National Convention 1972

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The first Libertarian Party National Convention was held June 15 - 18, 1972 in Denver, Colorado. John Hospers and Theodora Nathan were nominated presidential and vice presidential candidates respectively. They received the first electoral vote won by a woman, cast by Roger MacBride. The original dates selected had tentatively been June 4-7, 1972. The convention was open to all Libertarian Party members at a cost of $25.

1972 Libertarian National Convention
Dates: June 15—18, 1972
Location: Denver, Colorado
1973 →

Tentative Agenda

  • Sunday, June 4 -- Open hearings by platform and constitution committees.
  • Monday, June 5 -- Closed committee sessions, workshops, first session of the convention (to vote on rules, constitution and by-laws). Evening open for caucuses of various groups who wish to hold them.
  • Tuesday, June 6 -- Second session of the convention (to vote on platform).
  • Wednesday, June 7 -- Third and final convention session (to elect Party's officers for 1972-1974, and to nominate a President and Vice-President of the United States). Big bash in the evening.
  • Thursday, June 8 -- Brief open session of the newly-elected Executive Committee, to deal with such matters are necessary.

Election of Officers

Susan Nolan was elected as National Chair.

Ed Clark was elected as National Vice-Chair.

Diana Amsden was elected as National Secretary.

Pipp Boyls was elected as National Treasurer.

David Nolan, James Bryan, D. Frank Robinson, and Pat Lowrie were elected as At-Large members.

Audio Recordings


First-person accounts provided by convention participants.

National Conventions
By Year: 197219731974197519761977197819791981198319851987198919911993199619982000200220042006200820102012201420162018202020222024

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