Brian Defferding

Revision as of 22:58, 16 August 2020 by CarynAnnHarlos (talk | contribs)

Brian Defferding is the Vice-Chair of the Libertarian Party of Wisconsin [elected in 2019], and the current Chair of the [Valley Libertarians], an official affiliate of the state party. He was elected to the Winnebago County Board of Supervisors in 2018 for District 6, serving part of the city of Neenah, WI; and won re-election (unopposed) in April 2020. He serves on the Planning and Zoning Committee for the county. Before elected Vice-Chair, he served on the Executive Committee covering Wisconsin Congressional District 6.

Brian Defferding
Libertarian Party of Wisconsin
Fox Valley Libertarians
Personal Details
Residence: Wisconsin
Party: Libertarian
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Brian Defferding currently resides in the City of Neenah, Wisconsin.