Walter Block

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Walter Edward Block, PhD (b. August 1941), Austrian School economist and author, was one of the first people to run on the Libertarian Party ticket, running for New York State Assembly in 1972. He has been a member of the Party since 1969. Since then he has been very active in the LP. When he worked at the Fraser Institute in Vancouver, British Columbia from 1979-1991, he was active in the Canadian LP. When he was a professor at Holy Cross from 1991-1997, he was active in the Massachusetts LP. When he was a professor at the University of Central Arkansas in Conway from 1997-2001, he was active in the Arkansas LP. He has been Harold E. Wirth Eminent Scholar Endowed Chair and Professor of Economics Loyola University New Orleans since 2001, and, similarly, have been active in the Louisiana LP. “Active” to me means, mainly, giving speeches at the annual convention. He has also done so for several other state conventions. The ones that spring to mind include Florida, New Jersey, New Hampshire, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Mississippi, Utah, Michigan, Oregon, Ohio, Washington, California and Alabama. He has also given talks at several of the National LP conventions, the ones held in Colorado, California and Louisiana, if memory serves.

Walter Block
Walter Block-2020.JPG
Personal Details
Birth: August 1941
Party: Libertarian Party
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Bumper stickers for his 1972 New York Assembly race read, "Block for Disassembly."

He has described the Non-Aggression Axiom as the linchpin of libertarianism.



This list is known to be very seriously incomplete


This list is known to be very seriously incomplete


  • Drug Prohibition: A Legal and Economic Analysis? (1993), Journal of Business Ethics
  • Cyberslacking, Business Ethics and Managerial Economics? (2001), Journal of Business Ethics
  • Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies? (2002), Ethics, Place and Environment
  • Is There a Human Right to Medical Insurance? (2008), Business and Professional Ethics Journal
  • Time Deposits, Dimensions, and Fraud (with William Barnett), Journal of Business Ethics (2009)
  • Synthetic Biology Does Not Need a Synthetic Bioethics: Give Me That Old Time (Libertarian) Ethics (2012), Ethics, Policy and Environment (2012)
  • Mathematics in Economics: An Austrian Methodological Critique (with Robert Wutscher and Robert P. Murphy), Philosophical Investigations (2010)
  • Anti-Discrimination Laws: Undermining Our Rights (with Javier Portillo), Journal of Business Ethics (c. 2012)

This list is known to be very seriously incomplete


  • New York State Assembly, 1972

From Mr. Block when asked about his past candidacies: My first run for office was in New York City. I ran for NY State Assembly in 1969, before the advent of the National LP, but, under the aupices of the NYState LP. My motto was, “Block for disassembly.” I wanted to disassemble, this lower house of NYState. I think I got a few dozen votes. My second run for office was for Vice President of the United States on the LP ticket. If memory serves, I came in third out of five candidates. This must have been in the 1970s to the best of my recollection.

Selected Works on the Libertarian Party

Block, Walter E. 2015. “Questions, and answers, and other matters; responses to the Libertarian Party of the U.S., to Nathan Fryzek, Lukasz Dominiak, Igor Wysocki, and Yossi Levanoni.” December 8;

Block, Walter E. 2017. “It’s Time To Rally Behind the Libertarian Party.” August 29;

Block, Walter E. 2015. “Will the Libertarian Party Ever Get Libertarianism Straight?” December 15;

Block, Walter E. 2012. “Contra Randy Barnett on the Libertarian Party.” November 9;

Block, Walter E. 2008. “Reflections on Attending the 2008 Libertarian Party Convention in Denver,” May 31;

Block, Walter E. 2008. “LP Is a Unique Educational Tool.” California Freedom: The official publication of the Libertarian Party of California, October;

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