) is a queer artist and mystic. They graduated from Savannah College of Art and Design in 2021 with a B.F.A. in Documentary Photography. Joshua is also certified as a Reiki Master/Teacher and Meditation coach[1]. In their personal life, they strive to build a better world through healing as a collective as well as spreading Liberty through documenting and exposing the inequities caused by the governmental bodies.

File:Photo of Joshua in 2021.jpg
Photo of Joshua in their living room in 2021

Josh became a Libertarian because their time in the Navy showed them parts of how the government operates and how little they actually do to help their citizens and constituents. Josh’s goal with the party and with the liberty movement is to help grow our party from the grassroots to a political giant that fights for our rights as individuals. Josh says, “This giant goal starts with us, here, in our tiny little city. I look forward to meeting you, working with you, and serving you.”[2][2]

Josh officially joined the Libertarian party and liberty movement during the 2020 election cycle, when they became a Facebook warrior and Meme sharer for the Jorgensen/Cohen ticket. Deciding to jump in fast, they became the Membership Director of the Libertarian Party of Georgia. However, they stepped down 2 months later due to scheduling conflicts. After graduating with their undergraduate degree, Josh had more time and became more involved with their local affiliate, the Libertarian Party of Atlanta. During the Atlanta affiliate convention in December of 2021, Josh was elected as Vice Chair to serve a term of 1 year[3].

Since then, Josh has worked on campaigns, such as Angela Pence for Congress in Georgia's 14th district[4]. Josh served as Angela's Campaign Manager and Political Advisor beginning in March 2022.