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Gregory Creswell
Personal Details
Birth: (1957-02-01) February 1, 1957 (age 68)
Detroit, Michigan
Education: Michigan State University (PhD)
Occupation: Medical Records Clerk
Residence: Detroit, Michigan
Party: Libertarian Party
Website: http://gregcreswell.com
Facebook: Facebook

Gregory “Greg” Creswell (born February 1, 1957)[1] is a Libertarian politician from Michigan. In 2017 he will be the first candidate in Michigan history to run in a Libertarian primary election, due to changes in the Libertarian Party of Michigan's ballot status.[2] The August eighth special primary was scheduled because of the resignation of State Representative Brian Banks.[3] Creswell will be uncontested in this primary[4]

He was spokesperson and a Detroit organizer for the Michigan Civil Rights Initiative (MCRI) in 2004,[5][6][note 1] when the group first attempted to place their amendment to the Michigan Constitution on the ballot.[7][note 1] Opponents protested the petition effort and Creswell had verbal altercations with his rival Rev. Horace Sheffield III that year.[6][note 1] Efforts to get it on the ballot were delayed by a series of court challenges.[8][note 1] Creswell expanded his efforts in 2006 as an outspoken petitioner and candidate.[9][10][note 1]

He made the Michigan Civil Rights Initiative the centerpiece of his 2006 campaign for governor, and produced radio commercials in support of it.[11][12][13] The measure passed, by a 16% margin,[14] even though it was opposed by Creswell's gubernatorial rivals and a conglomerate of groups called “One United Michigan”.[15]

Early in the 2006 election cycle some journalists speculated that third party candidates could affect the outcome of the election,[16][note 1] and Creswell polled at 2%.[17][note 2] Creswell placed third, with less than 1% of the vote, behind incumbent Governor Jennifer Granholm, the Democratic candidate, and Dick Devos, the Republican candidate, but ahead of Douglas Campbell, the Green Party Candidate, and Bhagwan Dashairya the US Taxpayer Party candidate.[18]


Creswell was born in Detroit in 1957. He was a graduate of Chadsey High School in 1975 and a Wayne County Community College District student. He has been married for over 30 years and is the father of two,[19][20] and the brother of a police officer.[21][note 1] He has one granddaughter.[22]

In 1982 he and his wife were the subject of an article in the Detroit Free Press which focused on their philanthropy to 12 organizations including the NAACP, the Urban League, the United Negro College Fund, the Detroit Afro-American Museum, and the Detroit Black United Fund. He said, "I think this bi-weekly giving will be a lifelong thing from me, not just something I do now and then, not just something I do now because times are hard."[23][note 2]

Political activities prior to 2006

He became involved in the Libertarian Party shortly before Ron Paul was nominated as the Libertarian candidate for President and he became more active in politics when he joined the Jon Coon campaign for US Senate.[24]

Creswell claims to have donated his time, skills and earnings to charities and social causes such as his church and the pro-gun organization, Brass Roots.[19] He was a founding member of, and volunteer for Brass Roots, since 1993.[25] Creswell continued doing volunteer work for the Libertarian Party of Michigan, including work at its headquarters.[26] Creswell was a vocal representative of the petition drive to put the Michigan Civil Rights Initiative on the ballot.[27]

2006 gubernatorial campaign

On the eve of the election some analysts thought minor party candidates like Gregory Creswell could have a major effect on the election and that "Votes cast for state's third-party contenders could actually help pick Tuesday's winners."[16][note 1] The final vote count differed from this expectation with Democrat Jennifer Granholm leading Republican Dick Devos by 534,427 votes.[18]

Creswell was nominated on May 13 at the 2006 Libertarian Party of Michigan convention in Chelsea, Michigan.[28] His campaign raised over $16,000 in donations.[29] which was dwarfed by the Granholm and Devos campaigns,[30] but in excess of that raised by Douglas Campbell,[31] or that raised by Bhagwan Dashairya[32] both of whom qualified for a reporting waivers (only available to campaigns with budgets under $1,000). The Creswell campaign spent over $10,000 on radio advertising. The largest investment was made in advertisements on Detroit AM Radio stations WJR and WXYT.[11] These commercials specifically targeted Devos and Granholm by referring to them as candidates of “the two old parties,” and berating them for supporting state-supported preferences based on race and sex.[12][13]

