Document:LNC Minutes 28 August 1991

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                   Minutes of the Meeting of the

                   Libertarian National Committee

                           28 August 1991

                         Chicago, Illinois

Members Present:

    Vice-Chair Mary T. Gingell
    Secretary  Joseph W. Dehn III
    Treasurer  William Redpath
    At Large   I. Dean Ahmad
               Toni L. Black
               Don Ernsberger
    Region 1   Karen Allard
    Region 2   Geoffrey J. Neale
               George O'Brien
    Region 3   Steve Dasbach
    Region 4   Ron Crickenberger
    Region 5   Clifford F. Thies
    Region 6   Vicki Kirkland
    Region 8   Gary Johnson


    Chair      Dave Walter
    At Large   Steven Alexander
               Norma D. Segal
    Region 7   Steven I. Givot

Also present:

    Director   Nick Dunbar

1. CALL TO ORDER: The regular meeting of the Libertarian National Committee was called to order by Vice Chair Mary Gingell at 1:13 pm on Wednesday, 28 August 1991, at the Chicago Marriott Downtown Hotel in Chicago, Illinois.

2. WELCOME: Sue Walton of LEI welcomed the LNC to Chicago, and gave a brief report on the convention. She reported that a total of 415 packages had been sold: 97 deluxe, 128 delegate, 69 activist, and 121 attendee. She said that LEI had filed with the FEC after receiving an advisory opinion saying that this was required. She said that LEI will be presenting a formal report at the December meeting, including an evaluation of this convention, a financial report, and recommendations for future conventions and convention contracts.

3. CREDENTIALS: It was noted that a number of members were not present due to their participation in the Platform Committee meeting.

4. APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MINUTES: The minutes of the April 1991 meeting were approved without objection.

5. SETTING OF THE AGENDA: O'Brien moved to add time at the end of the meeting for discussion of a resolution concerning involvement of government agencies in disputes; there was no objection.

6. CHECK OF PAPERWORK: Gingell reviewed the paperwork that had been distributed up to that point.

7. CHAIR'S REPORT: Ernsberger noted that Walter would be speaking on Sunday.

8. VICE-CHAIR'S REPORT: Gingell offered to answer questions; there weren't any.

9. TREASURER'S REPORT: Redpath reported that the last balance shown on a report was $17,723.23, but that a number of checks had been written since then. He said that since his appointment in April he had worked on transferring material from the previous Treasurer. He noted that he had been preparing the financial statements by hand, but said that a new system was being installed which would make the process automatic as well as producing better reports.

He reported that on 22 July a response was filed with the FEC to their questions regarding the 1987 convention. He said that he had talked more recently with someone from the FEC but that they did not say when the FEC might deal with this case or what our exposure might be.

Allard noted that Michael Dunn had obtained a copy of our response and had circulated it to others in Washington state. In response to her question about who had been given copies, Redpath said that it had been distributed only to the Executive Committee. Dehn said the final version had not even been distributed to the Executive Committee; he had received only an earlier draft.

Redpath reported that our 1120POL for 1990 had been filed late and we had to pay a fine, but that the BAC reports to the FEC were filed on time.

There was some discussion of how various items have been accounted for in the budget; Gingell suggested that people prepare proposals for budget changes for consideration by the new LNC.

In response to a question from Dehn, Redpath said that the balance as of 26 August was $3360, plus $2200 owed by the BAC that was borrowed to fund the convention banquet subsidy.

10. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: Dehn offered to answer questions about the minutes; there were none.

11. HEADQUARTERS REPORT: Dunbar reported that all office staff had come to Chicago; Marc Montoni is to serve as registrar, and the interns will be staffing the exhibit/sales table.

He reported that the idea of bringing the 800 line to Chicago was dropped because he didn't think he could find enough volunteers to staff it. Instead, the line was transferred to a service bureau that has a 25-line automatic answering system. The service bureau will provide the name and address data weekly on disk. In reply to questions from Gingell, he said the first disk would probably be available on the Wednesday following the convention, and that he would be sending the disks to Dehn for distribution of the data to the affiliate parties as well as sending out packets from the office.

In response to a question from Johnson, Dunbar said he was investigating the possibility of getting a better phone number for the headquarters.

12. MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE REPORT: Allard provided a written report [Attachment A] and commented on various of the activities of the committee. She noted that contributing membership as of 23 August was 9330. In reply to a question from Allard, Ernsberger said that the recent "Good as Gold" mailing had gone to 496 LP News subscribers and had converted 16% of them to members. Various people commented on the process of following up on "instant members" and on getting the oath for people who have joined through affiliates that do not have it on their form. Allard reported that the winners of the Lehman Awards were Maine and Ohio.

13. OUTREACH COMMITTEE REPORT: Black provided a written report [Attachment B].

Ernsberger reported that he attended the YAF convention, and that Bill of Rights activities have been undertaken in various places. In response to a question from Black about whether the Bill of Rights activities had produced significant publicity, Ernsberger said the main purpose is to get literature out to people.

In response to a question from O'Brien about whether the problems with Tax Cut Action! had been taken care of, Gingell said there was more work to be done and that it should be referred to the new LNC.

