Proposed agenda for Sunday, June 3, 2007
Call to order
Jon Levine who is seeking the LPNY nomination for Mayor of Ardsley.
(20 min)
Approval of May 6 minutes
(1 min)
info from the Chair:
automatic monthly pledges set up.
list of all candidates in NY who are running as Libs
list of all people who are local members
SR29 and A575 to reduce signature requirements in NY by ½
(5 min)
Ithaca Rep no longer counts toward quorum – Article VI, section I of LPNY bylaws
(5 min)
Authorize $1000 for fundraising letter to encourage people to become automatic monthly pledgers. (what will we do with the money? FNY?)
(15 min)
reports from NYC on 2008 convention – pre-convention schedule: date/place by October
(10 min)
speakers for convention – list of presidential candidates, contact info, dates available.
(5 min)
Other business
(? min)