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Featured article: National Convention 2018

2018 LNC Convention logo.png

The 2018 Libertarian National Convention was held from June 30th through July 3rd, 2018 at the Hyatt Regency in New Orleans, Louisiana.

The 2018 convention considered proposals to amend the Libertarian Party bylaws and platform, and elected officers, LNC members, and Judicial Committee members for the coming two-year term. Delegates were selected by each of the 51 Libertarian Party affiliates.

Additionally, the convention included seminars, forums, debates, discussion groups, and an exhibition hall, as well as many parties, caucus events, and off-site events and demonstrations.

Marc Allan Feldman's "I'm that Libertarian" speech title was chosen as the Convention slogan in a poll wherein participants voted by donating money in support of the slogan(s) of their choice, with the slogan raising the most money selected

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