O'Brien said he had reviewed the information provided by the "Libertarian Border Issues Committee" and it was unclear what if anything they wanted us to do. Gingell asked O'Brien and Neale to contact them.

14. PROGRAM COMMITTEE REPORT: Dasbach commented on the items included in Givot's written report [Attachment C].

Dasbach moved to adopt the revised "Health Care and Health Costs" plank; the motion passed on a voice vote.

Dasbach moved to adopt the revised "Savings and Loan Fiasco" plank; after various people pointed out errors in the text, he withdrew the motion.

There was a brief discussion of what should be in a revised Education plank.

Dasbach moved the amendments to various planks listed on page 6 of the report, with the exception of the last one; the motion passed on a voice vote.

Dasbach moved the last amendment on page 6, to change "a land of opportunity" to "the land of opportunity" in the Immigration plank. After a brief discussion, the motion passed on a voice vote.

15. AFFILIATE PARTY COMMITTEE REPORT: Dasbach moved to suspend the rules to take up the APC report at this point; there was no objection.

Dasbach reported that the APC News has been going out, and that work was underway on a new edition of the LP Directory which will include a reorganized Expert Talent Bank. He said the APC was also considering maintaining a list of speakers, in a form similar to the ETB.

He said that field organizing was under budget because none was done in the first half of the year, but that a new field organizer, Joe Knight, was now being used, his first assignment being in Maine where party organization is a factor in ballot status. He also reported on plans to do field organizing work in Vermont and other states.

16. CONVENTION OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE REPORT: Neale provided a written report [Attachment E] and reviewed the main points.

17. AFFILIATE CAMPAIGNS SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT: Crickenberger reported that he had attended a Campaigns and Elections seminar, and suggested that everyone on the LNC subscribe to Campaigns and Elections magazine.

He noted promising races in Louisiana and California. O'Brien and Neale commented on the prospects in the latter race, a special election for state assembly.

Crickenberger said he planned that the committee would continue to do fundraising, so that money would be available when something promising comes up.


Allard (Region 1) provided a written report [Attachment D] and reviewed the main points, adding that Lynn House is running for a city council position in Alaska, that activities are picking up in Hawaii, and that KIRO had interviewed the presidential candidates in Seattle.

Neale (Region 2) provided a written report [Attachment F] and reviewed the main points. Thea McLean noted that California state membership was now up to 2604.

Dasbach (Region 3) commented on the various states in his region. He said that the Michigan party seems to have recovered from the letter bomb incident, and that Kentucky just had a successful convention. In reply to a question from Gingell about a problem in Ohio relating to a local group's collection of dues, Dasbach said that he had not heard about it.

Crickenberger (Region 4) provided a written report [Attachment G] and reviewed some highlights: completion of the North Carolina petition drive, the loss of activists in D.C. due to moves to other locations, and the apparent revival of the Mississippi party.

Thies (Region 5) provided a written report [Attachment H]. In response to a question from Black, he reviewed the ballot drive prospects in Pennsylvania and concluded that outside help would be needed.

Kirkland (Region 6) commented on some activities in the states in her region, including conventions in Connecticut and Rhode Island.

Johnson (Region 8) commented on the states in his region, noting the activities of Libertarian elected officials in Nevada and Texas, and an upcoming election for Mayor of Tucson. He also said that the fact that Arizona decided not to have a state chair should not be taken as a sign of inactivity there.

19. BALLOT ACCESS COMMITTEE REPORT: Redpath reported that no more states had officially achieved ballot status since the April meeting, but that petitioning had been finished in several states and is ongoing in others.

He reviewed the ballot status situation in various states, and plans for dealing with them. He noted that the states that are being reported as "on the ballot" are the ones where no more petitioning needs to be done; in some cases there is still other paperwork that needs to be done.

He commented that the money raised so far for BAC by the telemarketing contractor was not really enough given our needs, and outlined plans for three kinds of fundraising at the convention: through a flyer in the packet, in person during the convention, and at the presidential banquet.

20. RESOLUTION CONCERNING D.C. STATEHOOD: Redpath moved to suspend the rules to allow Nancy Lord to propose a resolution; there was no objection.

Lord moved the following:

  WHEREAS the Libertarian Party believes that people are entitled
  to keep the fruits of their labor and taxation represents an
  infringement on the liberty of the individual; and

  WHEREAS taxation is even more unjust when people are taxed while
  being denied the right to participate in governing themselves;

  WHEREAS "no taxation without representation" was one of the
  rallying cries of the American Revolution; and

  WHEREAS the Statehood Legal Action Committee has filed suit in
  federal court challenging the right of the federal government to
  levy taxes on the District;

  THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Libertarian Party opposes
  federal taxation of District residents; and

  BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Libertarian Party endorses the
  lawsuit filed by the Statehood Legal Action Committee.

After some discussion during which various people commented on the merits of statehood for D.C., whether this would exempt officials from taxation, the notion of "taxation without representation", and uncertainty about exactly what the lawsuit says, Neale moved to refer the matter to the new LNC; the motion passed.

21. FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT: Ernsberger provided a written report [Attachment I] and reviewed the highlights, emphasizing the Liberty Pledge program as the most cost-effective source of funds. In response to questions from Allard about what he was counting in the cost of Liberty Pledge revenue and membership revenue, Ernsberger said that he had stopped using MKR for calling pledgers to renew and was doing that job himself, and that the cost of LP News was counted as a cost of membership revenue.

22. AUDITOR'S REPORT: Thies said he didn't really have anything to report.

23. MEDIA RELATIONS COMMITTEE REPORT: Johnson commented on the status of media lists: the additional contact information requested from Tonie Nathan was never provided, so he is giving up on that; he is keeping a copy of the list we bought more recently as a backup to the copy in the possession of MKR.

He reported that there were three news releases since the last meeting and that MKR has been sending copies to him. He also reported that Bill Evers had requested money from the Media Relations budget for the Tax Cut Action! project. In reply to a question from Dehn, Dunbar said that the TCA! request was for $1000, and that it had been sent to James Tobin.

Johnson reviewed expected coverage of the convention, including the presence of representatives of CNN, McNeil/Lehrer, the Washington Post, and the Chicago Sun-Times. He reported that he held a pre-convention news conference in Washington, D.C. and it was covered by C-SPAN.

In reply to questions from O'Brien and Dehn about the ability of the affiliate parties to use the media list we bought, Johnson said that was one of the reasons for getting it in disk form, but that he was not certain what limitations might be imposed by the contract.

He also reported that purchase of a fax board for use by MKR was under consideration.

24. MANAGEMENT AND AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT: Ahmad reported that it had been decided to purchase a new computer. He reported that there had been a number of complaints about telemarketing, especially relating to the calling of pledgers. He said he had a generally favorable impression of the operation of the office, and that Dunbar was aware of the things that needed to be improved.

There was a general discussion of telemarketing and the pledge program, including: how to handle pledgers with various preferences about being called, whether the flags we maintain in the database are adequate, general annoyance about telemarketing calls, the need for telemarketing callers to know the product they are selling, and whether the Liberty Pledge News should be optional.

25. MEDIA RELATIONS COMMITTEE, part 2: Johnson reported that MKR was sending a media kit to talkshow hosts.

26. INTERNAL EDUCATION COMMITTEE REPORT: O'Brien said that the only committee activity had been the articles in the LP News, and that he had gotten some good feedback about them. He said he was looking for suggestions of topics to address in the future. Redpath suggested using summations of things put out by libertarian think-tanks. Allard suggested a topic relating to children.

27. ADVERTISING/PUBLICATIONS REVIEW COMMITTEE REPORT: Gingell noted that no member of that committee was present, and said that the only thing they had reviewed was an ad recently submitted to LP News.

Randy Langhenry commented on the "hemp noose" ad that some people complained about, and said he had been directed by the Executive Committee not to run it again. Dehn said the Executive Committee had made no such decision. Langhenry said he wasn't sure what would be done about the more recent ad; Gingell noted that there was some concern about libel.

28. POLICY CONCERNING REGULATORY AGENCIES: O'Brien moved the following resolution:

        Involving Government Regulatory Agencies in Disputes

  In accordance with the Platform of the Libertarian Party which
  calls for the abolition of all government regulatory agencies
  engaged in initiation of coercive force, (including but not
  limited to the Federal Election Commission, the Internal Revenue
  Service, the Immigration and Naturalization Service, the Drug
  Enforcement Administration, the Federal Trade Commission, among
  many others), it shall be the policy of the Libertarian Party to
  consider any attempts to involve such agencies in disputes
  between individuals or organizations to constitute force as is
  used in the Pledge given by members of this Party.

He explained that this was intended to address actions like those of Michael Dunn and Alan Lindsay, that it had come up previously with Robert Murphy, and that such things were likely to come up again.

Thies moved to amend the proposal by replacing the parentheses and the text contained within them with "including the Federal Election Commission, the Internal Revenue Service, the Immigration and Naturalization Service, and the Drug Enforcement Administration", and to add to the end of the proposal a new sentence: "This policy resolution does not pertain to use of government police and judicial agencies in defense against force or fraud."

O'Brien moved to divide Thies' motion to amend; there was no objection.

The first part, rewording the listing of agencies, passed on a voice vote.

O'Brien moved to change "judicial agencies" to "courts"; there was no objection. After some further discussion, about the merits of arbitration vs. courts, the second part of Thies' amendment passed on a voice vote.

Neale moved to postpone consideration of this matter until the Sunday meeting; the motion to postpone failed on a voice vote.

The main motion passed on a voice vote.

29. CONCLUDING BUSINESS: The meeting was adjourned at 5:09 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Joseph W. Dehn III Secretary


[Attachments distributed prior to the meeting]

A. Membership Committee Report B. Outreach Committee Report C. Program Committee Report D. Region 1 Report

[Attachments distributed at the meeting]

E. Convention Oversight Committee Report F. Region 2 Report G. Region 4 Report H. Region 5 Report I. Finance Committee Report