Polls and Debates

In June of that year some columnists objected to Creswell’s exclusion from public opinion polls.[33][note 2] Later, in October, an EPIC MRA poll that was published on the front page of the Detroit Free Press showed Creswell at 2%, with Granholm having a strong lead.[17][note 2] There were also complaints published about Creswell being left out of Debates that only included the Republican and Democratic candidates.[34][note 2] In October of 2006 he participated in a debate to which all five candidates were invited, and only Granholm and Devos declined. This debate was moderated by WJBK News personality Charlie Langton, and the panel included Bill Gallagher (WJBK Fox News 2 Detroit), Paul Kubicek (Oakland University), and Noah Ovshinsky (WDET 101.9 FM).[35]


Creswell's campaign was shared with his Lieutenant Governor candidate Scotty Boman. Boman was Chair of the Libertarian Party of Michigan at the time. Boman, a college professor, had run for a variety of offices as a Libertarian. He had also been a member of the Wayne State University Student Council,[36] had run for the Detroit City Council,[37] as well as the State Board of Education.[38]

Spokesperson of Liberty

On November 19, 2006, Creswell received The Libertarian Party of Michigan’s Spokesperson on Liberty Award at their annual Liberty Fest in Ann Arbor, Michigan.[39]

Position on issues

Racial preferences

Gregory Creswell was involved in the movement to make the Michigan Civil Rights Initiative law over a period of several years. The amendment was approved by 58% of the voters.[14]

2004 Balloting Effort

He was spokesperson, volunteer coordinator, and an organizer for the Michigan Civil Rights Initiative since the 2004 when the first attempt was made to place the measure on the ballot.[5][40] In pre kick-off announcement, he articulated some reasons he was working for the amendment: "I believe it is wrong for the government and politicians to dictate to an employer who they must or must not hire, just as I believe Jim Crow is immoral and just as I believe apartheid in South Africa was immoral," said Creswell, who is African-American. "(People) assume that I should be for racial preferences, especially when it comes to the government," he said. "As a father, I do not want the government to look at our children as a member of a race. I want them to look at them as individuals and for their merits."[7][note 1]

At the petition kick-off meeting affirmative action advocate Rev. Horace Sheffield III clashed with Creswell after being denied entry to the event.[6][note 1] Creswell’s rivalry with Sheffield dates back to 2000 when Creswell criticized a protest outside the Detroit Police headquarters, following a couple shootings of suspects by police.[21][note 1]

In April of that year he served as MCRI spokesperson on a local talk show. When asked why ending racial preferences was important to him he replied "As a citizen and an individual, I resent politicians separating us by color. They did that back down South using Jim Crow laws. Of course they used that for slavery too. And I think its equally offensive and immoral for them to use racial preferences (That's what I call it, "racial preferences") to enroll students in state Universities throughout the state."[5]

After some early court challenges, a state appeals court permitted MCRI petitioners to continue gathering signatures, but the effort was postponed till 2006 due to time constraints.[8][note 1]

2006 Balloting Effort and Gubernatorial Campaign

While running for Governor, Creswell’s position statements focused on what he called, “racial preferences.” On his campaign’s site he claimed to be the only gubernatorial candidate supporting the Michigan Civil Rights Initiative, and he defended the validity of the associated petition effort.[41] His position statements referred to Affirmative Action as “state-sponsored discrimination,” when it set different standards based on a person’s race or gender.[20] He claimed this was the position of the Libertarian Party of Michigan which addresses this topic in its platform.[42][43]

Effect on women's healthcare

In a statement to the Detroit Free Press he defended the amendment against what he called "big lie,

"The incessant claim by MCRI opponents that prohibiting race and gender discrimination will end such things as breast and cervical cancer screening, breast-feeding promotion, etc. is "the big lie," a fallacy that they hope, if repeated often enough, will be taken as truth.
MCRI does not apply to any aspect of health care. It is specifically limited to education, employment and contracting. And even within that limitation, one of the provisions explicitly states: "Nothing in this section shall be interpreted as prohibiting bona fide qualifications based on sex that are reasonably necessary to the normal operation of public employment, public education, or public contracting."[10]

Statements On Post-Election Court Challenges

After the Amendment was approved by the voters, it faced renewed court challenges, and Creswell continued to come to its defense. In 2011, after a Federal appeals court panel ruled that the law violates the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment, Creswell's reaction was published. He said:

