Document:LPNY Minutes 8 July 2000

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New York Libertarian Party State Committee
Minutes: July 8, 2000
Sloatsburg, NY

Rich Cooper (Chair), Blay Tarnoff (Vice Chair), Audrey Capozzi (Vice
John Clifton (Treasurer), Caryn Cohen (Secretary), Bob Goodman (At-Large),
Ayling (At-Large), Bonnie Scott (At-Large), Don Silberger (At-Large;
Valley Rep.; Arr. 11:50), Brad Arter (At-Large; Queens Rep.), Chris Garvey 
(Suffolk Rep.), Jeff Russell (Capital District Rep.), Bridget Rutty
(Central NY 
Rep.), Stephen Healey (Monroe Rep.), Bob Armstrong (non-voting), Jeff Doty 
(Newsletter Editor; non-voting), Bill Bombard (non-voting), David
(non-voting) (Absent: Immediate Past Chair, Nassau Rep., Brooklyn Rep.)

The meeting was called to order at 10:47 am.

Treasurer's Report:
John Clifton distributed a Treasurer's report.  The ending balance, as of 
7/7/00, was $14,568.11.  The report concluded that, with the addition of
contributions and the LP UMP July check, the actual balance should be

New Business:

Board of Elections Information
Richard Cooper attended a Campaign Finance Seminar.  He indicated that we
file with the Board of Elections, as we are a political committee.  He 
distributed an "Important Dates to Remember" sheet.  Candidates must file 
separately.  Regional parties, if unsure whether to file, should contact

Chris Garvey moved to accept the members of the "Committee to Fill
as listed on the nominating petition.  Brad Arter seconded.  Bonnie Scott 
questioned Rich Cooper's presence on the committee and asked whether his 
intention is to run candidates.  Rich indicated that he does want
but not ill-prepared ones.  Bonnie commented that the Party needs to
people to encourage them to run as candidates.  The motion passed with no
and two abstentions.

Bob Goodman moved to accept the listed electors.  Blay Tarnoff seconded.
motion passed unanimously.

Petition Drive
Jeff Russell reported that the National Committee has not committed any 
financial help as of this time.  Rich Cooper did not feel that the New
Party should pay everyone who collects signatures, as formerly proposed by 
Dottie-Lou Brokaw.  The NYLP has typically gotten 5-6,000 volunteer
Rich suggested awarding a cash prize to high-volume petitioners.  There
was a 
short discussion regarding what has worked to motivate petitioners in the
i.e., petitioning seminars, group petitioning parties, and publicizing the 
existence of large, public events.  Bonnie Scott moved to award $300 to
the top 
petitioner, and $150 to the second and third highest signature gatherers.
Clifton moved to amend the motion to award the first place winner life 
membership in the LP.  John's motion to amend failed.  Bonnie's motion

Chris Garvey moved that Rich Cooper place two ads (at one inch each, for
$55 per
inch) in Backstage magazine to attract petitioners.  The motion passed 

Rich Cooper suggested that the party needs captains to manage groups of 
petitioners.  He offered to contact the Browne campaign regarding
with petitioning.

Alternative Methods to Hold State Committee Meetings
Rich Cooper suggested that we hold State Committee meetings via conference 
calls.  A discussion was held regarding the relative merits of holding
conference calls, Internet chat meetings, video conference meetings, or
over e-mail.  Caryn Cohen expressed concerns regarding the drawbacks of
votes, such as the lack of continuity of discussion, the confusion which
when various people log on and receive messages at different times, and
difficulties involved in keeping track of different votes.  Jeff Russell 
proposed that we use a speaker phone at the Sloatsburg meeting room and in 
Buffalo.  Chris Garvey moved to allow people to attend State Committee
by alternative means (i.e., audio conference, computer, etc.).  Such
would be counted as officially attending for purposes of the bylaws.  The
passed 10-2.  John Ayling proposed a subcommittee to study alternatives to 
meeting in person; the following people volunteered: Chris Garvey, John
and Bonnie Scott.

New Chapter
Chris Garvey moved to accept Monroe County as a new Libertarian Party of
York Chapter.  Stephen Healey reported that thirty people attended a
convention on February 15, 2000.  He presented to the state secretary a
text of the bylaws and a partial list of members voting in favor of LPMC
Stephen indicated verbally that there are officers of the Monroe County
He was elected both chair and representative to the State Committee.  The
to accept Monroe County passed with one nay vote.

2001 State Convention
Chris Garvey moved to hold the 2001 State Convention in New York City.
motion passed with one abstention.  Volunteers to the Convention Committee 
consisted of: Rich Cooper, Jodi A. (not at State Committee meeting; Rich:
supply last name), Caryn Cohen, and Blay Tarnoff.

Newsletter Ads
There was a discussion regarding the issue of whether to accept ads from 
outsiders in Free New York.  Rich Cooper recommended that we do not run

Jeff Russell discussed the details of the petitioning process.  He
that local coordinators are needed from each geographic area.  He
suggested the 
following guidelines for the coordinators:
-Compile a list of names of people willing to collect signatures in your
-Collect petitions.
-Keep track of paid petitions.
-Verify all information on the petitions. The Board of Elections website
list districts according to address.

Brad Arter moved that we send copies of the petition with a sheet of 
instructions to all members.  The number of pages to be sent to each
person was 
left up to Jeff Russell's discretion.  The motion passed unanimously.  Don 
Silberger moved to budget $1,000 for this mailing.  The motion passed 

Fundraising Letter
The most recent fundraising letter, which cost $866.52, has so far raised

Harry Browne Campaign
David Gilmartin is the New York coordinator of the Browne campaign

Roy Innis Endorsement
John Clifton agreed to write a letter to Roy Innis asking whether he would
willing to endorse John Clifton for senate.

Next Meeting:
The next meeting will be held on Saturday, August 26, 2000, 11:30, at the
Annual Picnic, at Jim Harris' house in Westbury, Long Island.

The meeting adjourned at 1:40 PM.