Luke Wenke

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Luke Marshal Wenke is the Chair of the Cattaraugus County Libertarian Party. He is also the founder of the Facebook group Olean Politics.

Luke Wenke
Cattaraugus County Libertarian Party
December 29, 2018—present
Predecessor: Shannon Gates (as TCC)
Successor: Incumbent
Personal Details
Party: Libertarian Party

Political Campaigns

In 2018, he volunteered for the Larry Sharpe for governor campaign.

In 2019, Wenke ran for Cattaraugus County Coroner.

In 2020, he announced his candidacy to run for Chair of the Libertarian National Committee.

Organizational Positions

Cattaraugus County Libertarian Party
  • Temporary County Chair (August 5, 2018—December 29, 2018)
  • Chair (December 29, 2018—present)