In a free society, politicians should not determine who wins and loses in life. It should be that person based on their merits. I don't want the government being for me because of my skin color or against me.[9][note 1]

Court challenges reached their conclusion in April of 2014 when the United States Supreme Court ruled on the case of Schuette v. Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action, Integration and Immigration Rights and Fight for Equality By Any Means Necessary. In a six to two decision, the prevailing side concluded that the United States Constitution does not preclude states from deciding whether to allow racial preferences through a ballot initiative.[44]

Civil liberties

In his position statements, Creswell said his approach to civil liberties was based on the belief that people should be free to engage in any “peaceful and honest” activity. He claimed he would protect civil liberties by supporting equal rights for gay couples, medical marijuana, and “the right to keep and bear arms.” He also claimed there was a link between civil liberties and fiscal responsibility.[45] He also opposed restrictions and taxes on internet transactions.[20][46]


Creswell rejected “government planning,” and expressed the belief that what he called a “free-market economy” would create jobs, lower costs, and improve the standard of living. He supported changing government policies by letting the single business tax expire (without replacing it), cutting the budget, ending what he called “corporate welfare” and lifting regulations which he claimed were “burdensome,” on small businesses.[45] He also opposed restrictions and taxes on internet transactions.[46]

In 1996 Creswell opposed a stadium deal, between Wayne County government officials and sport team owners Mike Ilitch and William Clay Ford, that would be partially paid for by new taxes, telling them, "Ilitch and Ford are welfare kings! Get a bank loan, like I got a bank loan for my house!"[47][note 2]

He claimed that politicians didn’t created jobs but, “…only shifted jobs from the private sector to government employment.” He accuse them of rewarding “mismanagement and irresponsibility” with “taxpayer funded bailouts.”[45]

While opposing mandatory taxes, Creswell supported what he called a “Tax me more fund,” so those who supported higher taxes could pay them.[48] In his 2016 Congressional campaign he told WDET radio that he would repeal the Sixteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution and rescind all federal fees.[49]

In his position statements, he advocated the removal of taxes on private property, fuel and the internet. He also supported the privatizing licensing. He claimed that many licensing laws were “designed to entrap people.” He argued that people should not have to “…spend more on permits than materials to improve their homes.” He called for an end to what he called the “abuse of fines and forfeitures.”[20][50]

Law enforcement

Gregory Creswell's brother is a police officer. In 2000 Creswell was critical of a protest organized, in part, by Rev. Horace Shefield III. The protest was held outside the Headquarters of the Detroit Police Department following controversial shootings of suspects by police. When the Detroit News asked for his opinion, Creswell commented, "The outrage is inconsistent... Al Sharpton attacks (New York Mayor) Rudy Guliani for his police department but he hasn't come to Detroit to do that because the Rev. Horace Sheffield III works for Archer."[21][note 1]

During his Gubernatorial campaign Creswell said politicians should stop "wasting money" on what he called “non-violent crime.” In his published statements, he accused politicians of keeping people in prison who were no threat to the public. He argued that it was too expensive to use prisons in this manner when people had what he called “real expenses.” He articulated the belief that prisons existed to protect citizens from what he called, “brutal criminals who would not hesitate to prey on others,” and said it was a “waste” of money and “immoral” to imprison people for what he termed, “unhealthy alternative lifestyles, seeking non-traditional medicine for terminal illness, or trying to relieve the suffering of others.

If elected, he vowed to pardon “people imprisoned for medical marijuana, physician assisted suicide, non-payment of taxes, and substance related charges.” He supported what he called, “penalties that result in restitution to the victims and the taxpayers” for what he referred to as “non-violent property offenses.” He also spoke in favor of diverting more money to arresting those he called “violent offenders,” and “enforcing laws against theft and fraud."[19][20]


Creswell was quoted by the Detroit News as making both supportive and disparaging comments about Republicans. In 2011 he commented on Republican Presidential hopeful Herman Cain saying,"Herman Cain believes in the individuals and not the government. He believes in earning an income through work and not through handouts."[51][note 1] But in 2012 he told the Detroit News, "More than 25 years ago I decided not to become a Republican because I discovered them to be wimps, among other things. They haven't changed a bit. That's why for over two decades I have been a Libertarian."[52][note 1]

