Benjamin Ryan Teeter

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Benjamin Ryan Teeter (born April 8th, 1998) is a lifelong political activist and member of the Libertarian party. He is a former Vice-Chair of the Cape Fear Regional Affiliate of the Libertarian Party of North Carolina and a former member of the Executive Committee for the Libertarian Party of North Carolina. He is known in the anarchist community as Anarcho-Gun Guy, and he was a prominent public figure for the Boogaloo movement. He also ran for Vice-Chair of the Libertarian Party of North Carolina, having dropped out of the race after appearing in a CNN article.

Benjamin Ryan Teeter
Executive Committee
Libertarian Party of North Carolina
Personal Details
Birth: (1998-04-08) April 8, 1998 (age 26)
Coco Solo, Panama
Party: Libertarian Party


Basic Details

Benjamin “Ryan” Teeter spent his early working years as a general manager at a motorcycle repair shop in the Wilmington, NC area. Teeter had met Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson as a teenager during the 2012 presidential election, inspiring Teeter to pursue his own lifelong libertarian activism. Teeter became involved directly with the Libertarian party at age 16, slowly attaining more and more positions of influence within Libertarian ranks.

Teeter, also having life experience with martial arts and the arts in general, formed his own unique anarchist subculture cosplay character as time progressed; more or less a video game character spinoff of a Yorimoto-era samurai with a machine gun, jihad scarf, tactical costume from Amazon, and a John Deere hat. Libertarians and anarchists frequently asked for his advice in “dark politics”, in other words the usual eccentric and risqué political talking points Libertarians typically love to advocate for (prostitution rights, ending the drug war, gun rights, etc). Teeter, like many Libertarians of his generation, immediately resorted to the anarchist identity due to it’s heightened sense of glitz and glamour in what it advocates for in terms of absolute individual freedom and peace. John McAfee’s way of life tended to resonate with a significant portion of the American population and Teeter was simply someone who took that fight for peaceful liberty for every individual human being alive extremely seriously. Teeter also appeared on a Libertarian show with Jess Mears during the George Floyd protests of Minneapolis.

Teeter’s Viking familial roots have also lead him to runic witchcraft. He has been seen in public at gun rallies with runic tattoos on his wrist. Coming from an intense martial arts background, Teeter’s expertise also lies in areas of health and fitness. His vast martial arts experience has found use as a tool for survival during his frequent over- extended visits in incarceration among peers he finds differences with while standing in line at the chili counter.

Teeter is also an avid kinbaku rope and boot fetishist. Pre-Covid era, Teeter had a side gig traveling the world teaching bdsm rope tying workshops at events such as International Mr. Leather and Folsom Street Fair. 2020 presidential candidate Vermin Supreme has not yet accepted full responsibility for Teeter’s rapid fall into boot fetishism after the two met in person and networked Teeter with a northern Libertarian party officer who wound up as Teeter’s primary leather dom.

Teeter’s eccentric personality has also lead to him performing unusual stunts such as launching fireworks from his arse at parties, according to sources.

Teeter’s current standing in libertarian anarchist history is that of being a foot soldier for the Boogaloo movement, aka “Crash Test Dummies For The Revolution”.

Arrest History

Teeter began to experience an unusual degree of arrests once he became an adult. This has nothing to do with any negative connotations of character about Teeter, but the environment in which he had come from. Most states around the United States do not place you in jail for speeding — Teeter’s life background in North Carolina however had given him this kind of deal in life in regards to simple speeding incidents. Teeter’s natural “fight against the system” evolved more and more as time progressed, and it reached a point where he was able to uncover new statism where nobody had noticed it existed before.

When the Covid era hit in March 2020, everyone around the world’s life changed overnight. Many people had all kinds of new stress to face. Teeter was no exception. He was 21 years old, ready to live life, but the entire world around him shut down and collapsed. Teeter’s state did not offer unemployment benefits like other states around the country did, Teeter’s financial situation became dire. Teeter, having been homeschooled and elevated into adulthood earlier than most people both older and younger than him were, was used to being fiercely independent at all costs — having been influenced by a high level of advanced libertarian activism his whole life. According to a former female lover and housemate, he began helping feed protestors all around the country once the political movements began.

Open The Economy protests were seen all around the United States once Covid hit. Teeter with his fellow gun activists walked around Raleigh North Carolina in an attempt to motivate all good American citizens to practice their Second Amendment right in case the government’s shutdown powers became too powerful.

As the Covid era progressed, the government’s capabilities for tyranny heightened even more as many people do recall in their own personal lives and around them. President Donald Trump used the military to tear gas average American citizens so he could hold up a Bible as a publicity stunt, and the succeeding President Joe Biden did not dishonorably discharge one single soldier that blindly accepted those orders under Trump. George Floyd was murdered by Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin, and Teeter traveled to Minneapolis to peacefully and legally protect Black Lives Matter protestors.

FBI arrested Teeter and his co-defendant Michael Solomon in September of 2020 outside of Minneapolis. It was a classic example of government entrapment arrests, but like none had seen before. After the entire American population was just about to wrap up years of Trump business scams making the airwaves, the federal government decided to prey on economically vulnerable Americans like Teeter and Solomon and attempt to lure once hard working Americans into a multi-million dollar pyramid scheme selling gun parts for a previously unheard of and completely unknown foreign organization nobody had ever heard of before. At least the government had this organization written down as a terrorist organization so they could legally lure more of their own people into the already overcrowded prison population. For the generation that grew up listening to how the United States military ought to pull out of it’s role as policeman around the world, for the generation that grew up playing first person shooter video games as heroic protagonists, for a generation that witnessed a failure by the US military to leave a trace of peace in Afghanistan after leaving a decades long occupation, and for a military that hadn’t won a war since WWII, it was a natural fit for the government to use this kind of 1984 George Orwell-esque strategy on economically challenged-due-to-Covid-era American civilians like Teeter and Solomon after seeing them in the national media and finding a quick way to contact them.

Teeter’s terrorist entrapment case remains in development, still legally facing up to two decades of imprisonment.