Libertarians of Montgomery County

Revision as of 02:56, 30 November 2019 by AMK152 (talk | contribs)

Libertarians of Montgomery County is a County Development Group of the Libertarian Party of Ohio, based in Dayton, Ohio. The LPO is the 5th largest affiliate of the LP and the 3rd largest political party in Ohio.

Libertarians of Montgomery County
Libertarians of Montgomery Logo.png
General Information
Jurisdiction: Montgomery County, Ohio
Chair: J. Anthony Williams
Website: Website
Facebook: Facebook
Twitter: Twitter

County Development Groups (CDGs) are formed, governed by, and are a local extension of the state Party. CDG formation rules are found in LPO Bylaw 700 and can only exist in a county that does not have a functioning county-level LP affiliate. The County Development Coordinator (CDC) is the leader of the CDG.