Electoral history

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  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 This reference includes a link to search results of the Archives of the Detroit News. Search results contain summaries of articles which may contain the referenced information. Otherwise the full articles are available for purchase at a modest price. Because of the length of the URL, the link may not work properly. If this happens start at "this URL" and select the same year of publication as the reference indicates, and place the referenced title in the "Search for:" box.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 This reference includes a link to search results of the Archives of the Detroit Free Press, Times Herald, or Lansing State Journal. References can be verified using the 1-Week free trial option. Because of the length of the URL, the link may not work properly. If this happens start at "this URL" and select the same search parameters the reference indicates. One may place the referenced title in the "Search" box, or select "Show advanced."


  1. Edited by WOOD-TV Staff.""Information On Gubernatorial Candidates"". Archived from the original on October 26, 2007. https://web.archive.org/web/20071026223813/http://www.woodtv.com/Global/story.asp?S=5515221&nav=menu44_2. Retrieved 2007-07-28. . http://woodtv.com (website).
  2. Johnson, Ruth. "Michigan Committee Statement of Organization". MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF STATE. https://cfrsearch.nictusa.com/committees/518074. 
  3. Lawler, Emily (February 16, 2017). "Special election called to replace resigned Rep. Brian Banks". MLive. http://www.mlive.com/news/index.ssf/2017/02/special_election_called_to_rep.html. 
  4. Oosting, Jonathan (April 25, 2017). "Bert Johnson’s brother among 14 running for state House". Detroit News (Michigan). http://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/politics/2017/04/25/johnson-banks-senate-seat/100901620/. 
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 The program begins at 3:38 . A promotional video plays first. The segment devoted to Gregory Creswell starts at 20:03 Strickland Love, Darchelle (April 1, 2004). "Politics Aside (With Ward Connerly & Gregory Creswell". Detroit Cable Communications Commission (Detroit, Michigan). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xofTkaPuoM. 
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Brand-Williams, Oralandar (January 13, 2004). "Affirmative action backers, foes clash". The Detroit News (Michigan). http://nl.newsbank.com/nl-search/we/Archives?s_site=detnews&f_site=detnews&f_sitename=Detroit+News%2C+The+%28MI%29&p_theme=gannett&p_product=DTNB&p_action=search&p_field_base-0=&p_text_base-0=Affirmative+action+backers%2C+foes+clash&Search=Search&p_perpage=10&p_maxdocs=200&p_queryname=700&s_search_type=keyword&p_sort=_rank_%3AD&p_field_date-0=YMD_date&p_params_date-0=date%3AB%2CE&p_text_date-0=2004. 
  7. 7.0 7.1 Brand-Williams, Oralandar (January 11, 2004). "Race ballot campaign will start Monday". The Detroit News (Michigan). http://nl.newsbank.com/nl-search/we/Archives?s_site=detnews&f_site=detnews&f_sitename=Detroit+News%2C+The+%28MI%29&p_theme=gannett&p_product=DTNB&p_action=search&p_field_base-0=&p_text_base-0=Race+ballot+campaign+will+start+Monday.+Creswell&Search=Search&p_perpage=10&p_maxdocs=200&p_queryname=700&s_search_type=keyword&p_sort=_rank_%3AD&p_field_date-0=YMD_date&p_params_date-0=date%3AB%2CE&p_text_date-0=2004. 
  8. 8.0 8.1
    "Suit aims to block race ballot drive". The Detroit News (Michigan). January 27, 2004. http://nl.newsbank.com/nl-search/we/Archives?s_site=detnews&f_site=detnews&f_sitename=Detroit+News%2C+The+%28MI%29&p_theme=gannett&p_product=DTNB&p_action=search&p_field_base-0=&p_text_base-0=Suit+aims+to+block+race+ballot+drive&Search=Search&p_perpage=10&p_maxdocs=200&p_queryname=700&s_search_type=keyword&p_sort=_rank_%3AD&p_field_date-0=YMD_date&p_params_date-0=date%3AB%2CE&p_text_date-0=2004. 
