Patrick Glasgow

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Patrick Glasgow is a Electrical Maintenance Technician from Howard, Ohio. He is the current Political Director of the Libertarian Party of Ohio. Prior to this, he served as Deputy Political Director of the Libertarian Party of Ohio. He also serves on the Ohio Executive Committee as an At-Large member as well as on the Ohio Central Committee.

Patrick Glasgow
Libertarian Party of Ohio
Political Director
January 1, 2019—present
Predecessor: Tricia Sprankle
Successor: Incumbent
Personal Details
Birth: February, 24 1989
Wichita, KS
Education: Thomas Edison State University (B.S. in Nuclear Energy Engineering Technology), The Ohio State University (A.S. in Sustainable Agriculture)
Military: United State Navy Submarine Service
Occupation: Electrical Maintenance Technician at Anheuser-Busch
Residence: Howard, Ohio
Party: Libertarian
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