Peyton Kunselman

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Peyton Kunselman was the Chair of the Cattaraugus County Libertarian Party from 2020 to 2021. He previously served as Secretary and Vice-Chair and as a member of the State Committee from Judicial District 8.

Peyton Kunselman
Cattaraugus County Libertarian Party
May 16, 2020—March 31, 2021
Predecessor: Luke Wenke
Successor: Vacant
Cattaraugus County Libertarian Party
April 18, 2020—May 16, 2020
Predecessor: Matt Peterson-Volz
Successor: Vacant
Personal Details
Party: Libertarian Party

He announced his candidacy for the Chair of the Libertarian Party of New York, saying:

"My vision for the LPNY is unity. Unity based on a common goal of promoting liberty. I am sick of the grandstanding from some and of the ad hominem attacks. We will never grow if we continue to tear at each other. I have sat here for two years now fighting to make a change in this state. I know many of you have done exactly the same. We need to rally together to fight against tyranny in NY and to promote candidates that deliver our message. People who undermine our cause can step out while we continue to work. Every single one of us can contribute beautiful things to this movement. Actually, we all have. Every little action has a greater effect than you would imagine. I want to continue to see this party grow. That is why, after some discussions with people I respect greatly, I decided that I am going to run for chair of the LPNY in the next election. I have a vision for this party. We will grow, we will prosper, and we will promote liberty to extents we haven't done before. This party has many great assets and I want every person to know that every positive contribution helps our cause. I appreciate all of you who are fighting to make this state a freer and better place!"

Yours in Liberty,

Peyton Kunselman

He later withdrew from the race and endorsed Tony D'Orazio.

Political Campaigns

  • Olean Alderman Ward 6, 2019

Organizational Positions

Cattaraugus County Libertarian Party
  • Chair (May 16, 2020—March 31, 2021)
  • State Representative (December 29, 2018—May 4, 2019)
  • Secretary (May 27, 2019—April 18, 2020)
  • Vice-Chair (April 18, 2020—May 16, 2020)