  9. 9.0 9.1 Jennifer, Chambers (July 2, 2011). "Court rules race ban on college admissions illegal". The Detroit News (Michigan). http://nl.newsbank.com/nl-search/we/Archives?s_site=detnews&f_site=detnews&f_sitename=Detroit+News%2C+The+%28MI%29&p_theme=gannett&p_product=DTNB&p_action=search&p_field_base-0=&p_text_base-0=State+to+Fight+Ruling+Against+Ban+on+Race+in+College+Admissions&Search=Search&p_perpage=10&p_maxdocs=200&p_queryname=700&s_search_type=keyword&p_sort=_rank_%3AD&p_field_date-0=YMD_date&p_params_date-0=date%3AB%2CE&p_text_date-0=2011. 
  10. 10.0 10.1 Creswell, Gregory. "MICHIGAN CIVIL RIGHTS INITIATIVE: Will state proposal hurt women?". Detroit Free Press (Michigan).  The full text of the letter was posted on the "michigancivilrights.org website"
  11. 11.0 11.1 Land, Terri (Secretary of State)."Itemized Expenditures Schedule 1B Candidate Committee". http://mi.gov/sos (website).
  12. 12.0 12.1 Michiganlp.org, Webmaster (October 2006). "Previous Elections-2006 Radio Commercials (Gregory Creswell and Scotty Boman)". Libertarian Part of Michigan. http://www.michiganlp.org/Radio%20Ads/October,%202006%20-%20Greg%20Creswell%20for%20Governor.mp3. Retrieved 2015-08-17.  and Michiganlp.org, Webmaster (September 2006). "Previous Elections-2006 Radio Commercials (Creswell for Governor, fear not!)". Libertarian Part of Michigan. http://www.michiganlp.org/Radio%20Ads/September,%202006%20-%20Creswell%20for%20Governor,%20fear%20not!.mp3. Retrieved 2015-08-17. 
  13. 13.0 13.1 ""Radio Commercial In Use"". Archived from the original on December 7, 2006. https://web.archive.org/web/20061207024340/http://gregcreswell.lpwm.org/copy_of_Audio/copy_of_radio_ad.mp3/view. Retrieved 2007-07-26. . lpwm.org (website).
  14. 14.0 14.1 Land, Terri (Secretary of State)."State Proposal - 06-2: Constitutional Amendment: Ban Affirmative Action Programs" Template:Webarchive. mi.gov (website).
  15. One United Michigan.""Endorsing Organizations and Individuals"". Archived from the original on December 1, 2006. https://web.archive.org/web/20061201025742/http://www.oneunitedmichigan.org/About/endorse.html. Retrieved 2007-08-03. . oneunitedmichigan.org (website).
  16. 16.0 16.1 Cain, Charlie (November 6, 2006). "Minor-party candidates may play big election role". The Detoit News. http://nl.newsbank.com/nl-search/we/Archives?s_site=detnews&f_site=detnews&f_sitename=Detroit+News%2C+The+%28MI%29&p_theme=gannett&p_product=DTNB&p_action=search&p_field_base-0=&p_text_base-0=+Minor-party+candidates+may+play+big+election+role&Search=Search&p_perpage=10&p_maxdocs=200&p_queryname=700&s_search_type=keyword&p_sort=_rank_%3AD&p_field_date-0=YMD_date&p_params_date-0=date%3AB%2CE&p_text_date-0=2006. Retrieved 2017-04-14. 
  17. 17.0 17.1 Hofman, Kathy Barks (October 14, 2006). "Granholm stretches lead over DeVos". Lansing State Journal. p. 1. http://lansingstatejournal.newspapers.com/image/204549228/?terms=Creswell. Retrieved 2017-04-23. 
  18. 18.0 18.1 Libertarian Party of West Michigan "November 2006 Election Results". Archived from the original on July 11, 2007. https://web.archive.org/web/20070711162806/http://www.lpwm.org/campaigns. Retrieved 2007-08-04. , retrieved August 4, 2007
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 League of Women Voters of Michigan, Nonpartisan Michigan Voter Guide 2006
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 20.4 http://www.vote-usa.org/Intro.aspx?Id=MICreswellGregory Vote-USA.org
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 Brand-Williams, Oralandar; Trowbridge, Gordon (September 22, 2000). "Cop shootings hurt public trust". "The Detroit News". http://nl.newsbank.com/nl-search/we/Archives?s_site=detnews&f_site=detnews&f_sitename=Detroit+News%2C+The+%28MI%29&p_theme=gannett&p_product=DTNB&p_action=search&p_field_base-0=&p_text_base-0=Cop+shootings+hurt+public+trust&Search=Search&p_perpage=10&p_maxdocs=200&p_queryname=700&s_search_type=keyword&p_sort=_rank_%3AD&p_field_date-0=YMD_date&p_params_date-0=date%3AB%2CE&p_text_date-0=2000. Retrieved 2017-04-01. 
  22. "Biographical information for US House races in Michigan (Gregory Creswell)". Washington Times. October 15, 2016. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/oct/15/biographical-information-for-us-house-races-in-mic/. 
  23. Seymour, Ruth (October 17, 1982). "Now it's their time to chip in". Detroit Free Press. https://freep.newspapers.com/search/#query=Creswell&ymd=1982-10-17. 
  24. Comments at from (1:55) Martino, Fred (September 27, 2006). "WGVU Newsmakers: Greg Creswell". WGVU Newsmakers (Grand Rapids, Michigan). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=If5WSIcFeGM&feature=youtu.be. 
  25. Expand the "Religious, Civic, and other Memberships" header to view content "Gregory Creswell's Biography (expanded: Religious, Civic, and other Memberships)". https://votesmart.org/candidate/biography/38336/gregory-creswell#.WOZOKiGiNod. Retrieved April 6, 2017. 
  26. Michigan Libertarian July/August 2002
  27. Lansing State Journal, ""Petition on race policy to begin:Group seeks to end affirmative action in state"". Archived from the original on April 26, 2004. https://web.archive.org/web/20040426134255/http://www.lsj.com/news/local/040111_affirm_1b-2b.html. Retrieved 2007-07-28.  By O. Brand-Williams, Published January 11, 2004
  28. Land, Terri (Secretary of State)."2006 Official Michigan General Candidate Listing". http://mi.gov/sos (website).
  29. Land, Terri (Secretary of State).Pre-General CS, page 2, dated October 27, 2006
  30. Terri Lynn Land, Secretary of State."AMENDED POST-GENERAL CS". Michigan.gov (website).
  31. Terri Lynn Land, Secretary of State."Statement of organization (Campbell)". Michigan.gov (website).
  32. Terri Lynn Land, Secretary of State."DISSOLUTION CAMPAIGN STATEMENT (To dissolve a committee that has a reporting waiver) DASHAIRYA". Michigan.gov (website).
  33. Byrne, Mark (June 2, 2006). "'American Idol' boasts many voices; U.S. politics should, too". The Times Herald. p. 5. http://thetimesherald.newspapers.com/image/212467131/?terms=Mark%2BByrne. Retrieved 2017-04-23. 
  34. Prentis, William (October 30, 2006). "TV station's candidate debate misleading, left out 3 parties". The Times Herald. p. 5. http://thetimesherald.newspapers.com/image/211798319/?terms=Creswell. Retrieved 2007-04-23. 
  35. Langton, Charlie (October 18, 2006). "Michigan Gubernatorial Debate 2006". Community Media Network (CMN) (Michigan). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8cZDRlEWjc&feature=youtu.be. 
  36. Yonushewski, Katie (Contributing writer) "Former Student Council member vying for the governor’s office", The South End, November 02, 2006, retrieved August 4, 2007
  37. Editorial (August 31, 1997). "Detroit City Elections". Detroit News (archived by The Libertarian Party of Michigan). http://www.lpmich.org/news/DetNews_clipping_0831_1997.pdf. Retrieved 2007-08-05. 
  38. League of Women Voters Kalamazoo Area 2005 General Election Guide "lwvka.org" (website)
  39. "Liberty Fest Honors Defenders of Liberty". LPM Online. November 21, 2006. http://michiganlp.org/ENewsletters/N20061121.htm#NEWS163. Retrieved 2007-08-04. 
  40. "Freedom Activist Network's Guide To Organizations: Michigan Civil Rights Initiative (MCRI)". http://www.freedomactivist.net/orgsm.html#Michigan%20Civil%20Rights%20Initiative. Retrieved April 17, 2017. 
  41. Creswell, Gregory ""Equal Means Equal"". Archived from the original on December 6, 2006. https://web.archive.org/web/20061206201628/http://gregcreswell.lpwm.org/racial-preferences. Retrieved 2007-07-26. . lpwm.org (website).
  42. Libertarian Party of Michigan. "The Libertarian Party of Michigan Platform". "michiganlp.org" (website).
  43. Libertarian Party of Michigan. "The Libertarian Party of Michigan Platform" "michiganlp.org" (website).
  44. Adler, Jonathan (2014-04-22). "Supreme Court upholds Michigan civil rights initiative". "The Washington Post". http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2014/04/22/supreme-court-upholds-michigan-civil-rights-initiative. 
  45. 45.0 45.1 45.2 Gronski, Whitney; Murphy and Eum (October 26, 2004). "Face off: Devos vs. Granholm; Collegiate staff examines the candidates". The Collegiate. http://www.delta.edu/collegiate/oct2606/stateelection.html. 
  46. 46.0 46.1 Thorne, Daric (August 2006). "March of Progress: Conservative Spectrum". MCC Chronicle (Vol. 1 issue 4). Archived from the original on September 28, 2007. https://web.archive.org/web/20070928043408/http://www.mcc.edu/pdf/clubs/chronicle/Chroniclevol1iss4.pdf. 
  47. Davis, Mathew (August 21, 1996). "Reactions mixed on impact of latest stadium plans". Detroit Free Press. p. 8. https://freep.newspapers.com/image/99336810/?terms=Reactions%2Bmixed%2Bon%2Bimpact%2Bof%2Blatest%2Bstadium%2Bplans. Retrieved 2017-04-23. 
  48. Creswell, Gregory (July 19, 2006). "Taxing his patience". The Metro Times. http://www.metrotimes.com/editorial/story.asp?id=9446. 
  49. "Michigan’s 14th Congressional District (Libertarian Gregory Creswell)". WDET. http://wdet.org/posts/2016/10/25/84053-michigans-14th-congressional-district/. Retrieved 2017-03-30. 
  50. ""Why Vote for Me"". Archived from the original on December 7, 2006. https://web.archive.org/web/20061207004649/http://gregcreswell.lpwm.org/why. Retrieved 2017-03-25.  lpwm.org (website).
  51. Schultz, Marisa (November 3, 2011). "Cain's plan: tax reform, vision and charisma". The Detroit News. http://nl.newsbank.com/nl-search/we/Archives?s_site=detnews&f_site=detnews&f_sitename=Detroit+News%2C+The+%28MI%29&p_theme=gannett&p_product=DTNB&p_action=search&p_field_base-0=&p_text_base-0=Cain%27s+plan%3A+tax+reform%2C+vision+and+charisma&Search=Search&p_perpage=10&p_maxdocs=200&p_queryname=700&s_search_type=keyword&p_sort=_rank_%3AD&p_field_date-0=YMD_date&p_params_date-0=date%3AB%2CE&p_text_date-0=2011. Retrieved 2017-04-14. 
  52. "Say nice things about Detroit". The Detoit News. October 11, 2012. http://nl.newsbank.com/nl-search/we/Archives?s_site=detnews&f_site=detnews&f_sitename=Detroit+News%2C+The+%28MI%29&p_theme=gannett&p_product=DTNB&p_action=search&p_field_base-0=&p_text_base-0=Cain%27s+plan%3A+tax+reform%2C+vision+and+charisma&Search=Search&p_perpage=10&p_maxdocs=200&p_queryname=700&s_search_type=keyword&p_sort=_rank_%3AD&p_field_date-0=YMD_date&p_params_date-0=date%3AB%2CE&p_text_date-0=2011. Retrieved 2017-04-14. 

External links

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Table in a Table Test

2016 Libertarian Party Convention Presidential Nomination
Gary Johnson Austin Petersen John McAfee
1st Round Upper left Upper middle Right side
2nd Round Lower left Lower middle Lower right
2nd Round Delegate Vote Results. Delegate majorities are represented as Green for Gary Johnson, Blue for Austin Petersen, and Orange for John McAfee. Black denotes states where delegate majority was split, and grey indicates states that did not participate.

Table color Test

2016 United States Presidential Election [1]
Party Candidate/Running Mate Electoral Votes Percent Votes
Republican Donald Trump/Mike Pence 304 46.2% 62,979,984
Democratic Hillary Clinton/Tim Kaine 227 48.3% 65,844,969
Libertarian Gary Johnson/Bill Weld 0 3.3% 4,492,919
Green Jill Stein/Ajamu Baraka 0 1.1% 1,449,370
Others (Various) 7 1.2% 1,684,908